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Hundreds Of Foreign Agents Arrested From Pakistan

I heard they are 5000000 at least. Why are you saying only 200000?

Shooting the bluet on back side of head. Direct justice no court. Chinese style. Line up the people infront of wall and shoot them on the back side of head to finish the slaughter quota.

what these people shall do except violently turn against you?

Thanks for advice :thank_you2:
hardly convincing .. a 35 sec clip is too little to declare 200,000 people enemy agents.

He didn't say 200,000 people as enemy agents.

He said "How many of them could be agents? Many, maybe even thousands "
thousand are fine .. right? based on 35 sec clip!

1) I'm not sure, since I'm still waiting for confirmation.

2) Haroon Rasheed was quoting an ex-ISI officer "Major Amir"

3) Had the clip been an hour long, it would have made it legit? Eschewed logic!
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Nuclear expertise of Pakistan along with close relations with some Arab nations is great concern for Israel. A nuclear armed Arab nation changes everything in Middle East. Israel has some good reasons to be involved in Pakistan. Besides among Muslim majority countries Pakistan ranks among Top nations in terms of military power and diplomatic influence and hence needs to be observed closely.

damn...in that sense,even NATO and African countries should put spies in Pakistan,as AQK exported tech to Libya too...

Israel had this concern for 60+ long years,and they put spies in the region is not a new thing.hell,every country does that.but they wanted to destabilize this region using proxy war is a different kind of accusation altogether.

I'm pretty much sure that you're going to get more RAW,KHAD,VAJA,CIA agents in Pakistan than MOSSAD.they're pretty much outnumbered..
Rival Countries? There is only one that is declared. Which ones are the others?
Others spawn from it? :unsure: I dont know...I didnt write the article nor did any interviews :(

The same was said about Bengalis before Bangladesh broke away. History is now dying to repeat itself.
Did you just agree with him based on his delusions? Even when the guy said he didnt mean them? Wow mod sahab wow!
Others spawn from it? :unsure: I dont know...I didnt write the article nor did any interviews :(

Did you just agree with him based on his delusions? Even when the guy said he didnt mean them? Wow mod sahab wow!

I only added onto his "delusions". There is a Karachi problem that will come to light in the next few years. This country has the memory of a goldfish with history and hell bound to repeat it.

And please, try not to be cheesy with the "mod" jibes.. my being moderator has nothing to do with me being obligated to post happy cheery posts that make you go like hello kitty.

Some of the prominent are Dawood,Bhutkals etc.......................
So basically, 200000 Indians are the descendants of Dawood.. or relatives? The dude is an evil mastermind then to have 200000 people just in Pakistan.
thousand are fine .. right? based on 35 sec clip!

You must understand.. anyone not having genetic ancestry in the rather genetically mixed up lands of Pakistan is considered Indian and an outsider.... The Bengalis were a clear and cut warning to the mentality prevailing in certain parts of the subcontinent.
So basically, 200000 Indians are the descendants of Dawood.. or relatives? The dude is an evil mastermind then to have 200000 people just in Pakistan.
Did I say so.................I only said some of the Prominent Indians are Dawood, Bhatkal etc
I only added onto his "delusions". There is a Karachi problem that will come to light in the next few years. This country has the memory of a goldfish with history and hell bound to repeat it.

And please, try not to be cheesy with the "mod" jibes.. my being moderator has nothing to do with me being obligated to post happy cheery posts that make you go like hello kitty.
Yea, but you are obliged to feed delusional trolls? I am confused :(
Nuclear expertise of Pakistan along with close relations with some Arab nations is great concern for Israel. A nuclear armed Arab nation changes everything in Middle East. Israel has some good reasons to be involved in Pakistan. Besides among Muslim majority countries Pakistan ranks among Top nations in terms of military power and diplomatic influence and hence needs to be observed closely.

Nuclear armed Arab countries??? Are you talking about nuclear proliferation?? 3 countries already got proliferated due to Pakistan,I.e. Iran,north korea and Libya..thank god Libya couldn't build it,but north Korea already built several, and Iran is pretty close..as if it is not enough,you want to arm middle east??no wonder Isis thinks they can acquire nukes from Pakistan..
Nuclear armed Arab countries??? Are you talking about nuclear proliferation?? 3 countries already got proliferated due to Pakistan,I.e. Iran,north korea and Libya..thank god Libya couldn't build it,but north Korea already built several, and Iran is pretty close..as if it is not enough,you want to arm middle east??no wonder Isis thinks they can acquire nukes from Pakistan..

I think you misunderstood what I said.
I think you misunderstood what I said.

I perfectly understood what you wrote..

By the way,its Pakistan who is worried about Israel, not other way around.there is mossad in Pakistan,of course.but you should worry about raw,khad/ram and CIA more..
A LOT of people posting in this thread seem to not even understand what constitutes a 'foreign agent' and are simply associating 'foreign agent' with being a 'foreigner' by using the two as if they are synonyms of each other.

A 'foreign agent' can be a born and bred Pakistani who has simply agreed to help a foreign entity in exchange for money or some other benefit to him. VERY IMPORTANT to REMEMBER, its NOT always MONEY that motivates people to spy against their own country.

Just like India, United States, China, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, U.K, etc have spies in Pakistan (spies who are Pakistanis by birth) - similarly Pakistan has spies in India, Iran, etc who are legal citizens of those countries by birth and have decided to help Pakistan in exchange for money or some other benefit.

It's a two-way street. What Pakistan MUST do on its own end is to eliminate factors that would motivate any citizen of Pakistan to help any foreign entity.

In this regard we are not succeeding. Pakistan has quite a large disenfranchised population and perfectly ripe for foreign entities to use as moles.

Just one example; imagine the case of Bengalis who, during the 1971 war sided with West Pakistanis and paid the ultimate price of having been expelled or forced to flee from newly independent Bangladesh. Today, those loyal Bengalis live in squalor and filth, at the lowest rung of Pakistani society in a place called 'machar colony' in Karachi. NO Pakistani government has ever tried to make life better for them. So if today or tomorrow, a few of them start helping a foreign entity in exchange for the most basic necessities of life such as money for food for their children, would you really blame them?

The above is the most primitive example of someone turning into a 'foreign agent'.

Ofcourse 'foreign agents' are cultivated from different segments of society, the more connected and high profile they are and privileged, the better! But for acts of violence, creating unrest on the streets, the aforementioned poor folks make ripe prey for recruitment.

And ofcourse 'foreign agent' can also be a 'foreigner', residing in the host country under a false identity and occupation.
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Foreign agents have infiltrated the NGO circles operating all over Pakistan. Particularly, during Musharraf era, when Pakistan came increasingly under the radar of so-called human rights oragnizations, foreigner 'experts' got a free ride across the length and breadth of Pakistan.
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