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Husain Haqqani | The ambassador who sold Pakistan


May 3, 2009
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Husain Haqqani | The ambassador who sold Pakistan

By : Sarah Khan


In his latest article published in leading US daily, “The Washington Post”, Pakistan’s ex-ambassador to US, Hussain Haqqani appointed by Pakistan People’s Party leadership, has successfully libeled Pakistan at behest of his masters in RAW and CIA. In his recent article, “"Yes, the Russian ambassador met Trump’s team. So? That’s what we diplomats do” Haqqani wrote “The relationships I forged with members of Obama’s campaign team also led to closer cooperation between Pakistan and the United States in fighting terrorism over the 31/2 years I served as ambassador. These connections eventually enabled the United States to discover and eliminate bin Laden without depending on Pakistan’s intelligence service or military, which were suspected of sympathy toward Islamist militants.” In other words, he confessed that he facilitated CIA spies to launch operation inside Pakistani territory.

Osama was killed in Pakistan or not is a different story as US has not given any proof to it but Haqqani’s article and confession depicts the nefarious role played by a Pakistani Ambassador in defaming its country. Moreover, the writing of an article in renowned US daily is a clear indication of his loyalties with his masters in CIA, who want to keep the issue of OBL killing live by publishing the story time and again as they did in case of alleged proliferation by AQ Khan.

Appointing a man of duplicitous character as Pakistan’s ambassador to US was a serious blow to Pakistan’s relations with superpower. And Hussain Haqqani exploited the granted opportunity at its fullest. Haqqani is known for shifting loyalties even in Pakistani politics. He began to develop a coherent argument against the military’s dominance of Pakistani politics. He was in student politics some 43 years ago, affiliated with the Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT); he praised General Ziaul Haq in the 1980s as a young journalist before working for Nawaz Sharif. He switched sides and became close to Benazir Bhutto and Asif Ali Zardari, ending up as Pakistan’s ambassador to the US after a stint in exile during the Musharraf years. His appointment as ambassador to US by PPP was nothing less than a treason again Pakistan. During his tenure, he not only ruined his bilateral ties between two allies but facilitated RAW/ CIA to carry out nefarious activities inside Pakistan.

In an article titled, “Why Are We Sending This Attack Helicopter to Pakistan?” Haqqani wrote for the WSJ, “instead of being deployed against jihadists, American weapons will end up being used to fight or menace India and perceived domestic enemies”. To which Pakistan may have asked, who’s ‘we’? Of late, Pakistan’s former ambassador to the US has become the US’s ambassador to Pakistan — if that ambassador were a nagging neocon with an axe to grind. But he can’t be even termed as US Ambassador to Pakistan because mostly US ambassadors to Pakistan have portrayed a positive image of Pakistan in their statements and writings. For instance, Cameron Munter and Robin Raphel always praised Pakistan for playing a positive role at regional and global level.

Though he was nominated as Pakistan’s ambassador to US and his job was to enhance bilateral ties between two countries, instead Haqqani played at the hands of CIA/ RAW to spoil bilateral relations between Pakistan and US. According to media reports, he granted Pakistani visa to hundreds of CIA agents within a few days. Vali Nasr in his renowned book, Dispensable Nation has noted that there is more CIA presence and lesser diplomatic US presence in Pakistan.

After his removal as ambassador from US, he has been playing openly in the hands of Indians. He frequently visits India and attends seminars and conferences, where his only purpose is to deliver anti-Pakistan speeches. His academic critique of Pakistan’s state ideology, and defence and foreign policies must be ridiculed as that of an opportunist, who now works either for the Americans or the Indians, or possibly both. Haqqani is a turncoat guilty of treason against his own country. whose nationality must be revoked by Government of Pakistan.
An article with a lot of blame, he did this, he did that and not even 1% of proof provided to substantiate the claim. LOL :-)
You sure he will present Pakistan case or he will sell out Pakistan once again ..

Your government needs to show him Love and Respect

All These Abuses wont work ; He has Pakistan's interests at heart

The difference is in the approach

When $hit hits the fan ; your Ambassador will be kicked out from US
And Only Haqqani will be the last link remaining
Your government needs to show him Love and Respect

All These Abuses wont work ; He has Pakistan's interests at heart

The difference is in the approach

When $hit hits the fan ; your Ambassador will be kicked out from US
And Only Haqqani will be the last link remaining

are we talking about same Hussain Haqqani ?
i doubt that ..
Haqqani is known for shifting loyalties even in Pakistani politics.

He is a confused traitor...

Please start a case of high treason against him to punish him with the death sentence. Revoke his citizenship and confiscate his property...

If that was the case i believe we have to not look any further than in our own country a traitor called Achakzai should be the 1st person as well as AZ etc
Hussain Haqqani is perhaps the only Guy in Washington
who can present Pakistan's case to the trump Adminstration

An article with a lot of blame, he did this, he did that and not even 1% of proof provided to substantiate the claim. LOL :-)

Your government needs to show him Love and Respect

All These Abuses wont work ; He has Pakistan's interests at heart

The difference is in the approach

When $hit hits the fan ; your Ambassador will be kicked out from US
And Only Haqqani will be the last link remaining

When an Indian praises and or defends a so called Pakistani, you very well know that "Pakistani" is a traitorous bastard to the core.
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