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HQ 9 / FD2000 spotted in Pakistan

The foremost threat that Pakistan anticipated and was given hint of, after 27 Feb 2019 Raid on IOK, was Indian retaliatory measures based on Cruise missile attack, few or a swarm to overwhelm PA/PAF AD. India sought it feasible since IAF had seen that PA/PAF AD units had not performed up to expectation on 26th Feb 2019.

Also there are a lot of AAA Guns (different calibers) in PA inventory, why do you think these AD guns exist in this era of warfare?

I hope the threat also serves as a lesson to develop the said capability based on existing uav and cruise missile technology base that we already have. It’s both effective and cost-effective.
This satellite photo looks more similar to things like cruise missile canister near coasts. Maybe just two tubes and not four but looks thick to be HQ-9 or HQ-22.
Suicide drones like IAI HARPY is another option for defeating Indian S-400

Apart from the drones swarms, there is another way to take out S 400 batteries/command and control/radar vehicles.
Use your local assets to do an inside job and made them redundant for India. Or attack the units with crack undercover units at the time of war.

After all it is all fair in love and war.
he was the self proclaim Indian expert that analyze test launch of babur-3 from sub on Indian medias and also on YouTube and presented/gives ridiculous logic that babur-3 couldn't fire from the sub
Well u guy here @Tank131 also claimed that Babur 3 is not fired from sub

Would have preferred to see a highly mobile SP AD system to give cover to PA Armored forces from IAF and IA aviation assets.
Isin't LY 80 enough to counter them. Pakistan Armoured Brigade will be protected by PAF against IAF

You are aware that Pakistan modernizes, upgrades and enhances capabilities through local/foreign companies for most of the Chinese weapons it procures.
Would China allow that for HQ 9? Since it places a considerable threat for theft of technology by Foreign company

Let India Induct and deploy S-400 first. Pakistan has time on its hands still whether to go for HQ-9 or similar AD/ABM system.
What other Long Range systems are avaiable to us?

It could be this one. Sky Dragon 50 Air Defence system from China. It was on display during IDEAS 2018

Check the hull, do you see a difference between the length of the hull in the op image and this one?
It might be an HQ-9 in the process of deploying (missile launchers going vertical) when the image was clicked, hence the tubes look shorter.

Well u guy here @Tank131 also claimed that Babur 3 is not fired from sub
oh bhai he is not professional or insider, he just giving his opinions, he could be wrong
Would China allow that for HQ 9? Since it places a considerable threat for theft of technology by Foreign company
HQ-9 is based on S-300/Patriot technologies its a open secret, and there are no Threat for acquiring HQ-9 from China that China consider That HQ-9 technologies might fall into wrong hands
What other Long Range systems are avaiable to us?
Aster-30 or in distant possibility S-400
Aster 30 is similar in range to HQ-22 with around 150km range maximum. It's between HQ-16 and HQ-9 range or Buk missile and S-300.

S-400 maximum range missile of 400km in theory is not practical for use unless Pakistan buys many and has major conflict with India. Also it's so expensive but does not mean it cannot be destroyed. So longest useful range is about S-300 and HQ-9 level for the money you spend. To get 400km range of S-400, you must have some very important and expensive targets.
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