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howdy modi was a flop show compared to Imran Khan's & here's why...

The show doesn't mean a thing if your national interests are not being protected. We should remember that Trump is a businessman and would respect whoever brings business to his country. We have an anti Trump crowd at home and abroad however Trump is loved by Indian back home and in US as well.

Pakistan will have to bring something else to the table if we want to earn Yanks' respect.
There's no comparison.

Modi's slogan is very easy and cheap to follow. That is just "hate Pakistan, hate Pakistanis, destroy Pakistan, destroy Pakistanis". There's nothing about India, no vision, no future talks, nothing about India.

Imran's slogan is different and it's very delicate and sensitive. "build a new Pakistan". There's nothing about India. No hate, no love, nothing. It's all about Pakistan, it's economics, it's development, it's culture.

There's no failure for Modi, as it is very easy to gather people just to hate somebody.
For Imran, chance of failure is huge, very huge. It's about something building new. Unfortunately, Imran is not into his slogan after becoming PM.

Same is mentality of people in Sub-continent. Pakistanis are all into them. They have no thinking of India. There is no India score in Pakistani elections.

While in India, Pakistan is big thing. Pakistan is big discussion in their elections. We do this with Pakistan, we do that with them. This is also clear from this forum. How many Indian members are here to participate and numbers of Pakistani visitors is also obvious on Indian forums. That shows interests of two nations.
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Had pakistanis scrutinized their country's balance sheet with this much effort, the wouldn't had to be bailed out by IMF 20 times.
Hate to burst your bubble but the imf recently said that we've done better than expected. Increasing exports with decreasing imports along with increased tax revenue has brought the deficit down by a massive 73%. So don't worry about us oh lactating one, apni naphayr tu...by the way, how's the "trickle down" effect of the $20 billion tax cut to ther few rich coming along, sell those 1 million unsold cars & parle biscuits yet? :coffee: aaaahh...tea is fantashtik!:enjoy:

By the way, I'm not so sure if this was "howdy modi" or "humiliate modi"! :lol:

^^^ have a look see folks, thoughts?
Hate to burst your bubble but the imf recently said that we've done better than expected. Increasing exports with decreasing imports along with increased tax revenue has brought the deficit down by a massive 73%. So don't worry about us oh lactating one, apni naphayr tu...by the way, how's the "trickle down" effect of the $20 billion tax cut to ther few rich coming along, sell those 1 million unsold cars & parle biscuits yet? :coffee: aaaahh...tea is fantashtik!:enjoy:

By the way, I'm not so sure if this was "howdy modi" or "humiliate modi"! :lol:

I can sense frothing in your mouth while typing that reply, articulate your thoughts and come back again.
indian media & lobbying columnists can write editorials & opinionate until the cows come home but pictures never lie...

First, let's take a look at Imran Khan's power show at the capital one stadium since that happened first:
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^^^ It's jam packed all the way to the upper most pavilion.

Frankly, truth be told, the stadium ran out of space for crowd that Imran Khan pulled and his speech had to be televised outside on the display television screens.
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now let's take a look the howdy modi topi drama:
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^^^ notice the vast number of empty seats (uhm noooo, you can't say people were still arriving no one walking down the staircases).

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^^^ notice huge chunks of red empty seats in the background.
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^^^ take a close look at ther upper pavilion, COMPLETELY empty.

but don't worry, modi DID manage to gather a crowd outside the stadium as well and that too, but the thousands...here you go! :D
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^^^ gotta admit though; the ol' bag a bones can bust a dance move!:lol:
it was not a flop show
why make such a retarded claim? it was attended by top tier American politicians from both parties including the American president and it had the backing of powerful interest groups and a large crowd.

yes Imran khan's show was outstanding for Pakistan as a first but there is no comparison because Indians have pulled off similar and consistent crowds on regular basis thanks to their single minded and united immigrants and residents in America
rich coming from you... desperate to do US dirty job in afghan for F 16, yet blaming us...we don't sell our foreign policy unlike pakistan...
Nopes...no dirty job here...never was. In the words of the great General Hamid Gul, Pakistan has beaten three u.s. with u.s. help! ;)

I can sense frothing in your mouth while typing that reply, articulate your thoughts and come back again.
and that, dear children, is what arnsb gos we ini sounds like when he is out of arguments! :lol:

it was not a flop show
why make such a retarded claim? it was attended by top tier American politicians from both parties including the American president and it had the backing of powerful interest groups and a large crowd.

yes Imran khan's show was outstanding for Pakistan as a first but there is no comparison because Indians have pulled off similar and consistent crowds on regular basis thanks to their single minded and united immigrants and residents in America
Yeah, listen to what the top tier american politicians were saying to modi in front of all the indians...
if that isn't a humiliating insult, then I don't know what is? Just look at the expressions on modi's face...not a single smile, he's got "humiliation" written all over his face!
What kind of conscience allows to make a false statement. Knowingly not showing the strength when the Indian PM entered. How do people overcome this falsehood.
OP , sorry to say this ... But there's something wrong, seriously wrong with your thinking.
The show was IMO not as big as it should be... just imagine 2 head of state one largest population and largest diaspora and 2nd head of state is basically a President of the host country... and many seats was empty... after spending $$$$ still failed to get people inside the roof... Secondly its old habit of Indians to make big, attractive headlines lol world knows the reality. Today India has $$ esp money to spend on weapons... situation and enviroment never be same as today for India... remember Iran 70s, Iraq 80s and then Iraq Kuwait 90s ... Pakistan in 80s and 9/11 ... China with 70s Russia with 70s and 80s and now... so if India is expecting that US will remain as today, they're living in fool paradise lol secondly massive Indian American protest against Modi outside the stadium and from past 3 days in the US.

This must have been sponsored and facilitated by Indian Congress: Bhakhts.

He cited Gandhi and Nehru promise of pluralism, equality and treating every one as equal....this is utterly opposite to what RSS preaches and against their ideologue of fascism and supremacist ideas.

Modi is not amused, can't hid his face...can't say a thing. Shamelessly hiding behind the fake mask of secular India....and hiding their Hindutva agenda, confused and listless.
I watched this Modi rally on tv. It was an astounding success for both Modi and Trump imo
I dunno man, the looks on modi's face paint a different, sort of a "this shit's backfiring" picture...
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