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I am ashamed of AID from us Arabs to Pakistan

Gotta agree with Atmi here.During Pervez Musharraf time 6.3 Billion dollars was given by international community (In cash or in form goods)
I am totally ashamed by how Arabs have giving so little AID to Pakistan and some none. Saudi Arabia is probably the only country I cannot stick in that category. During Katrina Kuwait donated 500 MILLION to New Orleans victims. It has giving a mere 5 million to Pakistan. And Qatar gave 100 MILLION to Katrina victims. UAE gave Katrina victims 100 MILLION and Oman 15 MILLION. Where is UAE? Where is Bahrain? Where is Qatar? Where are the rest of the Arab states? They go kiss the behind of U.S. and give a lot but when it comes to fellow Islamic countries, they show nothing. I am ashamed to call myself an Arab today.

Your words of sympathy are comforting enough. Thank you! Inshallah with gods help and our reslove, we will overcome this and perhaps can secure the fund needed to undertake the rehab and reconstruction efforts for the years ahead.
Your words of sympathy are comforting enough. Thank you! Inshallah with gods help and our reslove, we will overcome this and perhaps can secure the fund needed to undertake the rehab and reconstruction efforts for the years ahead.

Its time not to enter into ENDLESS DEBATE to complain & expect others to give you free meal...Its always better to work hard & contribute self,other than expecting donor countries to do the same..If people don't trust GOP they should bypass & do whatever that can to help poor victims,like the 400 odd Indian doctors planned to serve the flood victims,it won't be a bad Idea to let Indian AF to drop relief materials directly to victims and Pak can give back in kind whenever similar natural calamities happens in India..
Hope everything will be fine soon !! God bless
On the humanitarian ground there shudnt be any biased support.People around the world especilaly those poors n who havnet ment nething with world scenarios suffers the most in such calamities.For them when it was hard to earn a day meal for there lovedones its a huge challenge further to survive.And for them the world should cometogether no matter where it is.

" I just pray for all esp. for those little kids n angels" to stay always happy n safe.
I am totally ashamed by how Arabs have giving so little AID to Pakistan and some none. Saudi Arabia is probably the only country I cannot stick in that category. During Katrina Kuwait donated 500 MILLION to New Orleans victims. It has giving a mere 5 million to Pakistan. And Qatar gave 100 MILLION to Katrina victims. UAE gave Katrina victims 100 MILLION and Oman 15 MILLION. Where is UAE? Where is Bahrain? Where is Qatar? Where are the rest of the Arab states? They go kiss the behind of U.S. and give a lot but when it comes to fellow Islamic countries, they show nothing. I am ashamed to call myself an Arab today.

Dont worry bro, atleast you remembered us in hard times. Thats all what counts. Money or no money, we will survive somehow.

Also not all blame goes to countries who havent offered help, much of this blame lies on our pathetic leadership who has a very negative image world wide.
If Arab governments really cared, they would have solved the plight of Palestinians long time ago.

If they won't help their own Arab brethren, they can hardly be expected to aid Pakistan.
Forget about emptying your pocket if every Pakistani donates 10% of monthly income, including those living abroad then that will be enough.
We people of SE Asia do not contribute ourselves and expects common people from west to help us. This is not right attitude. How many of you have contributed?

I couldn't agree more.
We can get over it, just even by contributing our selves.

Actually, a lot is already being going on at private level by the fellow citizens but again the politicians are hijacking all what they can.

Latest news is one woman politician (sassi palejo) in Sindh have diverted aid trucks to her personal premises.
^^ why are you posting dance vedios over and again?
Hard to believe you live in canada and having problems with dance?
All boys and girls can dance in Egypt, even if you are there you had to dance....
so stop looking foreign states from your own desi glasses!!
Even PTV is busy airing songs and cultural programs! will you not object that too?
Now just don't keep writing same lines over and again.
Sigh, Egyptians are busy in belly dancing again... I have Egyptian friends, stupid people.....Not interested in Pakistan's floods

Where are those Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, etc.??

Saudi Arabia is slow responding.....but thanks! :tup:

That is highly offensive, I am sure most Egyptians do care about the floods. I think it is rude to be saying this stuff.
If Arab governments really cared, they would have solved the plight of Palestinians long time ago.

If they won't help their own Arab brethren, they can hardly be expected to aid Pakistan.

I disagree with this, Arabs fought 3 wars with Israel. I think that qualifies them as caring. And this is not just an Arab problem. Jerusalem is the home to the third holiest mosque in Islam so it is a Muslim problem. Now the corrupt dictatorships of the Arab world do not really care. The Arab community as a whole strongly supports the Palestinians. I am Palestinian by the way. Also some Arab countries have donated like Saudi Arabia (of course), Syria but only in supplies, Kuwait, etc. The Arab states should do more but I wouldn't say they dont care. Hopefully Arab leaders will wake up and donate from the heart to our Muslim brothers.
Well honestly speaking its due to Zardari that nobody is coming to our rescue. A few of my Saudis friends were messaging to STC telethon donation number while abusing Zardari that he is gonna eat it all. Society preceptions are stronger than reality and Zardari is a bad image for us. Everyone things he will eat it all by himself and hesistating from donations.
That is highly offensive, I am sure most Egyptians do care about the floods. I think it is rude to be saying this stuff.
It is not only offensive but also not the subject matter but those with hidden agendas got to do what they are hired to do for.
Never mind this rant... i have already reported his **** posts.
He is clearly clue less of Arabs seems his friends are artificial like him.
MIDDLE EAST: Arab aid to Pakistan in numbers


Men load medicine from a WHO warehouse in Islamabad (file photo)

DUBAI, 20 August 2010 (IRIN) - Donations to Pakistan continue to trickle in amid international calls for more contributions. The Organization of the Islamic Conference on 18 August urged the “international community in general and the Islamic world in particular, at the level of individuals and states, to provide urgent material and financial aid to Pakistan”.

The UN General Assembly convened on 19 August to mobilize international support. At that date the Pakistan Initial Floods Emergency Response Plan 2010, which has sought US$459 million, had received half of the requested amount only, including pledges of $40 million.

Arab and Muslim donations so far:
Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah said on 17 August the kingdom would give SR300 million (about $80 million) to Pakistan.
A nationwide fundraising campaign launched on 16 August by the Saudi monarch raised more than SR100 million ($26.6 million).

A fleet of Chinook helicopters was deployed to help in evacuation, according to the commander of the UAE Armed Force's Relief Team in Pakistan. The UAE Force in Afghanistan distributed 30MT of relief materials and food to flooded areas of the country.

The Oman Charitable Organisation (OCO) is sending 2,336MT of aid to Pakistan, comprising foodstuffs, water, dates, tents, relief supplies and tools.

A plane carrying 3.5MT of food and medical supplies left for Pakistan on 15 August. It is carrying a 25-member medical team, including nine doctors, as well as 21,000 typhoid and cholera vaccines.

Syria said it was sending an airplane loaded with 35MT of foodstuffs, medical supplies to help the victims.

Qatar Red Crescent has appealed for QR6.5 million (about $1.19 million) and as part of its Ramadan campaign allocated QR1.5 million (about $413,000) to its humanitarian mission, according to Projects head, Khaled Dhiab.

Kuwait has announced aid of $5 million for the flood-affected areas. A team from the Kuwait Joint Relief Committee (KJRC) distributed aid in the northern Pakistani province of Khyber-Pakhtunkhawa.

Sources: local media


IRIN Middle East | MIDDLE EAST: Arab aid to Pakistan in numbers | Global Middle East | Jordan Oman Saudi Arabia Syria United Arab Emirates | Natural Disasters | News Item
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