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How's your perception of other nations changed on the PDF

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Does that mean you will take a hike from a PAKISTANI forum. !! ??...... good.

In your wet dreams mate! They wont leave - they love it.
BTW Windy have you ever been on one of those Indian defense forums that swear and are obnoxious to everyone? Its incredibly offensive and distasteful. So guess what? - i dont response and instead come back on here. If i had extreme hatred for Pakistanis like Prism do you then think i would after that post still come on here? I suggest he is either a liar or loves and is obsessed with Pakistanis.
In your wet dreams mate! They wont leave - they love it.
BTW Windy have you ever been on one of those Indian defense forums that swear and are obnoxious to everyone? Its incredibly offensive and distasteful. So guess what? - i dont response and instead come back on here. If i had extreme hatred for Pakistanis like Prism do you then think i would after that post still come on here? I suggest he is either a liar or loves and is obsessed with Pakistanis.

Why don't you write to mods to ban Indian member from posting on Defence.pk, is there any compulsion for them, without us you know what will be defence .pk
Guys, we all know people of our nationality will be inclined to chose friends or enemy based on national mood(determined by govt-govt relation and media stories).
At least on this very forum that is true, which means Indians will mostly be negative towards pakistan and china and positive towards israel( or even vietnam)

People will also cheer trolls on their own side, while criticizing the other side.

People should consider those inherent bias, before judging the impact.
For example those who thought pakistan is a country of burqa-clad aunties and mullahs with beard, ruled by evil terrorists, surely cant ignore the fact that lot of their members make perfectly sensible argument(ignoring trolls from all sides)
Man ive been controling myself but..:D.. cant say much about pakistany guys but you sure have some really hot chicks :woot::butcher:like the one in your avatar would love to spend a night in her custody:devil::D

I agree mate but i believe both sides have good looking chicks. Have had loads of Indian chick girlfriends before marriage and they were very hot. Not matramonial material but really hot. :angel:
Bangladeshis- Warm
Indians-Neutral pmukherjee and several others I founded respectable
I dont hate anyone or any nationality....i just hate the trolls from Pakistan and conscript rejects from china....
I agree mate but i believe both sides have good looking chicks. Have had loads of Indian chick girlfriends before marriage and they were very hot. Not matramonial material but really hot. :angel:

Really i an ammazed:cheesy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
In your wet dreams mate! They wont leave - they love it.
BTW Windy have you ever been on one of those Indian defense forums that swear and are obnoxious to everyone? Its incredibly offensive and distasteful. So guess what? - i dont response and instead come back on here. If i had extreme hatred for Pakistanis like Prism do you then think i would after that post still come on here? I suggest he is either a liar or loves and is obsessed with Pakistanis.
The fact there are more Indians than rest combined on this forum tells us the real story.!!
Once some one sent me a link to one of these sites which infact resemble a zoo....man it wasn't distasteful but degrading...the hot topic was.....who slept with Ashwarya Roy first. !!...says a lot about certain people's mentality.
I dont hate anyone or any nationality....i just hate the trolls from Pakistan and conscript rejects from china....

^^^ Don't forget were evil chink commies tibetian hating, Democracy hating, Life Hating paid( I wish ) conscript rejects agents aka the CHINA STRONG CREW :D.
Why don't you write to mods to ban Indian member from posting on Defence.pk, is there any compulsion for them, without us you know what will be defence .pk

Obviously you dont understand English. Prism said he has extreme hatred for Pakistanis hence my response. Did i say i wanted to have all Indians banned? Get a grip and engage brain before jumping mate. I never implied ban Indians. I just said if you hate then leave. BTW without these trolls PDF would be even greater - thats for sure.
The best part is that we have some members on party payroll trolling here.
^^^ Don't forget were evil chink commies tibetian hating, Democracy hating, Life Hating paid( I wish ) conscript rejects agents aka the CHINA STRONG CREW :D.
Well, I am disappointed that not many Chinese on this forum. Also the fact that very few of them stick their neck out and be critical of themselves.
But somehow find it difficult to hate Chinese people(or any nationality from far east)
Pakistanies:some guys veri sensible but most of them highly antyindia & think someday someone will help them

Chinies : Mostly Anty India

Bangladeshies : some sensible but some really confused

Vietnamese :Genrally warm to Indians

Turkish : Neutral
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