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How will Trump affect the war in Syria and Iraq in Perspective of Turkey.

Selim I

Jun 1, 2011
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What will be the differences in Syria and Iraqi war now that Trump is the president of the US?

And how will it affect Turkey? Positive, negative? Why?

I like peoples opinions on these questions, I'd appreciate all Turkish members to answer these questions, non-Turkish members are also welcome to answer.

My personal opinion: Trump is a fan of Kurds, so he will definitely not stop supporting YPG/PYD/SDF, but atleast he is more honest than Clinton could ever be. So we will have a more transparency.
Trump also stated he kind of likes Erdogan.
From doing some reading i've found out that:
- He's indeed "a fan of Kurdish forces"
- He wants to be an even stronger unconditional supporter of Israel.

I think we already have answer then; nothing at all will change for US policies. Though the only thing the US under Trump might not do in the ME is actively intervening like Obama did, but since he's an unconditional supporter (slave) of Israel, my gut feeling tells me that Trump (eventually too) will bend to Israel's wishes and intervene on his behalf. Then Trump also has said that the Iran deal is bad.

Let's also not forget that Feto (aka Gulenists for foreigners) supported both democrats and republicans. No need to explain more.

We shall see whether trump will be a difference or just a continuation in another skin for the ME.
For us nothing will change,the Pentagon or CIA dictates the foreign policy which will stay the same.
In the US its the Pentagon or the CIA deciding on what to do in the ME.
However if Sen.McCain gets a role in this administration,things could change in favor of Turkiye.
Well as far as I know the republicans are more fond of Turkey, but perhaps not so much of Erdogan. We've had decent support from both sides in the past. But with the result of today, I think the world will have to wait and see how everything will turn out, one thing is for certain though. Trumps stance on anything other than white male figure is horrible. Being a business man doesn't necessarily mean you become a good president.

I think it's worth remembering that the president is only one of the powers in America and the institutions to curb his power does exist and is very institutionalized. I can't say the same thing about Turkey, since AKP pretty much raped every institution on it's way to granting RTE too much power.
Everything will be the same within a week.

USA belongs to a few jewish families.So presidents are nothing but figures to comfort the people.He is a business man and knows the truth of USA.

It's obvious either he will obey or die.
well i voted for Trump. and here is what i want or expect from him. i want the nuclear deal of iran to be escraped put more sanction on iran. and any country that broke that sanction they should themselves be sanctioned even if they are allies nations. including Turkey untill they completely give up. i want him to be tougher on immigration especialy mexican and islamic extrimist i want him to shut down all the mosque who preach hate speech...
Nothing will. Stop looking for saviours on the other side of the world. The solution and power to reach that solution is in Ankara
No one knows. Trumps is wild card in terms of FP. He often gave contradictory statments, one day he's for NFZ in Syria, tomorow he's pro-Assad. One day he wants to nuke ISIS, tomorow he's saying how US shouldnt be fighting in Mosul/Iraq altogether. And so on...

Maybe of greater relevance are words of his advisors. Lt.gen. Flynn, his top FP advisor, wrote this article just yesterday

Our ally Turkey is in crisis and needs our support

Nothing will. Stop looking for saviours on the other side of the world. The solution and power to reach that solution is in Ankara
I didn't raise the question in hope of wishing Trump is going to save us. In fact I asked this question because i don't believe we will experience much change in this region. The reactions on the Internet is though insane.

Personally I see this as a product of deliberate demonization of Islam in the Media. And Trump made good use of this.
What will be the differences in Syria and Iraqi war now that Trump is the president of the US?

And how will it affect Turkey? Positive, negative? Why?

I like peoples opinions on these questions, I'd appreciate all Turkish members to answer these questions, non-Turkish members are also welcome to answer.

My personal opinion: Trump is a fan of Kurds, so he will definitely not stop supporting YPG/PYD/SDF, but atleast he is more honest than Clinton could ever be. So we will have a more transparency.
Trump also stated he kind of likes Erdogan.
my prediction "he will send ground troops before next elections and win elections. the next president will call them back and get elected for 2nd term".
Well as far as I know the republicans are more fond of Turkey, but perhaps not so much of Erdogan. We've had decent support from both sides in the past. But with the result of today, I think the world will have to wait and see how everything will turn out, one thing is for certain though. Trumps stance on anything other than white male figure is horrible. Being a business man doesn't necessarily mean you become a good president.

I think it's worth remembering that the president is only one of the powers in America and the institutions to curb his power does exist and is very institutionalized. I can't say the same thing about Turkey, since AKP pretty much raped every institution on it's way to granting RTE too much power.

I read that the Republicans won on all three fronts though, the house/senate/congress(?). So it's more internal power curbing rather than democrat vs republican.
I read that the Republicans won on all three fronts though, the house/senate/congress(?). So it's more internal power curbing rather than democrat vs republican.

Congress is the house and senate.


Republicans won on all fronts. Legislative,Executive and soon Judicial.

Now it's just a matter on how backwards we go before the end.
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