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‘I am a Muslim Arab and an Israeli Zionist, and I love the Jewish people’

I know exactly what apartheid is.

Maybe the cocaine or the high altitude has softened your brain but to normal people, A bunch of foreign white people turning up declaring a state and treated the local population as second class citizens, where even a newly arrived Jew has more rights then a Arab born there

Supporters of murder, occupation and apartheid such as yourself are as Godless and evil as the Israeli's themselves
In your alternative universe Israel is an apartheid country, possibly under the influence of the afghan opiates. The truth is that the arab settlers who want to be integrated they reach every sphere of the public life be in the Supreme Court of the armed forces, no limits for them provided they are loyal to the State. The Israelis and we, the christian evangelists share the same God, unlike others who pray to moon gods.

Please tell what are your roots?

Are you the result of the rape of the local population by European colonials or a European colonial pretending to be south American?
Are you aware that the muslims of the indian subcontinent are the result of the rape and exclusion of the arab muhammadan colonialists? Yet you have the lack of brains to speak like that.

All Modern Egyptians are descended from Ancient Egyptians LOL.

Arabs are descended from Egyptians so yes in a way he was.

Are you ok bro? Is the cocaine too much? I know you snort a lot of crack in the middle of who gives a **** nowhere but you have to be really drugged up to believe what you just said.
Not true. Arab invaders came to egypt in the VII century. Real egyptians are the copts, which by the way are christians, and badly treated by the arabs. A real apartheid.
In your alternative universe Israel is an apartheid country, possibly under the influence of the afghan opiates. The truth is that the arab settlers who want to be integrated they reach every sphere of the public life be in the Supreme Court of the armed forces, no limits for them provided they are loyal to the State. The Israelis and we, the christian evangelists share the same God, unlike others who pray to moon gods.

I have a question. Who crucified Jesus?
Bribed Europeans, which is a common specy, sometimes you want to make a fool of yourself. I am an evangelical christian and has never been "dispersed" but I am willing to fight for Israel anytime, specially after seeing with my own eyes the facts. And like me many thousand of others.
Good luck with your wet dream:

Bolivia declares Israel a 'terrorist state'

Not true. Arab invaders came to egypt in the VII century. Real egyptians are the copts, which by the way are christians, and badly treated by the arabs. A real apartheid.

That makes no sense because Egypt only became a Muslim majority country in the past 100 or so years. Copts slowly converted to Islam and here we are.

Arab invaders inter-married and inter-married even before the invasion with Egyptians and allowed Copts freedom of religion, many of the copts being exposed to Islam lead to their conversion to Islam.
In your alternative universe Israel is an apartheid country, possibly under the influence of the afghan opiates. The truth is that the arab settlers who want to be integrated they reach every sphere of the public life be in the Supreme Court of the armed forces, no limits for them provided they are loyal to the State. The Israelis and we, the christian evangelists share the same God, unlike others who pray to moon gods.

Are you aware that the muslims of the indian subcontinent are the result of the rape and exclusion of the arab muhammadan colonialists? Yet you have the lack of brains to speak like that.

Sure the Christians who spent the best part of the last 2000 years butchering the juden are now represented by deluded foreigners who pretend to know middle eastern faiths more then the middle eastern

The Palestinians have been occupied, abused, attacked. Integration with your occupier, your oppressor is not an option

The Palestinians will live, fight and have more children but they will not be broken by the evil of the Jews nor their foreign deluded backers
Guess don't you get it guys?

This @El Kari Kari is a Jew pretending to be an Bolivian
. There are 30 million people of Arab descent in Latin America and outside of the Arab/Muslim world the region which is most pro-Palestinian in the world is Latin America. By far.






Which Bolivian would otherwise have a obsession with Arabs and continuously call them "Arab Muhammadans" and other similar rhetoric?

The current Bolivian president Evo Morales is openly pro-Palestine.

Here he says (an article in Spanish) that Israel must stop the genocide of the Palestinians.


Also he wrote that there are no Arabs "around here" (supposedly meaning in Bolivia).

This is wrong.


Stop giving the false-flagger the attention that he desperately seeks. No need to insult a country (Bolivia) that he has nothing to do with. This is a typical tactic by Zionists.
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PAKistan= the place of Pashtun, Afghans and Kashmiris. A "country" invented by colonial powers, the brits to take revenge of the Indians, the real landlords, and the imperialist arab-muhammadans. Really you don t have credentials to preach anything to anyone.
Bolivia is a shitty country. You people don't even have a palace. Or even an airport. There's nothing to see in Bolivia.
Guess don't you get it guys?

This @El Kari Kari is a Jew pretending to be an Bolivian
. There are 30 million people of Arab descent in Latin America and outside of the Arab/Muslim world the region which is most pro-Palestinian in the world is Latin America. By far.






Which Bolivian would otherwise have a obsession with Arabs and continuously call them "Arab Muhammadans" and other similar rhetoric?

The current Bolivian president Evo Morales is openly pro-Palestine.

Here he says (an article in Spanish) that Israel must stop the genocide of the Palestinians.


Also he wrote that there are no Arabs "around here" (supposedly meaning in Bolivia).

This is wrong.


Stop giving the false-flagger the attention that he desperately seeks.
Damn the Zionist are shit and desperate
Sure the Christians who spent the best part of the last 2000 years butchering the juden are now represented by deluded foreigners who pretend to know middle eastern faiths more then the middle eastern

The Palestinians have been occupied, abused, attacked. Integration with your occupier, your oppressor is not an option

The Palestinians will live, fight and have more children but they will not be broken by the evil of the Jews nor their foreign deluded backers

The palestinians have never had a territory, a capital, leaders, currency, a flag and no other sign of sovereignty. Not a single archeological remainder, not even a tomb have never been unearthed in the Land of Israel. Keep talking about something that doesn t exist to disguise your hate and real intentions but facts are facts. On the other hand jewish archeological rests are everywhere.

By the way while jewish birthrate is increasing constantly the birthrate of the arab-muhammadan invader is constantly shrinking. Not to mention the futility of the demographic argument.
Another ignorant or a brainwashed muhammadan individual, sorry for the epithet but true, in need of culture. Jesus was CRUCIFIED, crucifixion was a roman punishment against the traitors and rebellious. If Jesus, who was a JEWISH RABBI, not a "palestinian" wannabe, was to be executed by the jewish sanhedrin he would never be crucified because such punishment has no basis in jewish laws.
I was asking you a pure question with out any intentions but your remarks tell me there is something more to your story. Can you please explain what is that.
The palestinians have never had a territory, a capital, leaders, currency, a flag and no other sign of sovereignty. Not a single archeological remainder, not even a tomb have never been unearthed in the Land of Israel. Keep talking about something that doesn t exist to disguise your hate and real intentions but facts are facts. On the other hand jewish archeological rests are everywhere.

By the way while jewish birthrate is increasing constantly the birthrate of the arab-muhammadan invader is constantly shrinking. Not to mention the futility of the demographic argument.

And yet Zionist like you are found everywhere on planet earth. You must follow 10 commandments of Judaism otherwise you're nothing more than outcast
Bolivia is a shitty country. You people don't even have a palace. Or even an airport. There's nothing to see in Bolivia.
There are turks here to beg to disagree. The turks, who live in occupied lands anyway, neither have a palace. It s Sultan Recep s palace and you are his subjects. Airports? how do you imagine the turks arrived here?

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