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‘I am a Muslim Arab and an Israeli Zionist, and I love the Jewish people’

Bolvia sides now with the terrorist fakestinians the same way they receive an iranian terrorist like Ali Vahidi, that s an official position that has nothing to do with the feeling and thinking of the vast majority of the bolivian people. Only an *** would insist in something that ignores. Come here and verify all that I am saying.

I am not a zionist, just one more believer in the God of Israel as opposed to fake moon gods, and we are in the millions.

Yet your country
The place of your birth
Your President
Your government
Calls israel evil and condemns the evil state

If your own country says that, why should we care about you, your a nobody, your government has spoken for Bolivia and its people
Presidents come and go. As a PAK istani you should understand that for heavens sake. My place of birth and the vast majority of my people revere the God of Israel and His Son to an extent you cannot imagine. And we don t care about some brainwashed moon god bowers.

So all you zionist suporters!
Tell me when THE STATE OF BOLIVIA declared israel as a terrorist state.

Did you come out to protest?
Did you resent your government? Your President

Doesn't seem like it brah!

By the looks of it, Bolivia declared israel a terrorist and the Bolivian people agreed
Of course, kurds the legitimate inhabitants of the occupied Kurdistan, i know the difference because i ve been in the boundaries of the actual turkish state. Unlike you that speaks about things that you have no recollection whatsoever. But there are also turks here, it s just that you refuse to accept facts, which is so muhammadan.
Kurds are MIDDLE EASTERN, And not Anatolian. How many times must I tell you Jew?:lol:
Jew you not understand a word I am saying?
There's not a single Kurdish monument in Turkey. How can they be Native to Anatolia when we don't see any proof of it?
Hittites? yes
Amazons? yes
Trojans? Yes
Phrygia ?Yes
Lycia? Yes
Roman? Yes
Byzantine? Yes
Ottoman? Yes
Kurd??? LOL:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Try to understand sentence by sentence:

- the current bolivian government is widely discredited among the people. Sad but true because in the beginning there was a lot of hope.
- the people didn t have a say about an official government position based on wider interests. Do you understand what "interests" mean.
-people wont protest every single government decision that doesn t agree with if it has to be a viable management. Perhaps a difficult concept for a PAK istani used to not have his opinion respected in a farce of democracy, but we re building ours. Slowly, but without the scourge of things like the sharia.

Copiado de internet. Por lo menos he logrado que te culturices un poco.


YOUR country declared israel a evil terrorist state.

We agree with and thank the people and State of Bolivia for their humane and honourable stance

The people of this board agree with the state of Bolivia in its assertion that israel is a terrorist state

Kari kari we have an official declaration by the country of Bolivia, please understand in comparison you are nothing, a rambling nobody

Your country has taken a dignified stance, kindly don't embarrass Bolivia by your zionist fawning when Bolivia has already declared them a terrorist state
How can kurds have monuments if they never had a state because of the continouus invasions central asian colonialist settler? Yet they predate you in their lands. Withdraw from the greek, cypriot and kurdish occupied territories genocidal maniacs.
I will ask again.


WHERE THE HECK IS KURDISTAN :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Hey Kari

Since Bolivia declared Israel a terrorist state and since your support Israel. Does that make you a terrorist supporter under Bolivian law?

Whats the punishment?
By the way it s not "on a Buraq". Buraq was the name of the flying donkey the prophet was supposed to ride in Israa and Miraj. Can you tell me about a single prophesy of your prophet.
Muslims will Invade the Holy land Jerusalem. Is that enough or want to know more.
Question is.... do the Israeli Jews love you back too (as your full Muslim self)?...
if yes; then it's all nice and really cute...
if they don't... then the word "sucker" comes to mind.

Ps* I'm actually more pro Israeli than the mess thats called the Palestinian cause.... And I actually don't have a dog in the race (I.e I don't really care either way)... Just saying things in their true prospective.
The article says they are traitors -
Traitors to whom? Hamas? Hamas was elected as part of a democratic process but then broke faith with its constituents to seize all power itself. Note the reported wishes of the Gazans that Israel return to liberate them from the terrorist yoke and re-establish a decent economy.

You can always persuade them into obedience.
What does that mean?

Yet Bolivia sides with Palestinians and condemns the terrorist state of israel
Who are we meant to believe?
The official statement from the state of Bolivia or some clown Internet Zionist


Fred Strauss, In Israel since 1972. I came cause I liked it and will stay til I get sick of it
Written 12 Oct 2015

Why does any country call Israel a "terrorist state"? It is usually a combination of ignorance, being left-wing, having close ties to Arab countries or a substantial Muslim population. In short, it is more worthwhile being anti-Israel than pro-Israel. Bolivia (the poorest country in South America with a large section of the population living on $2 a day) has a left-wing leader Evo Morales who was strongly influenced by Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Morales is building a close relationship to Iran (a sister revolutionary country) that has already invested $500M in Bolivia.
In 2009 Bolivia limited its dealings with Israel over attacks in Gaza. In 2014 as a result of the last Gaza war, Bolivia declared Israel a terrorist state and revoked its policy of not requiring visas from Israelis.
Now, in the "people who live in glass houses" department, Bolivia is one of the greatest racist countries in the world. It has a large indigenous native population (a 62% majority!) that has been discriminated against for 500 years. For a long period, natives were banned from entering La Paz, the capital of Bolivia. In 2012 Bolivia passed the "Law Against Racism" that allows the government to prosecute violators. Until today, no one has been prosecuted. Perhaps they should get their own house in order before they condemn us.​

So yeah, the Bolivian gov't means for you to believe it, while plenty of people know better.

Just because your gov't brays that you should believe such-and-such doesn't mean you need to ape their lies.

Iron Dome wasn't yet operational when the attack occurred. The trauma memory of a six year old child is pretty strong. It's possible he misinterpreted the evidence - perhaps the "dead" Israeli kid he saw was merely injured - but in that case do you doubt an adult would have reassured the child?
The palestinians have never had a territory, a capital, leaders, currency, a flag and no other sign of sovereignty. Not a single archeological remainder, not even a tomb have never been unearthed in the Land of Israel. Keep talking about something that doesn t exist to disguise your hate and real intentions but facts are facts. On the other hand jewish archeological rests are everywhere.

By the way while jewish birthrate is increasing constantly the birthrate of the arab-muhammadan invader is constantly shrinking. Not to mention the futility of the demographic argument.
Stop your ignorant rant about the Philistinians (This is the Arabic pronunciation up till now of "Palestinian")

The Philistines were an ancient people primarily known for their conflict with the Israelites described in the Bible. The primary source about the Philistines is the Hebrew Bible, but they are first attested in reliefs at the Temple of Ramses III at Medinet Habu, where they are called Peleset, accepted as cognate with Hebrew P'léšet.[2] Assyrian sources also refer to Pilišti and Palaštu, also believed to be cognate with P'léšet.[citation needed]

The first reference to Philistines in the Hebrew Bible canon is in the Table of Nations, where they are said to descend from Casluhim, son of Mizraim (Egypt).[3] However, the Philistines of Genesis who are friendly to Abraham are identified by rabbinic sources as distinct from the warlike people described in deuteronomistic history.[4] Deuteronomist sources describe the land of the Philistines as a pentapolis in southwestern Levant comprising the five city-states of Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath, from Wadi Gaza in the south to the Yarqon River in the north. This description portrays them at one period of time as among the Kingdom of Israel's most dangerous enemies.[5] In contrast, the canon of Eastern Christianity, the LXX, uses the term "allophuloi" (Greek: ἀλλόφυλοι) instead of "philistines", which means simply "other nations".


Traitors to whom? Hamas? Hamas was elected as part of a democratic process but then broke faith with its constituents to seize all power itself. Note the reported wishes of the Gazans that Israel return to liberate them from the terrorist yoke and re-establish a decent economy.

What does that mean?


Fred Strauss, In Israel since 1972. I came cause I liked it and will stay til I get sick of it
Written 12 Oct 2015

Why does any country call Israel a "terrorist state"? It is usually a combination of ignorance, being left-wing, having close ties to Arab countries or a substantial Muslim population. In short, it is more worthwhile being anti-Israel than pro-Israel. Bolivia (the poorest country in South America with a large section of the population living on $2 a day) has a left-wing leader Evo Morales who was strongly influenced by Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. Morales is building a close relationship to Iran (a sister revolutionary country) that has already invested $500M in Bolivia.
In 2009 Bolivia limited its dealings with Israel over attacks in Gaza. In 2014 as a result of the last Gaza war, Bolivia declared Israel a terrorist state and revoked its policy of not requiring visas from Israelis.
Now, in the "people who live in glass houses" department, Bolivia is one of the greatest racist countries in the world. It has a large indigenous native population (a 62% majority!) that has been discriminated against for 500 years. For a long period, natives were banned from entering La Paz, the capital of Bolivia. In 2012 Bolivia passed the "Law Against Racism" that allows the government to prosecute violators. Until today, no one has been prosecuted. Perhaps they should get their own house in order before they condemn us.​

So yeah, the Bolivian gov't means for you to believe it, while plenty of people know better.

Just because your gov't brays that you should believe such-and-such doesn't mean you need to ape their lies.

Iron Dome wasn't yet operational when the attack occurred. The trauma memory of a six year old child is pretty strong. It's possible he misinterpreted the evidence - perhaps the "dead" Israeli kid he saw was merely injured - but in that case do you doubt an adult would have reassured the child?
Traitors to the Palestinian cause..period.

Can you say the same thing about Venezuela with its biggest Oil reserves of the planet?

Venezuela, Bolivia cut ties to Israel over Gaza
By the way it s not "on a Buraq". Buraq was the name of the flying donkey the prophet was supposed to ride in Israa and Miraj. Can you tell me about a single prophesy of your prophet.
Wtf is moon god ???
Zionist don't believe ispn god yet they believe god gave them the promised land. What an irony.

Dispersed you were people,dispersed you will be.
There were Jews who supported the Nazi's too.

They even controlled the horde of Jews whilst they were sent to the ovens

What were they called kapo Jews? Or something similar

There will always be traitors!!
You bomb your own kind everyday and call others traitor....
Arab muslims love Arab jews. Means , both semitic groups are showing their love for each other. What am I doing here ? :closed:
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