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I am ashamed of AID from us Arabs to Pakistan

The Saudi Gov has traditionally came out with huge AID in the Past but this time its kind of very disappointing.

Not a fan of Saudis.............. but why dont you tell them how much you want & them demand the sum?

When did our brother all over did not help? Maybe get rid of this corrupt Prez ( Thanks State Dept.) so other feel comfortable is shelling out the $$$.
Maybe it is time for Ghaggari to donate 50% of his loot & same goes for other leaders.
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From what I understand the Saudis just pledged $100 million to Pakistan.
Its not the Muslim countries are not giving aid.....even in Pakistan peoples are not giving aid because they don't trust on those theivies (Our Politicians)...People are ready to give in Military account but not in govt account as they know the money will go into those theivie's Pocket.....and also to Mr. 10%.......That's why also Muslim countries are hesitating....
StealthQL-707PK[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKtRi7UACL8 said:
YouTube -
May God punish them for falling back again...:angry:

Did you ever witness a elite class Mujrah Party in Pakistan, you shall forget the arabs.
yeah, aware of it. Just few of them (in a private club). It is good exposing them. While alot of Arabs people are wealthy and running many dancing club when they can afford.

you are demonizing arabs for no reason at all.


there you go, Saudis TOP the list.

You are blaming them, while neither Sharif brothers nor PPP camp are using their wealth to support the flood effected people.
What to talk about spending money, they are not as moved as to even bring their money back in the country.

So now can you people revise your comments ?
We should stop categorizing countries in "Muslim" and "non-Muslim" camp during this flood crisis. It marginalizes the huge efforts of secular republics. Like Thomas said above we know who our true friends are now, so let's act accordingly and diplomatically.Thank them very whole-heartedly and promise to build better relations and help them in their times of need. Do not get hung up on Muslim unity...you will be let down every time.
Why do we need aid?

We brought this to ourselves - stop blaming others , we have kicked ourselves into our own balls.

If we we would have been good enough , then we have not been begging others to help us.
Well Not Really - The level of devastation is too huge.We would still have required aid even if our economy was stable.
Forget about emptying your pocket if every Pakistani donates 10% of monthly income, including those living abroad then that will be enough.
We people of SE Asia do not contribute ourselves and expects common people from west to help us. This is not right attitude. How many of you have contributed?
Well, racists Arabs countries are busy in belly dancing or somewhere strippers ...

YouTube - Fuckin arab Billionaire Throws Endless Amounts of Money at Strippers

May God punish them for falling back again...:angry:

you should get your facts straight before talking out of your a$*:angry: :

Saudi Arabia's pledge tops $124 million


A Pakistani soldier carries aid supplies from Saudi Arabia, in Retra town about 55 kms north west of Multan, Pakistan. – AP Photo

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has so far received aid pledges for $466.11 million from a number of countries.

Saudi Arabia has promised to provide $124.29 million which is the highest donation offered by any country.

“Till today we have received aid commitments for $466.11 million for the flood-affected people,” Zafar Hasan Reza, a senior official of the economic affairs division, said on Wednesday.

Of the $100 million earlier committed by the Saudi government relief goods worth $60 million have already been delivered and goods worth $40 million are in the pipeline.

A total of $19 million has been raised by the general public in Saudi Arabia. In addition, $5.29 million has been handed over to National Disaster Management Authority.—APP

Hey knight leave him man! u see the other pages people includin me have thanked KSA for helping is in this hour of need.

God bless.
Thank full to people who are contributing, please refrain from heavy talk we need to be thankful to our arab colleagues helping Pakistan in bad situation
Arabian Knight, I know that Saudi Arabia has donated the most out of every Arab country or any other country for that matter. I created this thread not about Saudi's but about countries like Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, etc. who have been slow to respond or have not donated. I am happy with Saudi Arabia and the effort that they are doing in providing relief to Pakistan. I think I was clear with that on the first post but maybe I shouldn't have categorized us Arabs as a whole. I appreciate what Saudi Arabia has done and is a very active country in the Islamic world. Hopefully not only will more Arabic countries donate but also MANY other Islamic non-Arab countries.

EDIT: I am totally ashamed by how Arabs have giving so little AID to Pakistan and some none. Saudi Arabia is probably the only country I cannot stick in that category. This is what I wrote about Saudi Arabia when I created this thread. At the time, Saudi Arabia was really the only major Arabic country contributing. Now it is also up to non-Arabic Muslim countries to donate like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, etc. have already done.
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I am totally ashamed by how Arabs have giving so little AID to Pakistan and some none. Saudi Arabia is probably the only country I cannot stick in that category. During Katrina Kuwait donated 500 MILLION to New Orleans victims. It has giving a mere 5 million to Pakistan. And Qatar gave 100 MILLION to Katrina victims. UAE gave Katrina victims 100 MILLION and Oman 15 MILLION. Where is UAE? Where is Bahrain? Where is Qatar? Where are the rest of the Arab states? They go kiss the behind of U.S. and give a lot but when it comes to fellow Islamic countries, they show nothing. I am ashamed to call myself an Arab today.

bro their leaderz r not Muslims so why should they care about Muslims?.....:woot::cheesy::lol:
No worries, all of our brother from all Muslim countries will help .
It is also lack of trust in out rulers that some are not donating.
heck, even the trade & businessmen refused to give cash donation to
Bhaktawar Bhutto's fund.
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