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I salute Musharraf

I say pin a medal on Musharraf for killing Bugti and declare national celebration on that day. I think carrying on a trial of Musharraf on the demands of BLA any further is treason given that they have attacked such an important national heritage.

Lakh laanat on the face of anyone who pussyfoots on the issue of Bugti.

Mister, Nawab Akbar Bugti was not a savory character. But he did ensure that Kalat joined Pakistan. He was the pro-Pakistan leader of in-land Baluchis. He was not handled properly, and now we have a shaheed for the cause of Baluchistan on our hands. Great going Musharraf.
I say pin a medal on Musharraf for killing Bugti and declare national celebration on that day. I think carrying on a trial of Musharraf on the demands of BLA any further is treason given that they have attacked such an important national heritage.

Lakh laanat on the face of anyone who pussyfoots on the issue of Bugti.

remember it was young Bugti who asked the Balochs to join Pakistan

I saw improve your knowledge about History and ground realities.

Mister, Nawab Akbar Bugti was not a savory character. But he did ensure that Kalat joined Pakistan. He was the pro-Pakistan leader of in-land Baluchis. He was not handled properly, and now we have a shaheed for the cause of Baluchistan on our hands. Great going Musharraf.

100 % correct. mush made Bugti a SHAHEED and now we are paying the price while he is resting in his farm house
NRO was handed over to benazir not zardari

Does that make NRO kosher or halal for you?

musharraf could have ruled pakistan through whims but he chose democracy

Democracy my ***. Nobody could ever call that democracy.

musharraf did the best could be done on regards to war on terror and pakistan's interests

No he blundered his way and made all the mistakes military dictators make.
Mister, Nawab Akbar Bugti was not a savory character. But he did ensure that Kalat joined Pakistan. He was the pro-Pakistan leader of in-land Baluchis. He was not handled properly, and now we have a shaheed for the cause of Baluchistan on our hands. Great going Musharraf.

BS. He led an army of 5000 men against Pakistan. Musharraf killed him after that. Musharraf ko daura nahi parha tha ke woh ek din uthke usse maarde. HE continuously bombed Sui gas pipelines. His BLA was involved in rapes. HE himself had many people trapped in dungeons. Yes it was not handled properly. He should have been killed months before.

And the crap of pro-Pak is just that crap. He played a pro-Pak role after he was continuously bribed to do so. He was even made CM for this very purpose. Calling him pro-Pak is like saying Raisani was a hero for being pro-Pak CM of Balochistan. Musharraf stopped bribing him and he took up arms against Pakistan.
please dont speak in riddles please tell us all those concrete facts for the legal arguments

dont go in marry go round, come stright to the point

No need for legal arguments. We are not lawyers here. But we are (I suppose) educated enough to know what is constitutional and what is unconstitutional.

1. Kargil misadventure.

2. Military coup. Breaking Pakistan's constitution.

3. Sham referendum.

4. Fixed elections.

5. Over-ruling elected politicians (Bugti, Lal Masjid, CJP, etc...) who were tasked to solve national issues.

6. Mini Martial Law.

7. NRO

8. Judicial mess.

9. 12 May 2007 - Murders in Karachi and Rent-a-rally.

Each one of these is a debate in itself. Better leave it kid. I have made these rounds before you could spell properly.
Any man who feels he can hire, and create an army inside a country , armed men around him is no pro Pakistan. Mr Bugti or anyone out there who feels they can have mini army inside Pakistan are Terrorist

What Mr Musharaf did was analysed the damage being caused by private military and "Warlords" and corrected what needed to be corrected

If he was in power I am sure there would be no such incident , he should be Honorably released from Prison and Supreme court should focus on real issues and corruption cases

1. After Nawaz derailed Pakistan economy and it was going down , Musharraf stepped up
2. After Nawaz neglected Military needs, it was Musharraf who purchased vital assets for Airforce and Military
3. After the American incident , it was Musharraf who safe guarded Pakistani national interest.
4. He help keep Pakistan out of direct War for 10 years
5. He actively introduced laws to have better identification systems and other measures in place
6. Baloch Terrorist were actively attacking pipelines so he took out the warlord (correctly)
7. Terrorist has taken over a mosque , he cleared it out (correctly) and then cleaned the mosque right after
8. NRO was signed for betterment of country to help heal wounds but the culprits victimized Musharraf
9. Musharaf warned Benazir to please do not come , she did and then poked her head out ill advised
10.0 Judiciary issue was a mess but it was a mess because politicians made it a mess

He did not kill someone for pleasure , a decision was made for security

During Musharraf's time

There was improvement in economy
There was improvement in agricultural sector specially dairy farm
There was new available , and free discussions
There was security 1000 times better then what it is now
There were defense purchases being made
Railways was profitable under his term and he activated the engine making facility

We did not had to take IMF loan during his term in government even when had to deal with earth quake , we saw how people and army mobalized together to work out solution

Accusers , against him say , well you sided with USA so you got this WOT , ok well choose your options

Option 1 You go to war with USA and get civil war
Option 2 You work with USA and then secure your borders against terrorist

Clearly Option 2 was the option that saved Pakistan
He may not have been the perfect leader for some but you can't deny giving credit to PM for making effort to establish writ of the government, with the likes of Lal Masjid and Buggti, we had people determined to have a state within a state. With some you can negotiate while others you have to grab from their horns else every Nawab, Choudhary, Clerk or Raja will gather a lashkar of few thousand men and start dictating terms. !!
You have to realise that the 'boot' especially from the military divided Pakistan before and it will do so again. Let the people of Pakistan choose; Balochis were the lowest turnout in this election. They feel subalterned and increasing the centre's hold would only increase that feeling. It is high time that the central government becomes the federal government; doing this would enable the minorities to better integrate into the system and take the development of their lands into their own hands. If that's done why would Balochis listen to BLA's instiga of being oppressed?
Does that make NRO kosher or halal for you?

Democracy my ***. Nobody could ever call that democracy.

No he blundered his way and made all the mistakes military dictators make.

:lol: he also forgave ganja cases if that makes you more comfortable :lol:

democratic your arse :lol: dude we all know the story of 90s, please stop preaching us the democracy

democracy doesnt function without free media, free press, freedom of speech and withoout local body system

its time for you to accept even dictators were more democatic then the so called champions of democracy :lol:

who signed the charter of democracy and then made deals with musharraf and cae from jaddah?
He didn't have any choice about the WoT. Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age", if he didn't. So infact, he saved Pakistan.

Red Mosque operation: Nothing wrong with it. Those Afghan terrorists thought they can enforce their 12th century laws in Pakistan's capital.

All the apologists should live in Afghanistan and see how they treat you.
He made mistakes, (not lal masjid, that was not a mistake), other mistakes... he wronged the media and the judiciary for example.

But he was a good leader, capable. He was a far better head of state then we've seen in the last 20 years.
Musharraf's wrong policies has dragged us into a war which we should have avoided at every cost.

We are not at war with anyone, Pakistan had no role in 09/11 (an insider job undoubtedly), but Pakistan has lost 40,000 people! Still after sacrificing so much, Pakistan has no respect or dignity in the world.

A great leader is one who give dignity and honor to the nation not licking the boots of the west.
i think just the grave crime of allying with crusaders in the invasion of Afghanistan, providing them bases,intel and logistics, handing over muslims and sister Aafia to CIA is more than enough to take Musharraf and his gang to the gallows.

no mercy for such ghaddars of deen and millat.
Stupid Burger boys will continue criticizing Musharraf then cry when girls universities are blown up.

Take the stupid lib burger boys out of the country.
what does that got to do with anything? i m a proud lib and hard core mushy fan.
aik brave aadmi jo nahi bhaga and he is fighting all law suits like a man

aik dosri taraf nangi tind who escaped jaddah from first flight after signing deal with his saudi masters

commando never surrenders

the difference of characters

Balochistan getting out of hand we need Musharraf and his danda on these terrorists


this jerk is the reason for Baluchistan on fire this man destroyed peace off Baluchistan and fata and Pakistan he should be punished for this

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