That is the duty of the Lebanse forces, the people who elected them. Hezbollah is running a government within a government. They have no right to arrest them, unless it is Lebanse Boder gaurds. So who gave hezobullah the right. You talk about laws and international norms, but when it comes to hebollah you conviently forget them. Hypocrisy.
Hezbullah is an elected govt. and holds the majority power in the South, they are like the national guards of the south. Just as US states have their own and can arrest anyone who is violating state boundaries for suspicious activity. Also, know their are militia's in US (South) who do arresting as well and they aren't treated as terrorists. Don't I see hypocrisy here.
Israeli abuse has direct relation to the suicide bombers. Stop the bombers abuse will stop. They dont care about palestinian people as long as they are bombing disotheque's and super markets.
Now, if you read carefully instead of yapping non-sense Israeli's pick up non-militant people from streets of Gaza and West Bank according to the link, and bombers have nothing to do with this discussion. Again, you are just throwing the same garbage and non-sense out, and I'm having to repeat myself over again. In the posts I made (Quote) they torture Children to make them do their biddings under pressure (and what have the Children done and those under 18 and 16)?