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Hundreds of thousands of people at Khadim Hussain Rizvi's Funeral


Jun 25, 2020
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United Kingdom
I've never seen these many people around Minar-e-Pakistan before.

This must be one of Pakistan's biggest funerals.

Around 200-300k people here alone according to the news and in total they're saying around 750k to 1 million have gathered.

SoPs need to be followed.
A very big crowd.
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He was an alright dude after software update.

I could be wrong tho.
Hamare Janaze Hamara Faisla Karain Ge!


This is biggest gathering of people in Pakistan to date. Super duper corona spreading event. Govt is busy in stopping pdm julsas but why no stopping to this. C
Enemies of Islam and Pakistan should know this when we will do Jihad. Great responsibility on our strategic forces and scientists & engineers to be actually equal to this spirit. We should make fighter planes and missiles that no one can be equal to. Stop relying on foreign conponents. Make every thing 10000% perfect and InshaAllah never disgrace us - Amen
This is biggest gathering of people in Pakistan to date. Super duper corona spreading event. Govt is busy in stopping pdm julsas but why no stopping to this. C

How would you stop them???

The sheer amount of people
The emotion

It would be a flamable situation

Any state force could mean street battles and frankly trying to control a mass like that would be impossible

Because our people are stupid and never listen and will hold jalsa after jalsa and if Covid increases they will just blame IK and government
How would you stop them???

The sheer amount of people
The emotion

It would be a flamable situation

Any state force could mean street battles and frankly trying to control a mass like that would be impossible

Because our people are stupid and never listen and will hold jalsa after jalsa and if Covid increases they will just blame IK and government

It's not about stopping them. Govt could have contacted his family and political party and asked them to appeal to masses to bring masks and socially distance. Perhaps even offer to distribute masks and provide logistical support for funeral.
I hate to say this but Pakistan is a banana republic, no doubt its a very big funeral, but in these testing times, this size of funeral shouldnt have been allowed, every Tom, dick and harry can do as they please in Pakistan, Government has no writ, When the governments establish a rule of law only then a country can progress, now the hypocrites PDM that plan to do Jalsa's are also ignoring SOPs and government advice they are themselves putting lives in danger.

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