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I can call myself half Muhajir, says Imran Khan

no mqm to people of karachi that there is no hope for fair election that is why peopkle didnt come out to vote . now u can see results from 2013 GE and then all bi election people didnt come out . only bcoz they know that if infront of media they did rigging how is there a chance for a fare election in bi elections
Where I voted it was a school in relatively upscale Neighborhood and people came to Vote there in Large Number in Fact I voted for PTI only to REGRET it Later. That Regret is what people have been feeling throughout Karachi for PTI because of their inconsistencies and also because of their last two years performance. They have made a joke out of themselves.
bhie local problems puray pakistan mei address hota hain . karachi ko duniya k bahir k place nhie ha . no where else in world people have these office like that . what mqm and ppp did . make institutions in effective and then destroyed police and every other department. killing heads of institution like kse who dnt follow their orders . people have to rally on mqm for every thing . that is why mqm keep them kinda slaves .
now going by ur logic. if this party structure is important why is it only popular in karachi. why is mqm limited to only karachi? if it is so gud mqm should have spread it in punjab bcoz we accept every ethnicity here
Bhai har Jagah ki Ground Realities bhi Hotin hain. Punjab still has Strong Feudal Tradition so as in Interior Sindh but in Karachi Influential are not Politicians rather Industrialists, Venture Capitalists etc. Politics is shifting towards Middle Class here in Karachi and those Elitists Controls Administration only because Karachi is Attached with Sindh otherwise Middle Class which is Majority would have more power if Karachi is Declared an Administrative Unit separate from Sindh.

Karachi is liberal minded City so Liberal Parties get Votes here and also have a loyal Support Base. MQM talks about Middle Class Empowerment so they do their job accordingly by Introducing Middle Class candidate which they find from their Structure. MQM has Performed in the past to prove their Worth as well and their system is working system. In Punjab PTI Mocks Patwari System so there is a Problem with institutions there.
He never said he is MUHAJIR .....he said who he is ?? either pathan (because his father is pathan) or Muhajir (because his mother belonged from india)

His father was not Pathan ... He is from Niazi family of Mianwali ...........

my forefathers had migrated from india in 1945/36 but i am not MUHAJIR because i am born in pakistan :pakistan::smitten:

its not a identity !!! My forefathers had migrated from india but i am not muhajir because i am born in pakistan (common sense):lol:

You are not Muhajir indeed because Hijrat was done in 1947 not earlier ... So your forefathers were not Muhajir ............
Troll Alert.

yes sahe hay koi baat samjh na aye to troll hay, kisi baat ke barey me pata na ho to troll hay
troll khan?

Where I voted it was a school in relatively upscale Neighborhood and people came to Vote there in Large Number in Fact I voted for PTI only to REGRET it Later. That Regret is what people have been feeling throughout Karachi for PTI because of their inconsistencies and also because of their last two years performance. They have made a joke out of themselves.

This is where I will say you not telling the truth, you definitely did not vote PTI instead you voted MQM.
Why I say this is because you said you regret voting for PTI after seeing their inconsistencies and performance. Now you turn towards MQM...MQM which shows no performance and Altaf hussain who in the afternoon denies his statements made in the morning.
This is where I will say you not telling the truth, you definitely did not vote PTI instead you voted MQM.
Why I say this is because you said you regret voting for PTI after seeing their inconsistencies and performance. Now you turn towards MQM...MQM which shows no performance and Altaf hussain who in the afternoon denies his statements made in the morning.
MQM has always been a choice in my mind and my Vote for PTI was all about Promised Change they were trying to bring and I was hoping they would be able to succeed and start working but that doesnt happened but despite of that I thought they could at least represent people in Parliament but they resigned later started Dharnas even that was OK but all their Dharnas were about Electoral Reform and Judicial Commission not even anything slightly related to Public Issues as people were going through Petrol Crisis, Load Shedding and other issues while their Dharnas were about JC and ER. If they dont even want to represent and dont even want to Voice for Public Issue then definitely my Vote goes Wasted at least.
Much ado over nothng.
Since when mohajir term has gotten pinned to up and bihar migrants to pakistan. Mohajir is a term for anyone who migrates. And in 47 people from almost all ethnicities had migrated to pakistan. But somehow the term was hijacked by karachi mohajirs , and used to play cheap ethnic card . Despite becoming the richest community of pakistan controlling majority of pakistan'a economic hubs;i.e, karachi's trade, they continued with self pitying and victim playing syndrome attitude.
Thus far, what progress has mqm has brought to karachi apart from making it a terror house
And that was a light hearted comment he made. Are we going to discuss even that.
And without context one would extract his quote and create noise over it.
Ppl arent that stupid that they will turn out for votes just cuz of this one single statement.
and everyone lets try to act like a homogenous group of ppl. Many pakistanis have elders who migrated from india, so lets all act like one force.

and get over 'outsider' rhetoric. Done no good so far, will do none in future either.
Much ado over nothng.
Since when mohajir term has gotten pinned to up and bihar migrants to pakistan. Mohajir is a term for anyone who migrates. And in 47 people from almost all ethnicities had migrated to pakistan. But somehow the term was hijacked by karachi mohajirs , and used to play cheap ethnic card . Despite becoming the richest community of pakistan controlling majority of pakistan'a economic hubs;i.e, karachi's trade, they continued with self pitying and victim playing syndrome attitude.
Thus far, what progress has mqm has brought to karachi apart from making it a terror house
And that was a light hearted comment he made. Are we going to discuss even that.
And without context one would extract his quote and create noise over it.
Ppl arent that stupid that they will turn out for votes just cuz of this one single statement.
and everyone lets try to act like a homogenous group of ppl. Many pakistanis have elders who migrated from india, so lets all act like one force.

and get over 'outsider' rhetoric. Done no good so far, will do none in future either.
So called Sons of Soils IMPOSED that term upon people of Karachi who were mostly from Migrated Families and later it was ADOPTED by Migrated Family Themselves. That is the real History that SONS OF SOILS would try Hard to DENY. Muhajir itself is a Collected Term that represent many Cultures and Traditions that came with the Families of Migrated People like Gujrati Culture brought by Memons, Bihari Culture Brought by Biharis, Bangali Culture Brought by Bangalis, Dhelvi, Hyderabadi and Luckhnowi Cultures brought by Urdu Speakers. Its a collective Term while the term Urdu Speakers is a Quite Specific and only Represent Lukhnowi, Hyderabadi and Dhelvi Cultures.
I know that stuff.
Jinnah the real son of soil was a gujrati.
Listen if you failed to assimilate with locals it doesnt mean it becomes rest of the people's fault .An not all mohajirs thankfully scream this 'we are not taken as son of soil' rhetoric. They do accept and see some of their own community members failures in assimilating. And this typical rhetoric was used by Altaf goon to get ahead in politics and thanks to people buying every mohajir victimization lies spewed by him with closed eyes.
Nahi lea tha son of soil tau how come u became richest business community of pakistan?
Please Just cut this nonsense.

And only 55 pc population of karachi is mohajirs. So get your heads straight on your shoulders that i belongs to you. The city hosts over 30 ethnicities. its for every pakistani.not anyone's property. And same has to be said for anyother province.
So called Sons of Soils IMPOSED that term upon people of Karachi who were mostly from Migrated Families and later it was ADOPTED by Migrated Family Themselves. That is the real History that SONS OF SOILS would try Hard to DENY. Muhajir itself is a Collected Term that represent many Cultures and Traditions that came with the Families of Migrated People like Gujrati Culture brought by Memons, Bihari Culture Brought by Biharis, Bangali Culture Brought by Bangalis, Dhelvi, Hyderabadi and Luckhnowi Cultures brought by Urdu Speakers. Its a collective Term while the term Urdu Speakers is a Quite Specific and only Represent Lukhnowi, Hyderabadi and Dhelvi Cultures.

Damn! How dare they call you Mohajirs? May these Sons of the Soil rot in the deepest recesses of hell! I daresay you are the real Pakistani bro, actually the third most real Pakistani. Sorry, but the first two slots are reserved for the Muslims enjoying their sojourn in India and Bangladesh. The latter are the so-called “stranded Pakistanis”, to remove any ambiguity – not the “do takey ka Bengali”. You guys could have created your Pakistan in Bihar or UP, who had the mettle to stop you from achieving your goal. But you guys decided to build your dream castle on the valley of Indus, so that us ingrates, the so-called Sons of the Soil, could also be freed from the shackle of treacherous Hindu. And we are grateful, I must humbly confess. Otherwise we would still be "putting the slippers of the two-faced Hindu Banya the right way up".
Damn! How dare they call you Mohajirs? May these Sons of the Soil rot in the deepest recesses of hell! I daresay you are the real Pakistani bro, actually the third most real Pakistani. Sorry, but the first two slots are reserved for the Muslims enjoying their sojourn in India and Bangladesh. The latter are the so-called “stranded Pakistanis”, to remove any ambiguity – not the “do takey ka Bengali”. You guys could have created your Pakistan in Bihar or UP, who had the mettle to stop you from achieving your goal. But you guys decided to build your dream castle on the valley of Indus, so that us ingrates, the so-called Sons of the Soil, could also be freed from the shackle of treacherous Hindu. And we are grateful, I must humbly confess. Otherwise we would still be "putting the slippers of the two-faced Hindu Banya the right way up".
Your Point is????
Nahi lea tha son of soil tau how come u became richest business community of pakistan?

Not the Urdu-speakers but Memon, Gujratis, Parsis and other such people who have an inherent acumen in business matters are considered the richest business community. And because of their different ethnic background, the prestigious Mohajir title cannot be bestowed upon them.

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