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I am upset over why PDF caters so much to Indians?

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We should invite open minded individuals who wish to share their view of the world with us. Especially our next door neighbors could provide us valuable insights into their way of thinking. I've been to some Indian defence related forums, and the anti-Pakistan rhetoric is so prevalent and toxic to say the least. Why would we want to emulate that?

And as a reminder to the topic starter, this forum is reachable through this wonderful invention called the INTER-net, meaning we are interconnected digitally and unless any restrictions are posed, everyone should be able to visit this forum regardless of their background. Why you would want to restrict access and exclude certain nationalities is beyond me.

Get out of the anti-India mindset, that's what politics want you to believe. There's bad apples on both sides of the border. I personally enjoy reading and learning from different people coming from different backgrounds at defence.pk, and you don't need to agree with everything they say, so as a gentle reminder here is a definition of a FORUM, which is what defence.pk is:

"a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged."
lol indians and realism? Indians are far from anything realist. Indians distort facts to mind boggling heights. Go to youtube and see channels of DW, RT, ALJAZEERA, TRT and you would see their local populace is not that much vocal as the indians are. Even if the news is not related to south asia, indians in the comments are screaming about Pakistan.
And if one is foolish enough to argue with indian based on facts and stats indians resort to hurling abuses to Islam or mothers and sisters.
Every person is patriot but indians are ignorant. News channel like Wion news has brain washed and make indian nation obsessed with Pakistan. Nobody in Pakistan talks about india yet indian politicians are eager to gather votes based on Pakistan name.
I am not going to even start about how indians try to paint their failures as some sort of win.
Indian realism
Wtf? Dude Indians are a worldwide joke because of thier delusions
Don't know what he is on about 🤣
Oh why not you tell me what have i said wrong? You or any person for that matter can go youtube to verify my claims.
Or why not just compare speeches of IK, nawaz during election days or of modi or amit shah. IK, Nawaz talk about corruption of each other would rarely talk about india, meanwhile Modi, Amit shah would have passages about Pakistan as some great evil.
Just go to dawn.com a pakistani news outlet and see the comments literally flooded with indians on news that has nothing to do with india pakistan relation. And look at Wion news when people were dying on indian streets due to healthcare collapse in 2021 during pandemic Wion news was busy reporting about china, west pakistan except for india.
And you advice me to read my post with straight face meanwhile Pakistan lives rent free on indians mind.
P.S If this was not PDF and was any other indian forum nobody would be willing to hear pakistan side except insults like "madressahcap" or "porki" would be hurled. And yet here indians are being heard, this alone should tell you the difference.

Your yogic detachment from any mention of Indians slays me.

I’ve actually had some decent conversations with Indians who are genuinely nice people on this forum,
We have @waz to thank for that.
I think that OP might be an undercover Indian trying to make sympathy for Indians :undecided: :laugh:
NEVER thought of that!

Thanks, buddy.

I'll be supporting him loyally here on.

Good luck with your 2 year war plan with India & 10 year war plan against USA, & the 20 year war plan against China, etc...
Stop, STOP....it's beginning to hurt!
You are an apologist and not a go getter but pakistan only needs go-getters.

This generation needs to get paced out and it is tempting to commit a minor genocide inside Pakistan and I am dead serious because I know of some disturbing 5ft column in the country.

But but But.. Lets roll the dice and see what this generations girls wombs are carrying...




Meaning these that are currently born 2020-2025 and once they grow 2040-2050 they come to power

View attachment 827213

Another Zia-ul-Haq will be extremely appreciated
I KNEW there was sex involved somewhere!
You are an apologist and not a go getter but pakistan only needs go-getters.

This generation needs to get paced out and it is tempting to commit a minor genocide inside Pakistan and I am dead serious because I know of some disturbing 5ft column in the country.

But but But.. Lets roll the dice and see what this generations girls wombs are carrying...




Meaning these that are currently born 2020-2025 and once they grow 2040-2050 they come to power

View attachment 827213

Another Zia-ul-Haq will be extremely appreciated
That’s a really creepy post man.
Anyone else who thinks I'm a an Indian?
Do you drink cow ka cola, worship idols, rape, crazily fire nuke missiles, perform Nazi type lynchings, sex traffic, support Russian aggression in Ukraine, commit human rights violations, then yes.
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