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Human Rights breach by the shameless police

@animelive, should have given the title awami police league or something. These scums are doing just what there party policy dictates.

@BDforever They don't have the balls to target the Jamaat so they'll go and target everyone and anyone who remotely "looks" like a Muslim?!

Bhai na jaina fao pasal paro ken? Jamat along with BNP walas + bypassers R the ones who are targeted left and right. The people with guns are chapatti league (awami student wing). They have a free pass to dictate laws and openly backed by high profile ministers . The whole police force is filled with awami activist. And yes people remotely looking muslim R harressed and arrested.

@Dillinger This is just one side story, did you see how police is getting attack ?
Bring all videos and stories too and see real picture @animelive
I watch all channels to get real scenario.
@animelive , i saw this video , now check today's video of Somoy news channel. you will see video of another story.

one sided? :what: Seeing everything through your awami tainted glasses? The most pathetic stuff in all this is how U claim to be apolitical. As for one sided, well how would U explain your BD news and BALer alo/star's non-stop yellow farts. Simply pathetic.

And videos and stories? :lol: Videos from ekkator and independent? :cheesy:
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@animelive, should have given the title awami police league or something. These scums are doing just what there party policy dictates.

Bhai na jaina fao pasal paro ken? Jamat along with BNP walas + bypassers R the ones who are targeted left and right. The people with guns are chapatti league (awami student wing). They have a free pass to dictate laws and openly backed by high profile ministers . The whole police force is filled with awami activist. And yes people remotely looking muslim R harressed and arrested.

one sided? :what: Seeing everything through your awami tainted glasses? The most pathetic stuff in all this is how U claim to be apolitical. As for one sided, well how would U explain your BD news and BALer alo/star's non-stop yellow farts. Simply pathetic.

And videos and stories? :lol: Videos from ekkator and independent? :cheesy:

i do not want to talk to you, in past you seriously did personal attack ,so stay away from me and do not quote me.
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i do not want to talk to you, in past you seriously did personal attack ,so stay away from me and do not quote me.

Then Put me on your ignore list like your guru bummer-fist.

Btw about name calling, R your referring to the friendly suggestion about changing your username?I see I was right all along seeing all your daily post. Be honest with yourself. :)
I think i need to teach something...

this is called protest

and this is called violence
1.all i am saying is that no party are morally good, both parties are guilty of what they are doing.
talking for one side is kinda biased.
2. Police always been questioned about their role, if you want to change their role free them from government (BAL or BNP)
3. Mosque is every where , not in just one place but protest takes place in front of certain Mosques, avoid those Mosque and go to other Mosque.
4. I am angry agianst current gov. corruption and at the same time i do not justify burning public's property.
5. if you really mean protest against gov. not against people, go protest in front of parliament, protest in front of 'Montri para' opposite side of Parliament.

1. So you suggest that we do nothing? ok but people don't agree with you, sorry
2.Do post the brutalities of Police in BNP rule, i seem to have missed it, my bad. Hope it was a mass killing, that wa your reason shall be justified as well
3.Why shall i not go to my national mosque? who are you to dictate my actions? what is wrong with protesting? why shall we be shot at?
4.Do give the alternative suggestion as well
5.Protests happen in street and then the police starts attacking, who are protesting against people? also yes the long march is happening.

I think i need to teach something...

Very well, why were the protesters in mosques shot at? teach us master, we need to be educated on this matter.1971 e boast about happened through violence? YES or NO? How many students killed in 1952? how many people killed in 2013? when going gets tough, tough gets the going
@animelive, excellent job for opening this thread with a good video. Looks like pro-India AL sympathizers and apologists are on the back foot, when presented with evidence. That is why it is urgent that all pro-Bangladesh activists and protesters train on videography and take video's as evidence for Awami terrorist police and cader brigade. Technology is the great leveler that will unmask and defeat these fascists.
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1. So you suggest that we do nothing? ok but people don't agree with you, sorry
2.Do post the brutalities of Police in BNP rule, i seem to have missed it, my bad. Hope it was a mass killing, that wa your reason shall be justified as well
3.Why shall i not go to my national mosque? who are you to dictate my actions? what is wrong with protesting? why shall we be shot at?
4.Do give the alternative suggestion as well
5.Protests happen in street and then the police starts attacking, who are protesting against people? also yes the long march is happening.

Very well, why were the protesters in mosques shot at? teach us master, we need to be educated on this matter.1971 e boast about happened through violence? YES or NO? How many students killed in 1952? how many people killed in 2013? when going gets tough, tough gets the going
1. do protest peacefully like long march and do protest like picture no1 of my previous post.
2. people did not get kill so much during BNP because that time there was not this kind of high lvl violence.
3. i am not dictator of your action, you are victim of your action.
4.again point no. 1
5. long march :tup:
6. go check yourself , in 1952 students were also protesting like picture no.1.
for your help

wth are the police supposed to do with such crazy hooligans

beg for life, run away and help to burn public properties
Looks like pro-India AL sympathizers and apologists are on the back foot, when presented with evidence. That is why it is urgent that all pro-Bangladesh activists and protesters train on videography and take video's as evidence for Awami terrorist police and cader brigade. Technology is the great leveler that will unmask and defeat these fascists.
Shahid minar vandalized, SHIBIRS did it, projonmo bahini feels their pride and self respect is being hurt. Few days later "Chatra league caught while trying to vandalize shahid minar". projonmo bahini went quiet

Hindu temples burned, SHIBIRS did it, ban Islamic parties, few days later "various reports from hindu people blaming AL" everyone went quiet.

Police shot at Mosque, don't go to Mosque.

Police shot 200 people dead and many others injured, do not protest.

Police captured shibir with their weapons "stones" hula hula by the kids, Police fighting with chatra league while even giving them rab uniforms and arming them with shotgun, not a single word by our youths.

Rajib killed, SHIBIRS did it. Evidence said otherwise "some other Islamic gang did it" ban religious practices.

Bongobir siddique killed rejakars? tui rejakar tui rejaker. "We want the hanging of war criminals, no need of trial"

I can expect what comes next. ie:

AL hallmark scam? shibir propaganda

Sharemarket fraud? shibir was controlling it

Padma bridge corruption? shibir were the mastermind

Railway minister's secretary/driver found with loads of cash? Shibir framed him

No matter what proof you give them, they won't listen. Our education and media brainwashed them to become retarded and dumb.
1. do protest peacefully like long march and do protest like picture no1 of my previous post.
2. people did not get kill so much during BNP because that time there was not this kind of high lvl violence.
3. i am not dictator of your action, you are victim of your action.
4.again point no. 1
5. long march :tup:
6. go check yourself , in 1952 students were also protesting like picture no.1.

beg for life, run away and help to burn public properties

You cannot justify killing of a single person under any circumstances. You can arrest them and prosecute them for their alleged crimes, but not kill them with live ammunition. AL terrorist govt. have lost legitimacy and should resign in shame and disgrace.
You cannot justify killing of a single person under any circumstances. You can arrest them and prosecute them for their alleged crimes, but not kill them with live ammunition. AL terrorist govt. have lost legitimacy and should resign in shame and disgrace.

i agree with you , but you also can not justify violence like burning public properties.

Even in India if you attack police, police always win in brutality. Its best to protest peacefully and not attack police, simple.

BTW that ''kick one guy and pin down another in one motion'' flying kick was awesome. Hope they were not just bystanders.

BTW how many policemen have been killed so far? I think police in the subcontinent settle for a 1:20 ratio.
1. do protest peacefully like long march and do protest like picture no1 of my previous post.
2. people did not get kill so much during BNP because that time there was not this kind of high lvl violence.
3. i am not dictator of your action, you are victim of your action.
4.again point no. 1
5. long march :tup:
6. go check yourself , in 1952 students were also protesting like picture no.1.
1.Why peaceful protest after 200 killings? just why? peaceful protests are being attacked, now the long march will probably scare the GOVT by the sheer amount of people therefore they will get scared to use police.
2. Ok, please post the BNP police atrocities, minor ones then
3. Yes my fault, i went to my national mosque, and then you ask why we use violence?
4. Peaceful protest didn't work
6. Same as now, then the police attacked, do you have any evidence to say otherwise? please post it. Anyway from a person who said that shibir attacked police station first and blasted police's hand and killed them without any reason/evidence/logic, i have low expectations.
2011 England riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
wth are the police supposed to do with such crazy hooligans
Everything happens for a reason, its the police who started shooting them first, did you see the weapons they were using? did you see the pic where they were helping the awami league terrorists beat people?
2011 England riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i agree with you , but you also can not justify violence like burning public properties.

I do not support and will not try to justify burning public properties, but there is due process for punishing such crimes. Killing without due process is not acceptable in any civilized country. Extrajudicial killing is a crime itself and these criminals can and should be prosecuted for their crimes. I would urge people to take video and photo of these killers so they can be brought to justice later. No one is above the law.

Even in India if you attack police, police always win in brutality. Its best to protest peacefully and not attack police, simple.

BTW that ''kick one guy and pin down another in one flying kick was awesome. Hope they were not just bystanders.

Tried and failed, police cracked down.

But they were
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