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I salute Musharraf

Musharraf could have done pakistan a great favor by completely destroying PPP and PMLN, the cancer of pakistan. this for me is his only failure otherwise he was alright.

This is where Musharraf failed.. and proof enough that he was not a dictator.

While people should have abstain from voting them back. Specially, when we realized UK style democracy, does not work in favor of Pakistan.
Enlighten them a little about the B52's and what does it do and what did we have / have now .

It's not about B52.. we were asking Americans in 90's to take away OBL and support us in getting rid of his foreign militia.

9-11 was an evil and unislamic act and at that time, world ought to believe the intelligence of US. If it is flawed than they are responsible not us.

have some respect ???? Kh Asif "mien fog ki utni hi respect karta hon jitna fog constitution ki respect karti hai"

oh and nation was enjoying a good life ??? thats why people were on roads against him ??? lol

Constitution... is not word of god.. and it is exploited more by Kh Asif him self his fellow politicians and civilian institutions than ever by army.

Only, few hundred unknown activists, lead by PTI... hijacked the state and are directly responsible for the outfall after wards.
It's not about B52.. we were asking Americans in 90's to take away OBL and support us in getting rid of his foreign militia.

9-11 was an evil and unislamic act and at that time, world ought to believe the intelligence of US. If it is flawed than they are responsible not us.

I needed to remind some people how much choice did Musharraf really have . The Americans made a mess and left it without cleaning and God knows what difficulty we have had managing it since then but the real question is what does it change in the equation . Why we chose to fight a superpowers war in 80's in the first place ? It was a chain reaction since then .

Just think of it , had it not happened , the Taliban would have continued their reign of terror in Afghanistan and U.S seeing how that country doesn't really have Oil wouldn't have done anything , but you always have the Global Jihadist ever ready to start things which they cant finish , AQ's attacks the building to kill infidels and Taliban give them refuge . The intelligence question became useless since well it happened leaving the Americans in a rage .
I needed to remind some people how much choice did Musharraf really have . The Americans made a mess and left it without cleaning and God knows what difficulty we have had managing it since then .

Just think of it , had it not happened , the Taliban would have continued their reign of terror in Afghanistan and U.S seeing how that country doesn't really have Oil wouldn't have done anything , but you always have the Global Jihadist ever ready to start things which they cant finish , AQ's attacks the building to kill infidels and Taliban give them refuge . The intelligence question became useless since well it happened leaving the Americans in a rage .

I would not go overboard this thread.... by discussing details of twin towers and terms like 'global' and 'jihadist' which to me is a product of misinterpretation and ignorance.

Yes.. perhaps, Musharraf did considered every thing as he took his time before taking the decision and taking every one on board.

Neither Imran Khan and neither Nawaz Sharif objected at that time.. Imran was in Pakistan and was very close to P.Musharraf during his tenure.

If Taliban, were running terror in Afghanistan, than we shall all thank US for coming all the way and carpet bombing a complete race and shall not curse the out come and for that matter P.Musharraf, at all.

On your discourse, i will just say, Taliban were far less terrorizing than Assad and were not in terms with OBL and were seeking his repatriation.
Yes.. perhaps, Musharraf did considered every thing as he took his time before taking the decision and taking every one on board.

Neither Imran Khan and neither Nawaz Sharif objected at that time.. Imran was in Pakistan and was very close to P.Musharraf during his tenure.

Now , he's the most evil man in the history of the country . For making the sane choice , because he had no other choice .
Now , he's the most evil man in the history of the country . For making the sane choice , because he had no other choice .

That's the irony of democracy.. people's wish and justice is last thing served....

As democrats, candidly claim 'DEMOCRACY is the biggest revenge'.
The important thing is Mr Musharaf is set free so he can resume serving Pakistan this is no way to treat a hero

Political Leaders have done more damage with democracy in last six years then Musharaf ever could do in 1000 years
The important thing is Mr Musharaf is set free so he can resume serving Pakistan this is no way to treat a hero

Political Leaders have done more damage with democracy in last six years then Musharaf ever could do in 1000 years

It was Musharraf who did the real damage it was Musharraf who started all this crap of drone attacks attacked our tribals and blunder of Baluchistan and other things Sir PPPP just continued his policies Sir and by the way even Zardari came to power because of this jerk remember NRO
Only someone ignorant of history and geopolitics would say this. i am not surprised.

Even someone of the character of Akbar Bugti is a "shaheed" for you PML(N) fanboys.

I said mush made him a shaheed, he didnt deserve this.

Constitution... is not word of god..

salute to your mentality lol

between mush took oath, oath mean something to him or not ???
Mush did what a state was supposed to do. You can't expect anything better if you fire 400+ rockets a day on gas installations.

he did what a King was supposed to do, order and fire at will. There was NO STATE involved in it, it was all very much like a King doing whatever he want and thats the problem. When people feel they have a King rather than an elected President they join the rebel. Something BLA found very helpful !!!!
he did what a King was supposed to do, order and fire at will. There was NO STATE involved in it, it was all very much like a King doing whatever he want and thats the problem. When people feel they have a King rather than an elected President they join the rebel. Something BLA found very helpful !!!!

All states behave against militants in their country. Musharraf didn't do something new. Learn history buddy instead of ranting against Mush.
All states behave against militants in their country. Musharraf didn't do something new. Learn history buddy instead of ranting against Mush.

Well a state has a Law which in our case is the 1973 constitution and the state has a court which in our case is Supreme Court and State has a representative body which in our case is the National and Provincial Assembly. Where were all these elements of state when all this was happening ??? Did the court trialled Bugti ??? NO Did the NA declare him a rebel ??? NO.

how can mush act like that ??? how can he say he has committed treason and take his life ?? oh well its the same mush who has himself committed treason TWICE telling Nation it was for the Greater Good

such things happen in Jungle mr. not in a STATE !!!!!!!!

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