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Husain Haqqani | The ambassador who sold Pakistan

Please start a case of high treason against him to punish him with the death sentence. Revoke his citizenship and confiscate his property...
This traitor bastard will be facing the justice of Allah (s.w.t) for selling his motherland. No nation in the world trust these kind people and treat them like dogs throw them a bone when they need them. These traitors live a life of worse than pigs, they don't have any friends because no one trust them.
If you can sell your motherland tomorrow you will sell their motherland for money, because traitors don't have a religion.
are we sure there are not anymore 'Haqqani's' in current regim, or not having offices in current goeverment?i doubt that
forget about the one who escaped....think about those who are still here,still harming Pak
This guy had been appointed to so many different high positions by so many different Pak leaders - yet because he is stating unvarnished truisms which are inconvenient to the Pakistani establishment, now there seems to be a lynching mob set on him! Ofcourse sheeple start clapping in glee
Isn't Hussain Haqqani the same guy who has been begging for a Pakistani passport after it expired? Too bad he can never visit Pakistan again. He should remain in his newly adopted home America.

This should be an eye opener for naive Pakistanis. This is who we elect. People who sell out their own country and hand out visas to foreign spies. Afterwards they brag about their nefarious deeds. Such a person would not survive harsh punishment anywhere except Pakistan. I laugh at the political party that today disowns Hussain Haqqani. The PPP was undoubtedly aware and even complicit.
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This guy had been appointed to so many different high positions by so many different Pak leaders - yet because he is stating unvarnished truisms which are inconvenient to the Pakistani establishment, now there seems to be a lynching mob set on him! Ofcourse sheeple start clapping in glee

The expectation that is prescribed demands that all expatriates bow to the military control of foreign and defense policies. Hence, lobbying for more F-16s is always encouraged. Demanding that military aid be converted into social development projects will lead to a charge of treason.
Hussain Haqqani is perhaps the only Guy in Washington
who can present Pakistan's case to the trump Adminstration
To appease sick Indian. Too bad Indians cant do anything on their own and require US. Shameful

When $hit hits the fan ; your Ambassador will be kicked out from US
Later. How about you try to do that In your own land before saying that happening a foreign land. LOl

stating unvarnished truisms which are inconvenient to the Pakistani establishment
India should immediately hire him and invite him to India. So when is that actually happening ?
This guy had been appointed to so many different high positions by so many different Pak leaders - yet because he is stating unvarnished truisms which are inconvenient to the Pakistani establishment, now there seems to be a lynching mob set on him! Ofcourse sheeple start clapping in glee

Why don't you Indians import him to India? What does Hussain Haqqani have to be afraid of that he is hiding in the US? So much for lecturing Pakistan thousands of miles away. Why doesn't he become a real man and pay Pakistan a visit?
He has Pakistan's interests at heart
Coming very rich from AN INDIAN HINDU that too BJP supporter.

It is very hard for a hindu bjp supporter who suck ups to BJP to stay out of Pakistani Threads. The fact that he is in Pakistani forum is proof enough.
The joy is Priceless
LOL. There are literally Billion of you with wobbly head obsessing about Pakistan with mental masturbation. I am glad that we will continue you influence every single one of you forever.
It makes me feel like celebrity
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