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are you comparing hezabollah to pakistan...lol
Well in the figurative sentence it was compared to Israel.

Bull compared VHP to Hezbollah.
Where did they kidnap lebanese, Did I see lebanese government asking for their return? No.
Israel whatever it is doing, right or wrong is a country; while hezabollah is not. Therefore is a private party, who Lebanse couldnt hold back.They got what they deserved.
Hezbollah is a political party with large (and soon mainstream) support within the Lebanese populace and yes the Lebanese government reiterated the Hezbollah demand for release of prisoners since you know Hezbollah is part of the government.
Hezbollah is a political party with a private militia; no self respecting government would 'deals' with them...sheeh.
Hezbollah is a political party with large (and soon mainstream) support within the Lebanese populace and yes the Lebanese government reiterated the Hezbollah demand for release of prisoners since you know Hezbollah is part of the government.

Still dont give'em the right to take'em, Did the Lebanse Army attack Israel or did the Hesbollah. Kind of makes sense why Israel take those prisoner's in the first place, they were right that hezabollah is a terrorist organization and they are active in Lebanon.

Cuz there is an army more powerful than lebanon's. Those prisoners Israeli's take in most cases are terrorist, its better they take'em rather after some time they blow up school bus with a suicide belt.
It is upto the Lebanese government to form their own way of defence. Israel's self-respect wasn't in question here. It's a simple matter of kidnapping Lebanese civilians vs Israeli civilians.
I love it when you have no legal standpoint to stand on...
From the way Hezabollah resisted, itself shows the evidence of what Israel have been harping all along, about how much of a force a Terrorist organization is, If Lebanse government cant do it, Israel will do it for them.
I love it when you have no legal standpoint to stand on...
From the way Hezabollah resisted, itself shows the evidence of what Israel have been harping all along, about how much of a force a Terrorist organization is, If Lebanse government cant do it, Israel will do it for them.
What about the terrorist force that Israelis are? :D

They kill more, they kidnap more.

Lebanese won't do it, coz Hezbollah is now a part of the Lebanese Government. Whether you like it or not they are an official representative of Lebanon. Israel was kidnapping the Lebanese they just returned the favor and kidnapped the Israelis.

And being a terrorist organization Israel justified killing 1200 people based on that.
I love it when you have no legal standpoint to stand on...
From the way Hezabollah resisted, itself shows the evidence of what Israel have been harping all along, about how much of a force a Terrorist organization is, If Lebanse government cant do it, Israel will do it for them.
I find it funny when your choice of words is so weird.

Legal standpoint? Lol trust me I'd own you in court if that's the kind of arguments you brought forward. Keep repeating "I'm not interested" in front of the jury whenever you're stuck.
I love it when you have no legal standpoint to stand on...
From the way Hezabollah resisted, itself shows the evidence of what Israel have been harping all along, about how much of a force a Terrorist organization is, If Lebanse government cant do it, Israel will do it for them.

Israel harps on about a lot of bogus junk. They themselves don't follow more than 33 resolutions set by the International community, also know Hezbullah was formed because of Israel invasion in '82 so they are a legitimate group who defended themselves in the south, and want to reclaim their "Shabba farms" they took illegally.

Israel sayings don't mean "****" they call anyone against them terrorists or "Anti-Semitic" including American politicians who stand-up and accuse them of wrong doing, so technically they always play the victim card including when Germany stands-up to do something.

Still dont give'em the right to take'em, Did the Lebanse Army attack Israel or did the Hesbollah. Kind of makes sense why Israel take those prisoner's in the first place, they were right that hezabollah is a terrorist organization and they are active in Lebanon.

1. By your standing then it's the right of Hezbullah to take Israeli soldiers who were a threat in the South considering them have always violated Lebanese Air Space in the past and intrusions.

2. They aren't a terrorist group, learn how the group was formed to protect and fight of an Israeli invasion in '82 (So, they technically have a right to defend their homeland).

Cuz there is an army more powerful than lebanon's. Those prisoners Israeli's take in most cases are terrorist, its better they take'em rather after some time they blow up school bus with a suicide belt.

1. I have already provided that they kidnap civilians without any charges so your claim they are terrorist is "Base less".

What about those Children below the age of 18 you can't seriously think they will blow things up or even those new born.

Hezbollah is a political party with a private militia; no self respecting government would 'deals' with them...sheeh.

1. Your wrong UN had to deal with them, without their approval the cease-fire resolution couldn't have been put in place, shows how much political power they hold. So your claim of "Not dealing with them" is useless.

Where did they kidnap lebanese, Did I see lebanese government asking for their return? No.

Search Google, Lebanon has asked many times for releasing of prisoners who were captured while Israel hand a hold of Lebanon since their withdrawal, and so many times about the 2,000 Lebanese held in Israeli prisons south of Lebanon.

Israel whatever it is doing, right or wrong is a country; while hezabollah is not. Therefore is a private party, who Lebanse couldnt hold back.They got what they deserved.

Hezbullah, is a elected representative of the south, they are funded by the souther holders of power. Lebanon could hold it back, but their aren't enough power since the others don't hold enough power (Again, Democracy at work).

They got what they deserved?

So, by this logic we can say when an Indian soldier dies by a militia he got what he deserved correct, since you are occupying their territory.

Above, is just an example of your thinking.

How would Pakistan react if VHP sneaked in and abducted 2 pakistani rangers and GOI washes its hands off.

Please, if you can't contribute to the discussion at hand stop involving other nations. I suggest you learn from Adux and just sit back.

- And, and if that truly happened (even though you don't have the guts 2002 stand-off is an example), we would just sent in the same Militias' to **** on Indian soldiers, before they call in their special air power and 4 divisions, who still couldn't win without us having to withdraw.
Pakistan is not in the habit of sneaking in and kidnapping the BSF either. Israel does...

You didnt answer it.
Please, if you can't contribute to the discussion at hand stop involving other nations. I suggest you learn from Adux and just sit back.

- And, and if that truly happened (even though you don't have the guts 2002 stand-off is an example), we would just sent in the same Militias' to **** on Indian soldiers, before they call in their special air power and 4 divisions, who still couldn't win without us having to withdraw.

Well is it you who decides how one has to contribute?

In 2002 its not the VHP who was in the border!!!

Send in some militias...well yopu mean PA dressed up as militias.
Let's not drag the Indian army into this or of Pakistan's. This is a ME issue.
Let's not drag the Indian army into this or of Pakistan's. This is a ME issue.

Well you perfectly know my purpose of asking that question. If you wish to act naive and ignore that, then so be it.
Jews are also from Jerulslem
Why were they missing for last 2000 years then. Can Aryans again go back to their original lands in Kavkaz.No.
If they want to capture those parts again they need hands of worlds topmost goons over their heads first, which has happened in the case of Israel. While Palestinians never left their land any time in the history. They are there always.
You are the real fascist who are against rule of law, justice and in faouver of jungle Raj in this world. Nobody can hope for good from you.
evil hindu's
Hindu's have the guts to rule the world ? amazing, but why you brought the hindu's in here. Its off topic.
OBL is your here aint he
Keep OBL aside and take care of Thakareys, Modis, Togadias first, you preacher of evil and hatred. I can clearly feel the reasons for your love for Israel.
Yes and it was answered in a one liner... I don't want people discussing India/Pak here. Seriously we need to stop looking at the world through our own prism. Change your paradigms once in a while...

And remember its only political debate. People are only allowed to comment upon the issue, not a fellow commentator.
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