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I am ashamed of AID from us Arabs to Pakistan

thanks bro for thread . but its there money they are free to use it. we have no harm.
private donations often do go unpublisized

I remember I once met the former ambassador of Pakistan to Egypt -- he told me that after 2005 earthquake, members of an Islamic group (possibly the Muslim Brotherhood) came to him directly, put the equivalent of roughly $150,000 in cash on his desk --and told him that it is between him and Allah SWT how the money is used. They never said who they were, they walked off quickly after giving the cash.

no need to berate the Arabs; I think the world needs to look beyond death-tolls, overcome ''donour fatigue'' and realize of what staggering proportions this disaster is to Pakistan. Some people are still ignorant, despite the media coverage. I would expect a better international response regardless.

Those who have the courage to go to the affected areas will see what kind of humanitarian disaster we are dealing with. Images, and seeing peoples faces makes a huge difference.

We should resort to sensationalizing tactics if we have to; this isnt about publicity. This is about saving precious lives, and restoring honour of people who are suffering enormously.

I am totally ashamed by how Arabs have giving so little AID to Pakistan and some none. Saudi Arabia is probably the only country I cannot stick in that category. During Katrina Kuwait donated 500 MILLION to New Orleans victims. It has giving a mere 5 million to Pakistan. And Qatar gave 100 MILLION to Katrina victims. UAE gave Katrina victims 100 MILLION and Oman 15 MILLION. Where is UAE? Where is Bahrain? Where is Qatar? Where are the rest of the Arab states? They go kiss the behind of U.S. and give a lot but when it comes to fellow Islamic countries, they show nothing. I am ashamed to call myself an Arab today.

Never mind...
If you want to contribute than come to Pakistan with your friends and join hands in ongoing aid work.
Nevermind every country has own problems.
Those who are helping us God bless them and those who can not donate cash they should send their medical teams besides they can also help out by sending their engineers and other technical staff for assisting us in reconstruction.

God bless you all who even have expressed their sincere sympathy for our people.
I would also like to add my sincerest apologies to my Pakistani brethren for Bangladesh's ineffectiveness, a country that is used to floods and knows how to deal with floods and provide relief. Our current government is seriously misrepresenting the people of Bangladesh :hitwall: But you will always have our du'a. :) :pakistan:

I agree!!!!!
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I am also ashamed and totally disgusted by Awamis souless respond. These low life's set up a heartless example for years to come. At least this bastards could have send some relief in the spirit of Ramazan but then again I do not consider Awamis as Muslim. :tdown:

They do their best to suppress a kinship between Pakistan and Bangladesh. They want BD to be an Indian protectorate. But we appreciate Bengalis who have been donating and pro Pakistan.
Allah Malik ha, we survived before and we will survive this time aswel, just pray that we overcome this big tradegy

Sabar ka phal mheta hota ha, InshAllah one day we will get rid of Zardari as well
Finally some good news maybe?
Bangladesh announces US$ 2m in flood aid for Pakistan

Bangladesh government has decided to extend relief assistance and humanitarian aid to Pakistan for its flood victims.

Bangladesh’s relief assistance to Pakistan worth US$ 2 million would include tent, blanket, water purification tablets, mineral water, life saving medicine, vaccine, oral saline, hygiene kit, biscuit, packed dry food etc. Bangladesh will also send a medical team, said a release.

Bangladesh announces this commitment as an expression of solidarity with the people of Pakistan.

The recent floods and torrential rains in some parts of Pakistan have claimed more than 1,600 people, marooned another million and caused huge devastation.

Earlier, in a condolence message addressed to the Pakistani counterpart, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed her deep sympathy to the government and the people of Pakistan on this human tragedy.

Bangladesh announces US$ 2m in flood aid for Pakistan
I personally think we should have given more. I mean, if Afghanistan was able to give US $1 million with all of its current issues, then I think Bangladesh should have been able to give around $3-5 million, am I right?

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They r busy building billion dollar clock and islands in sea! They havent done much after 1970 bhola cyclone that hit bangladesh( east pak then). Have they?
They r busy building billion dollar clock and islands in sea! They havent done much after 1970 bhola cyclone that hit bangladesh( east pak then). Have they?

Who are you talking about? :what: The Arabs? How much did they give to Bangladesh/East Pakistan during the time of the 1970 Bhola Cyclone?
I will be donating to the Pakistani flood victims in a few days. I will be getting some money for college then and I will donate from it. I agree with Pakistani Nationalist, we should empty our pockets. I think most of the problem is because of Arab bend over dictators. I know Arab Muslims want to AID Pakistan. I do sense racism in all of this by Arab leaders. I think Arab leaders discriminate against Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. I also sense discrimination from Arab leaders to us Palestinians. I know they see us lower class Arabs.

I hate that all the oil (and oil money) is in the corrupt leaders of the Arab world. Those gulf countries will not be worth a dime if it wasn't for the oil money. The thing that I hate about all this is that all this greed is happening during Ramadan, this at a time we are supposed to be giving. We as Muslims have a duty to help other Muslims. The Arab world needs new leaders and unity. These leaders/dictators are not worth jack. If the countries are being greedy, I hope that the individual Muslims donate as much as they can. I will pray for the people of Pakistan.
Who are you talking about? :what: The Arabs? How much did they give to Bangladesh/East Pakistan during the time of the 1970 Bhola Cyclone?
yes , yes and yes

small correction its not billion $ clock. Its only $800 million!!!
Thanks spartan... i hope u know the difference between a Pakistani n a bengladeshi...

Discrimination is everywhere saudis dont like egyptians, egyptians dont like iraqis,iraqis dont like others n the circle goes on!Its all coz oz money few decades back saudis were begging karavans now they r livin on oil money!Money turns the world upside down.

But u cant say tht about a nation as a whole.

Also i was talking to my country men to empty their pockets instead of lookin at anyone else.

We have enormous potential!
One of the largest gas fields
Coal reserves.
6th largest gold mines.


etc etc
This is the 21st century even a brother doesnt listen to u in monetary issues.

Also id like to thank all who r contributing.
Thank u all brother.
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Finally some good news maybe?
Bangladesh announces US$ 2m in flood aid for Pakistan

Bangladesh government has decided to extend relief assistance and humanitarian aid to Pakistan for its flood victims.

Bangladesh’s relief assistance to Pakistan worth US$ 2 million would include tent, blanket, water purification tablets, mineral water, life saving medicine, vaccine, oral saline, hygiene kit, biscuit, packed dry food etc. Bangladesh will also send a medical team, said a release.

Bangladesh announces this commitment as an expression of solidarity with the people of Pakistan.

The recent floods and torrential rains in some parts of Pakistan have claimed more than 1,600 people, marooned another million and caused huge devastation.

Earlier, in a condolence message addressed to the Pakistani counterpart, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed her deep sympathy to the government and the people of Pakistan on this human tragedy.

Bangladesh announces US$ 2m in flood aid for Pakistan
I personally think we should have given more. I mean, if Afghanistan was able to give US $1 million with all of its current issues, then I think Bangladesh should have been able to give around $3-5 million, am I right?


it really is a kind gesture of brother Bangladesh that cannot ever be forgotten....

and we thank you for your support

Jana -- your post was on point.
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