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Turkey is a natural enemy of China

The above statement is far more idiotic than interesting, IMO.

Modern Turkey may or may not be. However, Han Chinese fought Huns for centries upon centries. Modern Chinese might have forgotten about it, while most modern Turkey Nationalists no.

And the Turkish govt is an outright Nationalist one.
The Chinese government policy is being inconsistent on protecting Chinese overseas. Over time as China gets stronger it has no choice but to be consistent on protecting Chinese overseas.

Here is an example of inconsistency, on May 1998, many Chinese Indonesians were raped, killed, their businesses and houses were looted and burned and the Chinese government didn't say or do **** about it. The Taiwanese (ROC) government did.

I looked into the situation behind the 1998 Indonesian Chinese massacre/pogrom. When the initial anger and indignation cooled (a bit), I realized that again, the situation is not simple. It is multifactorial and some of the factors include (in no particular order):
- Good old fashioned ethnic/tribal/internecine hostility
- Lop-sided wealth distribution along ethnic lines
- Pervasive corruption
- Radical interpretation of Isalm (or rather radicals who usurp the name of Isalm)
- CCP's historical role in fomenting Maoism in the region
- The CCP / KMT rivalry (the Maoists were "put out" by the hundreds of thousands in the 50s and 60s, while the ones killed in 1998 were the pro-KMT "merchant class", and some say may have been "stained with the blood of the pro-CCPers themselves" ... it gets messy. Maybe someone can shed more light on this for me.
- Finanlly, Amrikan sheltering of the murderous factions of Indonesian brass (again, no surprise there), although in truth America spoke out more than the PRC did and gave asylum to many of the victims ...

Deng is a HAKKA?


But the current Hun Sen government is close to China (This is because of China's 1979 actions).
.... I have too and I look at the big picture (from the geopolitical perspective).

I don't know too much about today's Indochine politics. But why wouldn't Hun Sen be? Afterall, to him China's has merit simply because China is not Vietnam. Now it's Vietnam's turn to reap its own sour fruit.

You have your big picture friend, and I have mine.
Modern Turkey may or may not be. However, Han Chinese fought Huns for centries upon centries. Modern Chinese might have forgotten about it, while most modern Turkey Nationalists no.

And the Turkish govt is an outright Nationalist one.

That might be factual. As I said before, pan-Turkism or Turanism as of now just remains some Grey Wolflines' purple dream and someone else's "potential tool".

Economically it may succeed if it has merit - just like a "neo-East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere" ... But that's beside the point.

Watch it, but don't get paranoid. Who knows, perhaps one day the Great Bantu Homeland will finally stretch out to and cover China since many believe we came out of Africa, no?
Well, it'll be better to put this into words that are more easily understandable to us all:

The nation of China is made up of Chinese citizens.
The government of China is also made up of Chinese citizens.
The armed forces of all nations generally protect their citizens and government from armed threats.
Overseas Chinese are usually NOT CHINESE CITIZENS. Therefore the government of China has no obligation to protect them.

In fact in 1998, the people killed were KMT supporters and Indonesian citizens; not a single Chinese citizen lost their life. Singapore is another example of why Chinese ethnicity is vastly different from being Chinese. They are not Chinese. They support policies of a nation that is currently a rival of China.

Some other Chinese here are so happy when some Asian-American gets to be an official in the US. I'm puzzled as to why: Isn't it just some American rising in rank? What's the issue here? Their language is the same as the white man, their ideology is the same, their culture is the same, what distinguishes them from the white man?

In fact, the one thing the Chinese race has never lacked, is a minority of traitors small enough to remain somewhat hidden, but large enough to ruin the lives of everyone else.

I think Vietnam in 1979 was more for border issues. our government has NEVER said it was avenging ethnic chinese. why would it, they arent citizens, what do we owe those who aren't even of our nation?

You articulated quite well, except the last paragraph. They said what they said when I was still in China! And sources supporting this duplicity is available online.

Anyways, otherwise your position is logical, and I might even say principled. Ethnic Chinese have a diaspora, but the CCP does not have an "Ummah" ...
That might be factual. As I said before, pan-Turkism or Turanism as of now just remains some Grey Wolflines' purple dream and someone else's "potential tool".

Economically it may succeed if it has merit - just like a "neo-East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere" ... But that's beside the point.

Watch it, but don't get paranoid. Who knows, perhaps one day the Great Bantu Homeland will finally stretch out to and cover China since many believe we came out of Africa, no?

if you happen to visit a kabab restaurant/shop in Benelux or Germany, Turks (2nd gen or new immigrants) would go ballistic whenever talking about that part of history. During the period of Xinjiang riot, they were the most active ones in molesting overseas Han Chinese here in Europe. Call me paranoid, but resentments and cocky attitudes are there...
<You articulated quite well, except the last paragraph.> You called that articulation? I say that being ******* stupid!!!

<I looked into the situation behind the 1998 Indonesian Chinese massacre/pogrom. When the initial anger and indignation cooled (a bit), I realized that again, the situation is not simple.> Why make it complicated? Is that how you solve a problem?

<if you happen to visit a kabab restaurant/shop in Benelux or Germany, Turks (2nd gen or new immigrants) would go ballistic whenever talking about that part of history. During the period of Xinjiang riot, they were the most active ones in molesting overseas Han Chinese here in Europe. Call me paranoid, but resentments and cocky attitudes are there...> But the Turks are being discriminated by the western Europeans. I don't think Turkey will ever become a member of the EU.

Maybe the PRC should use the Kurdish (PKK) to rise against the Turks.
But the Turks are being discriminated by the western Europeans. I don't think Turkey will ever become a member of the EU. .

You got that right. The best hope of Turkey's EU membership is the EU liberals which will be out of power soon. Europeans are turning inwards, imo.

Maybe the PRC should use the Kurdish (PKK) to rise against the Turks.

I don't think so. Chinese national character has always been very decent throughout ages, more a lay back type, avoiding troubles, instead of being a proactive trouble-maker.
<I don't think so> I wouldn't bet on it.

I am sure you've heard this expression before: "You **** us will **** you." The new China is not the old China. The new China is extremely dynamic. If you want to see the old China go to Taiwan (people there are very superstitious, conservative, etc.).
<Overseas Chinese are usually NOT CHINESE CITIZENS. Therefore the government of China has no obligation to protect them.> This is a SAD statement. You need to modernize your thinking.

<In fact in 1998, the people killed were KMT supporters and Indonesian citizens; not a single Chinese citizen lost their life. Singapore is another example of why Chinese ethnicity is vastly different from being Chinese. They are not Chinese. They support policies of a nation that is currently a rival of China.> This is another SAD statement. You really need to modernize your thinking.

This is a fact to you, without overseas Chinese China would not be as a big power as today. China would still be backward.

So, China owes a lot to overseas Chinese and it's about time that China recognizes the contributions of the overseas Chinese.

The father of China's ballistic missiles is American Chinese.

Qian never got his American citizenship. He applied for it in 1949, but was accused of having communist sympathies and was then arrested by the FBI in june 1950. He's no more American than Deng Xiaoping was French.

Lots of overseas Chinese support China, but they aren't Chinese citizens. Did Britain in the 19th century fight for the United States juts because they had English ancestry?
<Turkey is good for one thing: frying.> WTF? It's Thanksgiving already?

<Qian never got his American citizenship. He applied for it in 1949, but was accused of having communist sympathies and was then arrested by the FBI in june 1950. He's no more American than Deng Xiaoping was French.

Lots of overseas Chinese support China, but they aren't Chinese citizens. Did Britain in the 19th century fight for the United States juts because they had English ancestry?>

So, what's your point? You failed to understand the message!!!!
Turkey try to reestablish their Great Turkey (Ottoman Empire) spanning over North Africa, Middle East, South Asia, South Asia and West China.

ottomans never even touched iran, much less china. they need to wake up and learn that turkey is a small insignificant but highly militarized country with almost no industrial base. worse than north korea.
In some ways I'm glad we have the himalayans to the south west, Deserts and mountains to the north west. And no major empires to the east and south or north.

This did not prevent clash with normads but it prevents clash of empires which have tired out and replaced many civilizations in the past. At present they are only their former shells? (Can greece do once again what alexander does? Maybe nothing short after WW 3 can make it happen)

You may not agree but china has an advantageous geographic layout which allows it to develop virtually unmolested for long periouds of time and have its distinctive characteristics, for its existence to cement, for its population to grow.

How much tradition did greece keep? How much tradition did egyptians keep? Where is rome? In fact we are so comfortable that we are forced to open up.

p.s. China occupies a similar range of latitudes as the US.

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