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Mar 24, 2006
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Throughout the history almost every religion, every philosopher, every thinker, every historian, and nearly every Wiseman has feverishly abhorred hypocrisy and detested it more often and with more passion than any other behavior.

Almost 3,000 years ago, Homer said, "I detest that man, who hides one thing in the depths of his heart, and speaks forth another." Jesus of Nazareth had such an abomination of hypocrisy that he said the hypocrites "have neglected the more important matters of the law-justice, mercy and faithfulness" (Matthew 23:23). Shakespeare also gave some insight into the underpinnings of hypocrisy, "With devotion's visage and pious action we do sugar o'er the devil himself."

Ironically, the true hypocrites never think of themselves to be hypocritical; therefore, they say one thing and do another with impunity and especially with pride. The same is also true with today’s global leadership, led by the likes of U.S President George Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and the Israeli government.

We carry such short memories, that it wasn’t even couple of months after the 2006 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, which resulted in the massacre of over 1,200 Lebanese citizens, all was forgotten and forgiven. It was during this instance of, often seen, Israeli barbarism new standards of hypocrisy were set by the self-proclaimed saviors of humanity.

* HYPOCRISY: With the complete blessings and support of the U.S and U.K, all hell was set loose on Lebanon and Palestine by the Israelis, because 3 Israeli soldiers were kidnapped. In reality, the so-called moral leaders have never uttered a word over the countless abductions and targeted assassinations of dozens of democratically elected Lebanese and Palestinian legislators and officials. On August 19, 2006, Israel seized Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister Naser al-Shaer, a top official of the Hamas militant group, at his home in the occupied West Bank. Not a word is wasted over the illegal and immoral incarceration of countless Lebanese and Palestinian civilians still ******* in Israeli dungeons. Not a single word is said over the collective punishment of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians.

* HYPOCRITE: President Bush showed his real colors when he said, “this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom.” And with this racially-charged hypocritical outburst he belittled and generalized over 1.4 billion humans or 1/5 of humanity. But his racist comments beg even more questions. Whose ‘freedoms’ was he referring to? Did he mean Israel’s ‘freedom’ to violate international laws by freely embarking on Lebanese/Arab genocides, or it’s ‘freedom’ to legislate racist laws? Or did President Bush mean the ‘freedom’ of neo-con doctrine of pre-emptive attacks on sovereign nations like the one on Iraq, in which, since the U.S occupation 60,000-500,000 Iraqis and close to 3,500 Americans have been killed? The reality is, in 2006, President Bush openly and unapologetically supported the bloodbath of Lebanese and Palestinians, and still turns blind eye to the daily massacres of Iraqi civilians. If there is anyone who deserves to be known as a ‘fascist’, it’s him, his neo-con hawks, his lackeys like Tony Blair, and the Zionist groupies who blame everyone else but themselves for their indiscriminate and unabashed murders of thousands upon thousands of Muslims in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan. Remarkably, it took them only less than 5 years to preside over all of these pogroms. The manner in which these saviors of the world are busy maligning Muslims can be directly collated to Adolph Hitler's deliberate vilification of Jews prior to World War II.

* HYPOCRISY: Israel and Bush Administration arduously justified the destruction of Lebanon and the massacres of its people, under the pretext of, the Lebanese supposedly violated the UN Security Council’s (UNSC) resolution 1559. In reality, the resolution 1559 called upon “all remaining foreign forces [including Israeli] to withdraw from Lebanon.” In a direct violation of the resolution, Israel never vacated the Lebanese territory of Shebaa-Farms. Therefore, it had no legal or moral right to cry foul, especially when it had flagrantly violated 60 other UNSC resolutions relating to Israeli-Lebanese situation alone (see Appendix - A for the complete list). Hypocrites need to be cognizant of the fact that Israel violated UNSC resolution 425 (1978) for twenty two years. The resolution called upon the “Israel immediately to cease its military action against Lebanese territorial integrity and withdraw forthwith its forces from all Lebanese territory”. In an appearance on CNN’s ‘Paula Zahn Now’, the Lebanese consul general to the U.S Mohamad El-Harake shared his frustrations with the American hypocritical support of Israel at the UN Security Council. He said, “Let me tell you one thing before we finish. Israel took 22 years to implement Resolution 524, adopted in '78, to inviting Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon. Israel couldn't wait for 1559 adopted on the 2nd of September, less than two years, giving us the possibility of implementing this among ourselves as Lebanese. This is the way Israel wants to see a strong Lebanon?” Hypocrites need to be cognizant of the fact that Israel violated UNSC resolution 425 (1978) for twenty two years. The resolution called upon the “Israel immediately to cease its military action against Lebanese territorial integrity and withdraw forthwith its forces from all Lebanese territory”. In an appearance on CNN’s ‘Paula Zahn Now’, the Lebanese consul general to the U.S Mohamad El-Harake shared his frustrations with the American hypocritical support of Israel at the UN Security Council. He said, “Let me tell you one thing before we finish. Israel took 22 years to implement Resolution 524, adopted in '78, to inviting Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon. Israel couldn't wait for 1559 adopted on the 2nd of September, less than two years, giving us the possibility of implementing this among ourselves as Lebanese. This is the way Israel wants to see a strong Lebanon?”

* HYPOCRITES: Some of Evangelical Christians shamelessly support Israel in its brutality because they believe, for the biblical prophecies (The Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 38) to come true and to prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus, Israel will have to annihilate its Arab neighbors. A 2003 Pew Research Centre poll found that 36 percent of Americans believe that the creation of the state of Israel was a step towards the Second Coming of Jesus and that Israel must be supported if this was to come true. In reality, what these religious zealots fail to mention is that the same prophetic literature prophesies a dim ending for the Jews, who will be either converted or killed off in Armageddon.

* HYPOCRITES: American Zionists proudly send their children to Israel to get military training and to kill Arabs. American-media gives a flattering treatment to the American Zionists who join the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to fight the Arabs. They are revered as brave heroes. In reality, most of these heroes live in America, but they enlist only with the Israeli military. Not so surprisingly, the same media stereotypes the American Muslims as anti-American, even if they dare to participate in the humanitarian relief efforts for Lebanese and Palestinian civilians.

* HYPOCRITES: During the 2006 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, on hourly bases, the vigilant American-media gave the latest count of Katyushas fired on Israel. In reality, Israel rained hundred times more weapons on Lebanon. The American-media never counted the Israeli cluster bombs, missiles, motors, rockets, and shells dropped by the Israelis on the hapless Lebanese civilians.

* HYPOCRITES: The American and Jewish (Amerco-Jewish) news media eulogized and deciphered each shrapnel, every ball bearing, and every patch of grass of Israeli manicured lawns burned by the Hezbollah rockets. In reality, whenever a non-American or non-Israel media outlet showed pictorial proof of the Israeli brutality or Lebanese carnage, the Amerco-Jewish media hypocritically cried bloody-Marie and blamed the non-Amerco-Jewish media for inciting hatred against Israelis and instantly labeled them as anti-Semite.

* HYPOCRITES: Amerco-Jewish news media claims to be fair and balanced. In reality, 90 percent of times, they ever so shamelessly, broadcasted a parade of ultra-Jewish diplomats who expectedly squarely blamed the Lebanese civilians for becoming victims of Israeli weapons. After the infamous 1982 massacres of Sabra and Shatila, the Jewish lobbies setup permanent institutional structures to sanitize its tarnished image and to win world opinion. Israel launched Hasbara project to win the U.S public opinion and trained its diplomats in public relations and communications. To cover-up its outed dirty secrets, Israel hired the largest U.S PR firms like NYPR to court favorable American public opinion. The Jewish propaganda machine put together groups and organizations with catchy names to marshal American support for the Israeli fascist policies. Americans for safe Israel, Christian coalition, Christian Broadcasting Network, American Jewish Congress, Christian Friends of Israel, Jews for Jesus, and AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, the most powerful foreign lobby) are the most active organizations that remain busy with cloaking Israeli dirty deeds with an image of a pristine nation obsessed with humanitarian works. Then there are organizations like CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America). CAMERA, through its persistent harassment of journalists, ensures that media coverage remains pro-Israel.

* HYPOCRISY: Israel and American government place themselves at the highest pedestal of morality and for the respect of law. In realty, the Human Rights Watch said the responsibility for the massacre in Qana rested "squarely with the Israeli military." Whenever Israelis killed the UN personnel, Red-Cross workers, or Lebanese civilians; the Israelis, Bush Administration, and the American-media nonchalantly dismissed the deliberate killings as accidents; even better, they blamed the Lebanese for bringing Israeli wrath upon themselves.

* HYPOCRISY: Despite displacing 1 million and massacring over 1,200 Lebanese civilians during the first month of Israeli savage attack, it’s the Israelis that were portrayed as the victim by the Israelis, Bush Administration and the American-media. In reality, during the fighting 116 Israeli soldiers and only 43 Israeli civilians were killed. Israel massacred close to 28 Lebanese civilians for each Israeli civilian lost.

* HYPOCRITE: In his comments, on July 31, 2006, President Bush said he wanted more than a ceasefire. "We want there to be a long-lasting peace, one that is sustainable." The reality is President Bush has blood of over 1,200 Palestinians and Lebanese on his hands. The Bush administration has ridiculed and stalled every peace effort, including Security Council ceasefire resolutions that could have saved innocent lives of hundreds of Lebanese civilians. If that wasn’t bad enough, his administration donated $210 million worth of aviation fuel to ensure that Israeli F-16s do not skip a beat in dropping bombs on Lebanese population, and expedited the supply of precision-guided bunker buster bombs for Israel to hasten the Lebanese holocaust. One such Made-in-America precision-guided bomb dropped from an Israeli F-16 massacred 54 Lebanese civilians in Qana, of which half were blossoming children.

* HYPOCRISY: Israel claimed it warned the Lebanese civilians beforehand to leave. In reality, before sending out the warning, Israelis also ensured every route leading out of Southern Lebanon laid in ruins. They also made sure that every escaping vehicle, every civilian convoy flying white flags, every UN personnel carrier escorting the civilians, and every Red-Cross ambulance rescuing the civilians from the Israeli murderous campaign didn’t escape intact. Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch said, "Just because the Israeli military warned the civilians… to leave does not give it carte blanche to blindly attack." Israeli fire was also directly responsible for the cold-blooded murders of 257 UN personnel.

* HYPOCRITES: American politicians and Media diligently harp on Israel being the most reliable ally and partner. In reality, the partnership had been largely one way, in favor of Israel. To date, Israel has received well over $110 billion FREE dollars in military and economic assistance from Washington.

* HYPOCRITES: American politicians and Media proudly call Israel to be its closest ally. In reality, Israelis have never shied away from shedding American blood whenever it suited them. On June 8, 1967, while patrolling in international waters in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, without any warning or justification, for several hours, the USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was savagely attacked by Israeli air and naval forces. The Americans suffered 34 fatalities and 173 were wounded. To this day, not a single Israeli has been court marshaled or punished for deliberately slaughtering Americans.

* HYPOCRITES: Israel and the U.S complain to no end that Hezbollah is armed by Iran and Syria. In reality, Israel has received 17 billion dollars of arms from the United States in last 10 years alone. In 2002, U.S gave $6 billion free aid to Israel. $2 billion were for Israel to buy American made weapons. $1.5 billion for military ventures to subsidize Israeli domestic armament industry. This amount doesn’t include other forms of military aid, such as free weapons and fuel for IDF.

* HYPOCRITES: Pro-Israeli media repeatedly flashed Israeli propaganda videos showing infrared videos of firings of the so-called Hezbollah rockets as the Israeli spokespeople hammered their propaganda. In reality, the pro-Israeli media consistently failed to provide a neutral and reliable confirmation to support the Israeli propaganda. Experts familiar with Israeli tactics believed the alleged videos of Hezbollah rocket launches were the Oscar-Award winning self-engineered videos of the Israeli psych-ops (an Israeli military unit tasked to control and dominate the dissemination of information in favor of Israel, even through deceit and lies).

* HYPOCRISY: The UN bullied by the U.S conveniently found time during the Israeli invasion to pass a Security Council resolution to threaten Iran with sanctions. In reality, the UN couldn’t muster enough courage to even request Israel to temporarily halt Lebanese genocide, so the Lebanese could have buried the ******* bodies of their loved ones.

* HYPOCRITES: Israel and the U.S call Hezbollah a terrorist organization. In reality, survey after survey show that most of the world views Israel to be a terrorist state. With the exceptions of the U.S, Israel and their lackeys the Britain, no one else calls Hezbollah a terrorist organization, not even the UN or EU does.

* HYPOCRITES: Israel argues, since Hezbollah emerged from and flourishes with the help Southern Lebanese population, therefore, everyone from that area should be considered and dealt as a combatant. In reality, almost every able Israeli adult either serves or has served, or is a reservist in the Israeli military. Therefore, by Israelis’ logic, every Israeli adult associated with the IDF should also be treated as legitimate combatant.

* HYPOCRISY: Israeli government arms the Jewish settlers in occupied settlements with automatic guns and grenades for the supposed self-defense. In reality, the Jewish settlers mount vigilante attacks on the unarmed Palestinians. They destroy crops, uproot trees, and burn the homes of Palestinians who happened to be living there for last hundreds of years.

* HYPOCRITE: The U.S presents itself as a fair and honest broker. In reality, between 1973 and 2001, the U.S used veto 33 times at the UN Security Council to sabotage Israel-specific resolutions. In addition, since the 1967 Six-Day Arab-Israeli war, the U.S has exercised its veto at the Security Council more than 90 times in support of Israel, rendering the UN totally impotent.

* HYPOCRITES: Bush and his poodle Blair never get tired lecturing the whole world on the virtues of democracy. In reality, they demand the Lebanese and Palestinians to exercise their democratic rights by electing only the candidates desired by the Tel-Aviv and Washington. Since the democratically elected Lebanese and Palestinian governments are not run by the puppets of Tel-Aviv and Washington, monetary aid for public (including humanitarian) projects for the Palestinians was cut off, and Israel clamped a virtual blockade of Gaza and Lebanon. The consul general Mohamad El-Harake summarized the Israeli strategy very well to CNN’s Paula Zahn. He said, “It is with Israel always a catch-22 situation. Either you kill each other as Lebanese, or I [will] come to kill you all.”

* HYPOCRITES: For several decades the British and Americans boycotted South Africa for its apartheid practices. In reality, neither the U.K, nor U.S ever utter a peep over illegal Israeli-occupation of Palestinian and Lebanese land, ethnic cleansing, and cold-blooded murders of Lebanese and Palestinians. Ironically, they declare the starvation of the Lebanese and Palestinians at the hands of Israelis as fair and legitimate.

* HYPOCRISY: The U.S allows the private sector to take high-resolution satellite pictures of its own military and nuclear installations. In reality, American laws bar everyone from taking satellite pictures of Israeli military and nuclear installations.

* HYPOCRITES: Upon the whims of Israel, Al-Minar, a Hezbollah T.V channel was banned in the U.S, Europe and India for allegedly spreading its propaganda. In reality, nobody says a word over the specially trained Israeli diplomats in public relations and communications -- like Alon Pinkas (a coordinator of PR efforts and the Israeli Counsel-General in New York) -- regularly winning and dinning with the America reporters and editors to disseminate the Israeli propaganda.

* HYPOCRITES: If anyone, even justifiably, dares to question or oppose the Zionist mantra or their behavior he/she is instantly labeled as “anti-Semite”. In reality, Zionists call every non-Jew a “Gentile”. Those who maybe unaware of the meaning, Gentile means, Heathen, Pagan, or Uncivilized. Social stigmatism/assassination through labeling is the most commonly employed tactic by the Zionists to intimidate and harass their perceived foes.

* HYPOCRITES: West never allows the whole world, especially the Germans, to forget the holocaust. In reality, for the last 60 years when it comes to Israel the West remains blind to making the 5 million Palestinians pay reparations for the holocaust.

It would be equally hypocritical to generalize every American and British and their whole media as biased in favor of Israel. U.S Congressman John Martha and the British Member of Parliament George Galloway are shinning examples of fair-minded politicians. Refreshingly, some of British news media, like ‘The Independent,’ provides unbiased coverage; occasionally, American media also exhibit glimpses of unbiased opinion. For example, August 1, 2006, in a ‘Los Angeles Times’’ Op-Ed, Adam Shatz pointed to the Israeli hypocritical humanitarian concerns, he wrote, “When Israel targets densely populated areas in hopes of killing one or a handful of militants, knowing that it may end up killing dozens of civilians, it can hardly claim to be showing concern for humanitarian law or civilian life. And by asking that we judge it by its professed intentions, rather than by its actions, Israel is asking too much of us and far too little of itself.”

Host of political satire John Stewart and the anchor of ABC World News Charles Gibson are also notable exceptions and pleasant examples of honorable and unbiased American journalists.

Maybe Andr Gide had Ehud Olmert and President Bush -- certainly not Tony Blair who merely loves to sit in Bush’s lap and wag his tail -- in mind when he observed, "The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity." Ehud Olmert flattened Lebanon under the pretext of self-defense, and President Bush flattened Afghanistan, Iraq and then helped Ehud Olmert flatten Lebanon under the pretext of self-defense and fighting terrorism. Who will fight the terror of these hypocrites?


Following UN Security Council Resolutions directly name, condemn and/or deplore Israel for its violations. (Source: http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/unsc_resolutions.html)

Directly or indirectly asks Israel to respect Lebanese territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence:
331, 337, 347, 425, 444, 467, 474, 490, 498, 501, 520, 549, 555, 561, 575, 583, 586, 587, 594, 599, 609, 617, 630, 639, 648, 659, 684, 701, 768, 803, 852, 1052

Deplores Israeli actions or lack of cooperation:
444, 467, 488, 517, 518

Condemns and calls upon Israel to cease military actions in Lebanese territories:
262, 270, 313, 316, 331, 347, 425, 450, 498, 501, 508

Condemns and deplores Israel for violating ceasefire and for military reprisals:
270, 280, 508, 509, 516, 517, 518, 520

Demands Israel to completely withdraw from the Lebanese territories:
242, 279, 313, 427, 501, 509, 517, 520, 587, 1559

Condemns and deplores Israel for violating Security Council resolutions:
248, 252, 256, 280, 337, 347, 444, 446, 467, 517, 520

Condemns and deplores Israel for violating Geneva Convention and Human rights Laws:
237, 248, 256, 280, 316, 347, 446, 450, 512, 513, 515, 518, 520

Deplores Israel for the interference and attacks on the UN Forces on the Israeli-Lebanese border:
427, 434, 467, 587, 1052

Demands Israel to release abducted/kidnapped Lebanese personnel:
316, 317, 347

Beautiful, article and post. This seems like a pretty good article to use in my research I will be doing in fall. :tup:

Took a long time for Paktribune, to write something worth reading.

Also, this point below we had a discussion in class and even my teacher agreed with:

* HYPOCRITES: Israel argues, since Hezbollah emerged from and flourishes with the help Southern Lebanese population, therefore, everyone from that area should be considered and dealt as a combatant. In reality, almost every able Israeli adult either serves or has served, or is a reservist in the Israeli military. Therefore, by Israelis’ logic, every Israeli adult associated with the IDF should also be treated as legitimate combatant.

So, technically they are of military target and can be targeted if necessary.
Such a one-sided baised article playing the victim card as always.
Such a one-sided baised article playing the victim card as always.

For you people it's always one sided. Go off play somewhere else. Obviously you don't even understand what the article is getting at to, where Israeli is holding land illegally violating laws, etc, and hypocrites supporting them. Just cause the "Bastard Child" Israel is your friend and criticizing it doesn't make it one sided and obviously it's the only card you people play with.

<Stick to topic>Comment about Indian hypocrisy deleted</stick to topic>
1 Million displaced and 1200 dead, several cities flattened. Oh I don't know, the Lebanese definitely ARE the victims?

It kinda points towards the hypocrisy of the entire affair. Seriously do you have a figure of how many bombs Israel dropped on Lebanon? But you CAN easily google how many dumbass Katyushas were fired upon the poor innocent Israelis who have to be saved no matter what.

Israelis so proudly declare we gave the civilians a warning to leave. Evacuating cities takes forever! And on top of that exit routes were destroyed by the Israelis themselves.
. .
<Stick to topic>Comment about Pakistani hypocrisy deleted</stick to topic>

About Israel, who said not to criticize. The article criticize's Israel on the Lebnon on crisis, but it conviently forgets even after repeated request Hebollah's did not hand over the two Israeli soldiers. The war was bought on lebanon by Hezabollah. Western Media may have been more Israel friendly, Al-jazeera was more happy with Hezabollah; Hezabollah
1 Million displaced and 1200 dead, several cities flattened. Oh I don't know, the Lebanese definitely ARE the victims?

It kinda points towards the hypocrisy of the entire affair. Seriously do you have a figure of how many bombs Israel dropped on Lebanon? But you CAN easily google how many dumbass Katyushas were fired upon the poor innocent Israelis who have to be saved no matter what.

Israelis so proudly declare we gave the civilians a warning to leave. Evacuating cities takes forever! And on top of that exit routes were destroyed by the Israelis themselves.

I dont care; didnt Israel ask them to hand over the 2 soldiers. There were 2 weeks to avoid it, Hezabollah wasnt interested. You wanna blame someone blame hezabollah.
British ruled you too, you are the one's who made deals with them not us; Hypocrisy has been the trait of Pakistan from its inception. For the past 50 years India never supported USA, Heck you were the one who was supporting Devil, giving them bases etc. So please think again before calling me a Hypocrite. The Palestinian people has always supported India's stance in Kashmir, for this very reason.

About Israel, who said not to criticize. The article criticize's Israel on the Lebnon on crisis, but it conviently forgets even after repeated request Hebollah's did not hand over the two Israeli soldiers. The war was bought on lebanon by Hezabollah. Western Media may have been more Israel friendly, Al-jazeera was more happy with Hezabollah; Hezabollah
And the Israelis conveniently forgot about the hundred others they've kidnapped and are ******* in their jails?

They kidnapped the Palestinian Dpty. Prime Minister from Palestinian territories? Hezbollah agreed for a mutual release of each others captives.
@ Asim

This is the part they don't ever mention the 5,000 Lebanese and Palestinians in Israeli prisons including women picked off from roads (Including those pregnant giving birth), and other small children.

And their respective govt.s ask for their release and Israeli's say "NO". But that isn't a reason to go to war over 2 lives while you holding a thousand times more.

It&#8217;s best to start from the numbers. Since the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza in 1967, Israel has imprisoned 600,000 Palestinians. Currently there are around 8,000 prisoners who we consider political prisoners. Others could be in prison for theft (of cars). Workers who were caught without permits and imprisoned are also not counted as &#8216;political prisoners&#8217;. Among the political prisoners, 344 are juveniles, 119 are women, and 750 are &#8216;administrative detainees&#8217;, which means no charge has been leveled against them. 11 are Arab-Syrian from the Occupied Golan Heights. There are 25 Jordanians, and 120+ Palestinians who have Israeli citizenship. All are held in the same prisons. There are 16 civil prisons &#8211; 17, now, actually, recently a military camp was converted into a civil prison &#8211; in Israel. There are 2 military camps in Israel, 9 detention centers, and 4 interrogation centers.

So, technically they are holding prisoners against their will.

JP: How are Palestinian women and children treated in Israel&#8217;s prisons?

SF: Israel does not apply the international definition of a child (under 18) to Palestinian children, though it does apply that definition to its own children, for the purposes of incarceration. According to the military orders Palestinian children of 16 years old are jailed as adults. There are no juvenile courts in the military system Palestinians are subject to (there are in the Israeli civil system for Israeli children). The same torture practices are used against children as against adults. If children are under 16 they are imprisoned separately, but those over 16 are imprisoned with adults. There are no special educational facilities or social supports for children. In Israeli law, the judge has the discretion to not send a child to prison, but to a special center or program. This is not so for Palestinians.

Palestinian children are not as experienced or psychologically able to resist torture, and so they are more vulnerable to becoming collaborators under the pressure of fear.

Women prisoners are treated to the same torture, beating, and interrogations as men. There are 119 women prisoners, 19 of whom are mothers. Recently, Manal Ghanem delivered a baby, Nour, in prison. Nour is 1.5 years old. He will be taken away from his mother at 2 years. Manal Ghanem also has a rare blood disease in her red cells and needs transfusions. She has been sentenced to 50 months. We are seeking her release for health conditions.

Oh, and I forgot to mention their children are taken away, and I have no doubt behind that screen of yours you justify it.

You can Google yourself and find tons and tons of sources of Palestinian child in Israeli prisons and abuses in Israel prisons. But hey they are Indian allies so I guess it doesn't matter and I can't blame you for that.

And the Israelis conveniently forgot about the hundred others they've kidnapped and are ******* in their jails?

They kidnapped the Palestinian Dpty. Prime Minister from Palestinian territories? Hezbollah agreed for a mutual release of each others captives.

Why should Israel deal with Hezabollah's, is it a government. Why should Israel listen its demands. Government's dont work in mutual exchange of prisoner's basis, especially with terrorists.
Why should Israel deal with Hezabollah's, is it a government. Why should Israel listen its demands. Government's dont work in mutual exchange of prisoner's basis, especially with terrorists.

Hezbullah, technically is a political party (Wing and seats in parliament) and part of the Lebanese govt. (Before and After the war). Hence, why Hezbullah was in talks with UN for cease-fire and no one listened to the PM of Lebanon.

Oh, and what about the facts I put up their seems you dodge somethings and attack those without facts. Your just looking at one side rather than the other that is called hypocrisy which the main article was talking about.
and no one listened to the PM of Lebanon.

Ah, I see, and therefore Israel must talk to hezbollah. Why did a political party in lebanon kidnap Israeli soldier's.

I am not interested in your one sided facts, while supporting suicide bombers.
Ah, I see, and therefore Israel must talk to hezbollah. Why did a political party in lebanon kidnap Israeli soldier's.

See, their are 3 wings to Hezbullah. Militia , Party and Construction group.

Now, you only read one side about Israel who says they came to Israel and took them, while Hezbullah said Israeli's came into Lebanese territory (this is strong cause Israel is known to carry out assignations, etc). So, technically they are protecting their borders.

I am not interested in your one sided facts, while supporting suicide bombers.

Stop going off topic or de-relaying the topic, no one was talking about bombers. Rather prisoners and Israeli abuse. Bring proof to support you claim, to counter the facts in the article. I have provided mines, and crimes Israel are committing holding people without charge which goes against international law, epically in occupied territory.

If you don't have anything to argue with next time don't reply in threads with non-sense one-liners.
Now, you only read one side about Israel who says they came to Israel and took them, while Hezbullah said Israeli's came into Lebanese territory (this is strong cause Israel is known to carry out assignations, etc). So, technically they are protecting their borders.

That is the duty of the Lebanse forces, the people who elected them. Hezbollah is running a government within a government. They have no right to arrest them, unless it is Lebanse Boder gaurds. So who gave hezobullah the right. You talk about laws and international norms, but when it comes to hebollah you conviently forget them. Hypocrisy.

Stop going off topic or de-relaying the topic, no one was talking about bombers. Rather prisoners and Israeli abuse. Bring proof to support you claim, to counter the facts in the article. I have provided mines, and crimes Israel are committing holding people without charge which goes against international law, epically in occupied territory.

Israeli abuse has direct relation to the suicide bombers. Stop the bombers abuse will stop. They dont care about palestinian people as long as they are bombing disotheque's and super markets.
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