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howdy modi was a flop show compared to Imran Khan's & here's why...

Flop or not flop show is immaterial for Pak.

Let us come out of this instant gratification syndrome.

OrangeKing brings FacistGanguModi ... hand raised into arena... what does it tell you?

FacistGanguModi makes a speech and equate 9/11 with Mumbai falseflag and lays the entire blame on Pak for both.

OrganeKing talks of fighting IslamicTerrorism together with FacistGanguRegime ....

Now tell me what kind of mediation is OrangeKing going to do for KashmirGenocide?

Sweet Bippin, right on que, says that time has come to teach Pakistan a lesson...after GanguModi speech...

Oh, and we haven't closed the airspace even till today... 50thDay of organised rape, murder, torture and forced disapperances... and yeah... we had protest agaisnt the GanguFacism in Huston... great achievement.

1Million Brits took to the streets of London againt IraqInvasion... millions of Iraqis dead...and tons of reports from HumanRightsOrgs... didn't make jack of a difference.

PMIK is talking with world leaders to ask FacistGanguModi to stop killing, raping and torturing PakKasmiris in IoJK... and yeah.. he is going to make a 'historic' speech in UNGA... and a couple of interviews... and the OrangeKing and GanguModi are now united to crush IslamicTerrorism together!

@Retired Troll ... we have failed!

We, Paks, need to have answers from GoP/IK what was discussed with OrganeKing in the D.C. meeting?

And why is GoP/IK so passé about PakKashmiris in IoJK?

Have we 'secretly' accepted GanguHegemony? SMQ is the new PM?

Let us drink some sattoo and keep on living in FoolsParadise .... hollowmen never make statesmen!

historic concert.

PM Khan has made Kashmir a global issue.



Why? because some Persian Saint said so?

Will Green eyed Zaid Hamid lead Paks?
The US will only support GanguFacistRegime in the UNSC with Veto if it sends GanguTerroristArmy in Aghanistan so that the OrangeKing could half the troops there..to win 2020 race... also... Yanks will be willing to support Ganguz against China...in the border disputes.

NorthernWar/WinterWar is real possiblity
( @Signalian thoughts?)

PakRivers need fertilizers.... What is said shall come to pass. It is what it is. And that is that!

Yes the CFL thread is relevant :-) AJK is where India wants trouble
I wanted real feedback on what I wrote... not just jibe on IK.

Please, it again.

We need answers... from IK/GoP ... and all Nooniz/PTIanz/Faulooz/PeePeez/Bhaiz... can take a hike.

Come on... cold analysis... without jibes/oneliners... You are more than this.

Have we accepted GanguHegemony?

a particular mod will ban me.
Modi declared war against Pakistan in his speech (whilst holding hands with Trump, per se) ... Northern War is nearing.

What do you mean by Northern War? Wouldn't it become Southern, as well, as it starts?
What about your country???

The elite here is largely secular too. A few exceptions at the top, that's mostly reactionary. Being secular and irreligious is very normal here.
Financial and professional success is prized over prayers and religious identity.

It's mainly the jobless who riot and create trouble,and I admit, we have many of them.
The elite here is largely secular too. A few exceptions at the top, that's mostly reactionary. Being secular and irreligious is very normal here.
Financial and professional success is prized over prayers and religious identity.

It's mainly the jobless who riot and create trouble,and I admit, we have many of them.

The real question is, are you part of the "elite" in your country?

This was the difference!

Yes holding his hand means a lot, dont worry few days from now he will be talking completely opposite of what ever he stated there. I am left wondering, this whole nation had turned into a bollywood theatrics, no connection with reality.

certainly for your eyes... congrats for silly comparisons....

Interesting coming from a clown aka Indian and a Juicer supporter.

The elite here is largely secular too. A few exceptions at the top, that's mostly reactionary. Being secular and irreligious is very normal here.
Financial and professional success is prized over prayers and religious identity.

It's mainly the jobless who riot and create trouble,and I admit, we have many of them.

Yeah you keep telling yourself that, Hindutva ideology had seeped across the Indian society, there are some Indians who are resisting Juicer and his BS but for the most part Indians had fallen in line. In Pakistan, it wont matter much we are ready for any eventuality it is you Indians who must ask the question where Juicer is taking your country, he is putting up a pony show at the same time dividing your nation across every imaginable fissure, and using hatred towards Pakistan as the glue holding Indians intact. If you see no problem with any of this, its ok there is no hope for those who chose not to see the truth. So carry on.
The real question is, are you part of the "elite" in your country?
You'd be surprised at their(secularists) numbers, unfortunately, with our population being as it is, you can say the same thing about bigots. The majority just want to go about improving their daily lives and attain economic prosperity.
What do you mean by Northern War? Wouldn't it become Southern, as well, as it starts?

Two front Northern War = Daesh Khurasan + Blackwater from Northwest and India from Northeast.

Big game in region is to cut off Pakistan from China.

Northern war will be the first big battle of the Final war that will only be on the eastern front.
Yes holding his hand means a lot, dont worry few days from now he will be talking completely opposite of what ever he stated there. I am left wondering, this whole nation had turned into a bollywood theatrics, no connection with reality.

They fail to realize that Trump is like a pros, who has all the options to entertain a new customer, next time.
What do you mean by Northern War? Wouldn't it become Southern, as well, as it starts?

It means that the war will be fought and remain limited to LOC and Working Boundary.

Ideally, to counter Indian move in AJK, the best option for Pakistan is to take the war to international border on Indian territory in Punjab and Rajisthan but for that one needs testicular fortitude which our leaders lack.
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