first of all
I have spent most of my life inside my flat playing RuneScape with my parents watching over me
This solo trip(went to pak nearly a decade)without telling my parents where I went was the worst idea ever, I wanted to get license without relatives help and build up my social skills and it all turned to shit
The day I landed(Friday night) I met a sleazy guy who overcharged me and made a false promise of helping me obtain a license
Fast forward to today , I met a careem guy who wouldn’t leave me alone and kept offering to help me and he saw the stash of cash(it was to deposit into HBL bank when I open one) I carried and followed me and asked me what’ve I wanted to eat etc, I ended up having to fill his fucking car patrol worth 500rs and him buying a leather wallet worth 800rs al on me, he then insisted on taking me to my hostel, He made shitty suggestions how he wanted to help me and how everyone Is lalchee and will loot you here etc and he wsked me to show him the hk notes and made suggestions hoping I would give him one tiny hk note which i obviously didn’t and then later I managed to trick him by asking him to drop me opposite of Giga and I went into Giga mall to make him go away but I feel like he was watching me and now I am lying on my bed constantly looking out the window, Idk who to trust anymore, even the beggars are fake, I gave one guy 100rs cuz I pitied his life and I saw him later laughing with another beggar and doing that low high 5.
I think I am going to go visit my relative in balakot, but the thing is, I got a data sim only, so it would mean the world to me if someone can guide me to balakot from Rawalpindi
I hope at least there is at least one good guy in pak who can help an autistic like me, I really don’t wanna stay here any longer tbh but I am stuck because of my flight being later in December
Already feel homesick =[
Holy fjck someone help me please