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I am a Pakhtoon!

thx for your patriotism bro we are all pakistanis we are one under one flag all of our people and provinces combined make our diverse country remember united we stand divided we fall
Had you portrayed this thread as a general one (like The Pakhtoons), rather than being specific to yourself(i am ....), things would have been much better!

Well I just hope and pray that he does not represent the Pakhtoon community and it is really a "I" because otherwise we'll never be able to triumph over these so-called "true" Muslims spreading a totally different and unknown version of Islam across the globe through their brutality.
Mr. Osamaziadxb...Its in your own interest that you people unite yourselves against Taliban and battle these imbeciles in collaboration with Pakistan army.If you're really that brave and invincible as you just claimed in this poem...the amalgamation of pakhtoons and Pakistan army will be revolutionary.
And you represent fourth largest ethnic community in Pakistan. A community which has given birth to many national heroes and leaders.

kill me and call it "A MISTAKE"
Killing civilians is indeed a mistake and a crime, GoP has always respected the rights of Sarhadians. But things go wrong if you turn to the wrong side for support...

Imprison me and call it "SECURITY MEASURE"
You're in a war zone which has been flooded by cross border terrorists. Many including civilians have supported the insurgents, provided them shelter and food, even weapons. Yes, we need tighter security measures to seperate chaff from the grain.

Exile my people and masses and call it "PROGRESS"

Declare my leaders as the enemy of our country and call it "GUILTY OF TREASON"
Exiling seperatists and insurgents isn't a crime, NWFP is an integral part of Pakistan. Anyone who poses a threat to national security should be dealt with accordingly..

Rob my rights, invade my land, declare me as terrorist and call it "DEVELOPMENT"
Not GoP but the cross border terrorists are the ones who've invaded. We're just taking back which is ours. What are you doing except for blaming Pakistan?
You chose sharia law and support talibani lifestyle, is that your definition of "DEVELOPMENT"? :rolleyes:

But LISTEN..!!

Still i m pakhtoon 4ever..I will be pakhtoon for Pakistan ,not for the politicians,not for the army, not for the Indians, not for the US, not for the Europe and not for the others...Only for PAKISTAN..!!!!!

I will say right for the right and wrong for the wrong..!!

No one can strip you of your true identity, culture, traditions or language...you've been granted autonomy by the constitution of Pakistan and provided safety and security. Don't forget that if Fata had not joined Pakistan you would have had same fate as Afghanistan during the Sovjet Invasion. Atleast you have democratic rights and enjoy Pakistan's second largest share of PSDP. Speial programmes have been set up for the development of FATA and rest of NWFP, a privilege other provinces do not have.

So stop blaming Pakistan for all your misery and try to be a Pakistani first and a Pakistani last. I'm a Pathan but that's only a tag I carry. I'm a Pakistan first, Pakistani last. I'll give last drop of my blood to save a Pakistani life if needed, no matter if it goes t a Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi or a Pakhtoon...to me they're all Pakistanis. :pakistan:
Now that is a true Pakistani Mr. NEO. How true is the saying by Hilary clinton at the bottom of the post.

Pakistan will stand as it was created in the name of all mighty Allah S.W.T.

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kill me and call it "A MISTAKE"

Imprison me and call it "SECURITY MEASURE"

Exile my people and masses and call it "PROGRESS"

Declare my leaders as the enemy of our country and call it "GUILTY OF TREASON"

Rob my rights, invade my land, declare me as terrorist and call it "DEVELOPMENT"

But LISTEN..!!

Still i m pakhtoon 4ever..I will be pakhtoon for Pakistan ,not for the politicians,not for the army, not for the Indians, not for the US, not for the Europe and not for the others...Only for PAKISTAN..!!!!!

I will say right for the right and wrong for the wrong..!!


please read these posts and find even one posts where any Pakistani on this forum is suggesting its pashtoons fault or you do not have the right to live and work any where in Pakistan no one thinks that its ok to kill pashtoons to solve terrorist problems if that was the case we wouldnt have signed countless peace agreements to spare Pakistani innocent civilians from dying Pakistan army has taken extreme steps to make sure no innocent Pakistani civilians pay the price for some terrorist in our country.
But if we all do not pull together in this time of need and stay pashtoons Punjabis shindhis and whatever else you like to be enemies of Pakistan will not care who you are and destroy her and thats there goal is that what you want i am sure you will agree to me NO.when terrorist commit suicide bombings do they care who you are all they wanna do is kill and spread terror.
Actually no one is reading my post..If u all wants to say that to call ur self as a pakistani is patriotism thn i m not in favour of this ..I have mentioned that i will be pakhtoon for pakistan..So plz read my post carefully thn say anything against this...

kill me and call it "A MISTAKE"

Imprison me and call it "SECURITY MEASURE"

Exile my people and masses and call it "PROGRESS"

Declare my leaders as the enemy of our country and call it "GUILTY OF TREASON"

Rob my rights, invade my land, declare me as terrorist and call it "DEVELOPMENT"

But LISTEN..!!

Still i m pakhtoon 4ever..I will be pakhtoon for Pakistan ,not for the politicians,not for the army, not for the Indians, not for the US, not for the Europe and not for the others...Only for PAKISTAN..!!!!!

I will say right for the right and wrong for the wrong..!!


With you all the way brother :smitten:
You are the only ones amonst us with 'GHAIRAT' left in there blood. Most of us just sit, chat on the forums & concerned about Air conditioning & hanging out in MCDONALDS. In short all DEAD SOULS. These are times of trials & tribulations but you people are destined to be successful as qouted by IQBAL in 'PAAS CHI BAYAD KARD'.
Well I just hope and pray that he does not represent the Pakhtoon community and it is really a "I" because otherwise we'll never be able to triumph over these so-called "true" Muslims spreading a totally different and unknown version of Islam across the globe through their brutality.
Mr. Osamaziadxb...Its in your own interest that you people unite yourselves against Taliban and battle these imbeciles in collaboration with Pakistan army.If you're really that brave and invincible as you just claimed in this poem...the amalgamation of pakhtoons and Pakistan army will be revolutionary.

i have represented the whole Pakhtoon not myself only...I know that u have ony read the title and u r exhausted...

U r saying that we all r pakistani ok i know that we all pakistani but where r other provinces when Pakhtoon is slaughtering rethlessly? either in karachi or Sarhad? U want that we pakhtoon first become one and thn fight with talibans but My sister we know that after becoming one we can't fight with these Talibans bcz this is the war b/w two elephants..Army nd taliban..We all are pakistani nd we Pakhtoon are also Pakistani pakhtoon but we want help from other provinces..

making sentences from another peaceful province is very easy jus like u have said but doing something is very difficult..

So don't blame me for nthing..i have started this thread that u all hold me but what can i say now..

Now Go ahead and blame me bcz i m from bad province..
And you represent fourth largest ethnic community in Pakistan. A community which has given birth to many national heroes and leaders.

sure and i am proud of this

Killing civilians is indeed a mistake and a crime, GoP has always respected the rights of Sarhadians. But things go wrong if you turn to the wrong side for support...
so who gives it wrong turn..Pakhtoons?

You're in a war zone which has been flooded by cross border terrorists. Many including civilians have supported the insurgents, provided them shelter and food, even weapons. Yes, we need tighter security measures to seperate chaff from the grain.
If u can give me the evidence that any civilians have supported terrorists? This is the what u r thinking? It means that u really want to kill us..Ok Go ahead

Not GoP but the cross border terrorists are the ones who've invaded. We're just taking back which is ours. What are you doing except for blaming Pakistan?
You chose sharia law and support talibani lifestyle, is that your definition of "DEVELOPMENT"? :rolleyes:

no but Shariah law is imposed on us..we haven't xept it..U can Swat now..Did we?
we r not blaming Pakistan but the leaders of Pakistan..pakistan is Our mother .Who can blame their mother?

No one can strip you of your true identity, culture, traditions or language...you've been granted autonomy by the constitution of Pakistan and provided safety and security. Don't forget that if Fata had not joined Pakistan you would have had same fate as Afghanistan during the Sovjet Invasion. Atleast you have democratic rights and enjoy Pakistan's second largest share of PSDP. Speial programmes have been set up for the development of FATA and rest of NWFP, a privilege other provinces do not have.

So stop blaming Pakistan for all your misery and try to be a Pakistani first and a Pakistani last. I'm a Pathan but that's only a tag I carry. I'm a Pakistan first, Pakistani last. I'll give last drop of my blood to save a Pakistani life if needed, no matter if it goes t a Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi or a Pakhtoon...to me they're all Pakistanis. :pakistan:

See the reply given to ilovef16.
With you all the way brother :smitten:
You are the only ones amonst us with 'GHAIRAT' left in there blood. Most of us just sit, chat on the forums & concerned about Air conditioning & hanging out in MCDONALDS. In short all DEAD SOULS. These are times of trials & tribulations but you people are destined to be successful as qouted by IQBAL in 'PAAS CHI BAYAD KARD'.

Sorry to hear that you see most of people as not having Ghairat...
what is wrong with the poor farmers who break their backs to provide food to the people of this country...just because they do not carry weapons...it means they have no ghairat?
I see people of great character around me who want to improve things with patience, logic and hard work...does not mean that they are dead souls...

over glorification of militant attributes and martial tradition alone is actually a weakness...it does not make a great nation...this is the same mistake we have committed in the past decades whereas the thinkers, the scientists, the law givers, the philosophers were all given the backseat in the Islamic history...the result was obvious to us all in the form of confused and eager warriors who know nothing about the contribution of such men to the greatness of Islamic culture and think that Islam is a warrior cult!

often the men with the pen are the ones who guide a nation to greatness...this includes the Muslims...our history is full of such people and their greatness reverberates still in the world of today...

Many of us spend precious time on this forum because we care about our country, because we love it with all our heart, because we want to share our concerns with our countrymen and contribute in some way to make our country better...even if one person starts putting his faith in Pakistan and becomes eager to improve its conditions...our efforts are worth it...

I love the Pakhtoons like i love all Pakistanis...our cause should be Pakistan alone...nothing wrong with being proud in being a Pakhtoon...just be as proud (if not more) of being a Pakistani...I am sure with the courage, grit and determination of the Pakhtoons we shall defeat the TTP and all such enemies of Pakistan...however there are many Pakistanis who are as ghairat mand as any in this land and stand united in the face of the enemy.
No one is slaughtering the Pathans no where. If a Punjabi will create problems for Pakistan, i'll be taken to task, a Baloch will try to act smart we the Pakistanis will kick him, if a Sindhi will ask for Sindhu Desh, he'll be held from his balls, similarly if a Pathan will think that he is smarter then the Pakistanis, he'll get what he deserve! And that is what is currently happening!

If you think it is wrong, we'll consider you one of THEM!

@Neo: You Pakhtoon da!:enjoy:
we are frist paksitani secend pakistani and third pakistan letter we are panjabi sindhi pashtoon baloch etc
All u gentlemen sound like bunch of good people and i admire that in a person, but than who is doing all the terrible things in Karachi, and who is doing all the crimes, I grew up in Lahore near Bhati gate, and I see some us are here in Canada and we do not even like to meet each other, why?

So here goes my first step, I will put my email here on the hope that Pakistani we not only meet each other but eventually look out for each other, Most other communities do, why not we.


I am praying to all mercy Almighty and All knowing Allah S.W.T.to help us see the light. Ameen

Even American brothers are welcome to write me and may be we can associate with each other to make Pakistan and Pakistanis an example for others.

Here ares some sayings from our beloved Prophet P.B.U.H.

Muslims are brothers in religion and they must not oppress one another, nor abandon assisting each other, nor hold one another in contempt. The seat of righteousness is the heart; therefore that heart which is righteous, does not hold a Muslim in contempt; and all the things of one Muslim are unlawful to another: his blood, property, and reputation.
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