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I grew up Hating India: Imran Khan

Hmm... are you suggesting that Afghani Pasthoons are too stupid and unemployed that they will are willing for fight and die for Pakistan?
Btw.. didn't the Taliban also support Pakistan's proxy war in Kashmir in 1990's. Remember Khandahar Plane hijack episode?

Afghani talibans have a lot in common with our pashtoons. They essentially want parts of Afghnistan to be part of Pakistan. That includes Kabul and the surrounding areas. They have a movement based on this They are not really stupid. they just are not educated. If they were stupid then they would have lost the war against Soviets and U.S. They have support for Pakistan in that sense. Im not sure about the dying part lol but if Pak pahtoons are ready againt India then their brother--- naturally (Afghani Taliban) will be doing the same.
Afghani talibans have a lot in common with our pashtoons. They essentially want parts of Afghnistan to be part of Pakistan. That includes Kabul and the surrounding areas. They have a movement based on this They are not really stupid. they just are not educated. If they were stupid then they would have lost the war against Soviets and U.S. They have support for Pakistan in that sense. Im not sure about the dying part lol but if Pak pahtoons are ready againt India then their brother--- naturally (Afghani Taliban) will be doing the same.

No offense bro, but I don't really agree with a lot of what you've posted.
We don't want war, but we will not give up Kashmir too.. We are in control of most of Kashmir since 64years. If war is imposed on us, we will defend our nations sovereignty & integrity with all out might.
About your threat of 'most brutal war', I think Pakistan has already tired it thrice before ('48, '65 & '99) and failed miserably.
Its your call now, what do you want to do?
Sir Muslims Ruled India for thousand years and if you will not leave Kashmir Muslims will throw India out from Kashmir
Plus we have the same pashtoon fighters on our side too so that would be more troublesome to india in the future.

LOL 'sir'...but we are not Russians to be troubled by your 'fighters'. :lol:
Pakistan wants to control some parts of Afghnistan. Go ask any official from Pak army or any pashtoon and they will tell you about this.
No offense bro, but I don't really agree with a lot of what you've posted.
Sir Afghan Taliban are Pashtuns who are now fighting USA and have almost defeated it and defeating a two super power need lot of brain with lot of guts which they have proved they have and if they were educated to they would have been the most deadly nation and people on the face of the earth
Pak wants Kabul and surrounding Pashtoon areas in the future. Some people think that Pakistan is just defending it self but realistically they have other plans as well. Historically Kabul is be part of Pakistan. I don't know why but a lot of pashtoons tell me this. They say we have lots in common.
From the posts posted on this thread what I've seen is that some people from either side genuinely try to make an effort to better the relationship between both the countries when some troll from either side posts an inflamatory or antagonising post. Then all hell breaks out & bitter posts follow (even from sober members) & they sit back and watch the fun. Best way is please don't feed these trolls. They dont want any peace between both the countries. They are like those villainous leaders who inflame the minds of common people to start a riot.
Make a trip to India. Maybe you will realise you were hating just for the sake of hating. It might also shine some light on shared culture.

Hatred of India is based on Indian Policy

Pakistanis dont hate Indians as Individuals , but as a Society

On your own your great people, but when you form a group your true colonial mindset is exposed.
On Pakistani sites Indians make positive thats not the case on websites like Times of India .

Lol Shared Culture
In India and Pakistan people eat KFC,watch Hollywood and wear British Suits but We dont share a culture, we are part of earth and so will have alot of similarities as people all over the world do.

But Asian Culture does not = Indian Culture

The UK and Ireland share alot of Culture but are still Separate Countries
Good luck with that, lets see how long it takes to do that?

Ashok bhai kyoun meri raatoon ki neend udda rahe ho ?? Don't invite them to India after all the ruled us and nothing has changed.:lol:
Hatred of India is based on Indian Policy

Pakistanis dont hate Indians as Individuals , but as a Society

On your own your great people, but when you form a group your true colonial mindset is exposed.
On Pakistani sites Indians make positive thats not the case on websites like Times of India .

Lol Shared Culture
In India and Pakistan people eat KFC,watch Hollywood and wear British Suits but We dont share a culture, we are part of earth and so will have alot of similarities as people all over the world do.

But Asian Culture does not = Indian Culture

The UK and Ireland share alot of Culture but are still Separate Countries

As a society,we also invite Pakistan to the table for dialogue.

Just see the difference.... Indian PM Vajpayee goes to Pakistan for dialogues,and when he comes back,he is presented with the Kargil incursion.
We invite the Pakistani President Musharraf for dialogue,the Agra summit,even after being fully aware that he is the architect of Kargil incursion.

Let me know,if I am chronologically,historically incorrect.
Ashok bhai kyoun meri raatoon ki neend udda rahe ho ?? Don't invite them to India after all the ruled us and nothing has changed.:lol:
brother that guy Zarvan is a loose canan that just smokes, so I just added salt to his buring a$$

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