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Husain Haqqani | The ambassador who sold Pakistan

Your government needs to show him Love and Respect

All These Abuses wont work ; He has Pakistan's interests at heart

The difference is in the approach

When $hit hits the fan ; your Ambassador will be kicked out from US
And Only Haqqani will be the last link remaining

LOL at our ambassador will
be kicked out after $hit hitting
the fan.

You stupid Indian. You been sniffing cow dung? Do you even grasp the ramifications of expelling an ambassador of any given country? It amounts to severing diplomatic and all other ties. Even Trump the fool isn't that crazy to kick out an ambassador of any nation. Even when the shit hits the fan. Get real, fool.
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Is he American or Pakistani citizen ?

He has a Pakistani passport. The servant hasn't been awarded with an American passport. I think the Americans regard him as an asset. He will be ditched once he becomes a liability.

On a different note, what to think of the current government which has extended Haqqani's passport after it expired? They call him an enemy yet reward him with citizenship. How screwed up is that?
LOL at our ambassador will
be kicked out after $hit hitting
the fan.

You stupid Indian. You been sniffing cow dung? Do you even grasp the ramifications of expelling an ambassador of any given country? It amounts to severing diplomatic and other ties. Even Trump the fool isn't that crazy to kick out an ambassador of any nation. Get real, fool.

You are a BIG fool if you dont know the Tension in US Pak relations Post
Osama killing ; Raymond Davis incident ; Salala Border killings

Ask Mastan Khan what was the state of US PAK relations
at that time

Many Pakistanis were saying that US is going to attack Pakistan

Kicking out the Ambasador is just One step

That Threat was also given and Pakistan Buckled under pressure

US threatens to kick out Pak envoy if diplomat Davis not freed


P.S : You are New to Geopolitics ; I have been following it from 1990 Onwards

Even if I am an Indian ; that does not make me Wrong Per se
HH is being set up to take the blame for a leadership in Pakistan that itself failed to see the momentous changes in US policy in the region, that is all.

What change?" failed to see the momentous changes in US policy in the region, that is all". There is no change is USA policy towards Pakistan.
Why don't you Indians import him to India? What does Hussain Haqqani have to be afraid of that he is hiding in the US? So much for lecturing Pakistan thousands of miles away. Why doesn't he become a real man and pay Pakistan a visit?

what has he to do with India? He is a Pakistani. In fact, he seems to be one of the very few Pakistanis, going by what I see in this site, that actually has common sense and speaks the truth. Thus he is lot more patriotic than most of you that not only simply surrender to your military establishment but also start worshipping them!

LOL A Pakistani citizen that will reside for the rest of his miserable life in a foreign country. Wanna bet?

let's see - he had some of the highest positions in Pakistan. The establishment scapegoated him. He gave them the finger and is now serving Pakistan from the US. Being such a patriot from exile is lot more honorable than being the traitors from inside Pakistan which is what many of you do when you unquestioningly worship your military establishment.

Not to forget, he also gets to live in the great US of A
Folks, dont vent anger on hussain haqqani, he is a weakling. Rather he is available for rent.
.....if blame, then target who appointed it, zardari.
.......He is getting much more publicity than he is worth for.
The most sad and pathetic aspect of all this is that PAK corrupt government failed to punish this low life western slave & make an example out of him. This was a matter of national dignity, fairness, justice & PAK's international standing. Pak goverment utterly failed in this regard.
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