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Hyderabad vet’s case: All four accused killed in encounter, say police

A high profile case solved with an encounter execution. The people’s demands for vigilante justice answered by the police. Proof again that the Indian people have lost trust in the formal Justice system.

While only a single case, the reverberations of glee this news is creating reminds me of a famous quote. “When democracy dies it will not be treated with contempt, but with thunderous applause.”

Indian civil society continues its breakdown.

It appears to be a textbook case of extra judicial killing.

The thing with such things is that they solve one problem in the short term but it reduces the chance of a systematic change and thus has a high long term cost.

When you don't need the system to work, why put in the effort to make work?

Though admittedly, if these were indeed the perpetrators of that heinous crime, then at least the victim's family didn't have to wait too long to get justice.
Vigilantism does not make a good judiciary. It's shameful that our judiciary has become so ineffective that justice remains a distant dream for many.

I disagree with the modus operati of the police. The accused should have been killed by the act of law, long, tedious and torturous. All they got was a swift release and not to mention what kind of precedence this sets.

Kinda looks like you trying to fullfill your posts quota. Can't think of any other reason why they are increasingly so mind numbingly stupid.

It's like watching an Alzheimer's patient post as his disease progresses.
Your BJP masters are well known for raping and it's documented; so either I participate in your glorification of encounter killings , which against Indian law and international law, or you start abusing me? The judicial path should have been followed no matter how sickening the crime.
Your BJP masters are well known for raping and it's documented; so either I participate in your glorification of encounter killings , which against Indian law and international law, or you start abusing me? The judicial path should have been followed no matter how sickening the crime.
Maybe you've misunderstood, please go through my post and note that I advocated for the judicial process and against vigilantism.

I also brought up the point that in your pursuit of hate, you rarely read what's posted in it's context, outright cherry pick what suits you and post nonsensical rants as replies.
i disagree if indian gov have balls they should prove it in court extra judicial killings are crime of gov .
It is State government play law and order is under state government. Center has no role
Maybe you've misunderstood, please go through my post and note that I advocated for the judicial process and against vigilantism.

I also brought up the point that in your pursuit of hate, you rarely read what's posted in it's context, outright cherry pick what suits you and post nonsensical rants as replies.
Maybe you've misunderstood, please go through my post and note that I advocated for the judicial process and against vigilantism.

I also brought up the point that in your pursuit of hate, you rarely read what's posted in it's context, outright cherry pick what suits you and post nonsensical rants as replies.
So anything opposite to your view point is a rant? Making a factual statement has become " a pursuit of hate" in your eyes, perhaps you have become so drunk in Indian arrogance that you fail to see anything with objectivity. Open your eyes and accede to decent thinking and alternate viewpoints and go and bully an Indian Muslim if you dare.
So what if its an extra judicial killings committed by Indian police. As long as they were real culprits than its good that they were terminated quickly since judicial process in South Asia, in particular in India, take years. Best would had been if those rapists were set ablaze so that they would felt a very painful death just like that poor woman.
So anything opposite to your view point is a rant? Making a factual statement has become " a pursuit of hate" in your eyes, perhaps you have become so drunk in Indian arrogance that you fail to see anything with objectivity. Open your eyes and accede to decent thinking and alternate viewpoints and go and bully an Indian Muslim if you dare.
It's the part where despite both of us being in agreement about this matter, you have to lash out at me only due to the colour of my flag; that I'm objecting to.

You're attacking Indians members with no rhyme or reason, makes you look incoherent.
So anything opposite to your view point is a rant? Making a factual statement has become " a pursuit of hate" in your eyes, perhaps you have become so drunk in Indian arrogance that you fail to see anything with objectivity. Open your eyes and accede to decent thinking and alternate viewpoints and go and bully an Indian Muslim if you dare.
See, Not all are BJP supporters in India so you should make statement considering that in mind. India and Pakistan not saying just protect India but in reality have rape problem.
Victim was planned to rape and burnt alive. There is cctv footage of accused dragging victim and also they confessed
the accused were caught on camera and were caught without any delay. There is no framing innocents. They had confessed.

I have not been following case, so cant comment on specific evidence. I am just making a point about police framing people. Happens globally.

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