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How to stop These UAV's From Attacking???

I think you are grievously mistaken. By killing civilians directly, without sharing intelligence with GoP, US is going to cause an exponential increase in in suicide bombings in settled areas of Pakistan.

Sharing intelligence may at least eliminate loss of innocent civilian lives, not to mention women and children. You seem not be aware of Pukhtoon culture. A pukhtoon of tribal areas cant live without taking revenge.

and F-16 is not vital.........any good fighter adequately armed can fulfil the role............

I assure you if oil was found in that part of the region we would have ensured that people live by rules. Please do not be carried away by the myths that battles on a large scale can be won by romantic stories.

Now its time for the Pakistan Armed Forces to prove that they have the appetite for a fight against anybody who harms the sovereignity of Pakistan. That includes the US as well as the tribals. As Jliu pointed out a few misguided bombs in FATA area are better than well guided bombs on your missile bases.

Please learn to walk before taking on the US. My comments do not in any way show any slight on the professionalism of the Pakistan forces but it will be an unequal fight.

Through out the history of Pakistan, it has been an unequal fight, it is nothing new, Pakistan have been face againat the wind from day one.

You are mistaken if you think this means talib are being supported, what is being supported is the notion that only Pak Fauj has the right to act inside Pakistani territory.

Now if some U.S political party needs an election boost or if it's efforts in Afghanistan have failed or are failing - let it examine why it's policy has failied or is failing.

Defining victory as the death of Pakistani civilians (as in angoor adda) demonstrates the depravity of an adhoc policy that secures an election boost over the deaths of innocents.

Perhaps the reason th U.S hs failed in Iraq, and now in Afghanistan has more to do with her policy then with dirty rotten Islam, could it be?...Naah, didn't think so.
Through out the history of Pakistan, it has been an unequal fight, it is nothing new, Pakistan have been face againat the wind from day one.

You are mistaken if you think this means talib are being supported, what is being supported is the notion that only Pak Fauj has the right to act inside Pakistani territory.

Now if some U.S political party needs an election boost or if it's efforts in Afghanistan have failed or are failing - let it examine why it's policy has failied or is failing.

Defining victory as the death of Pakistani civilians (as in angoor adda) demonstrates the depravity of an adhoc policy that secures an election boost over the deaths of innocents.

Perhaps the reason th U.S hs failed in Iraq, and now in Afghanistan has more to do with her policy then with dirty rotten Islam, could it be?...Naah, didn't think so.

Please wake up and smell the grass. Iraq is now a sucess for the US. They have the Kurds in their pockets and the world third largest oil reserve. If USA fails in Iraq its because the Shias and Sunnis there subscribe to different Islams and makes a mockery of the oneness of Islam.

Stop drinking your own bath water - when you start beliveing in your own propaganda, you lose touch with reality -- the winners in Iraq are the Iranian, not the U.S.

And of course Who will control Iraqi oil is a competition that is on going. A kurdistan might be just what the Israeli ordered but the Iranian and the turk and the Arab might have a thing or two to say about that, as well.
Stop drinking your own bath water - when you start beliveing in your own propaganda, you lose touch with reality -- the winners in Iraq are the Iranian, not the U.S.

And of course Who will control Iraqi oil is a competition that is on going. A kurdistan might be just what the Israeli ordered but the Iranian and the turk and the Arab might have a thing or two to say about that, as well.

Thank you for the bath water advice which seems to be what u are doing but I prefer a single malt. Its amazing to see someone like you who lives in UK but at the same time swallows hook line and sinker the propoganda of the GOP. Please attack the US drones and feel and then see the consequences.

Oh BTW please dont see it from UK.


Ps : Iran cannot even produce petrol when it sits on the second largest oil reserves.
You again! Well at least you are not in a needy mood.
I prefer a single malt
- as do I .

there is no question of accepting propaganda - not a single piece I present is ever from a single point of view - and like I tried ot explain to you, there is no need to get jumpy - the world is full of compelling ideas and analysis.

You seem tothink that suggesting that the territory of a country ought to be open to any US attack - if this is the case why are UK forces not suggesting that Pakistan be attacked?? Why is that NATO has issued a statement that it will not participate in cross border action, why has Sarkozy criticized this action.

Look, we all want an end to terror groups, an end to religious extremists but that does not mean that we have accept that the US has right to attack Pakistan -- Perhaps you would agree that the if the US thought there were terrorists in UK, that it would be OK to attack the UK and in the process if civilains also get killed, well that would be cool with you as well, especially if someone dear to you was killed??

Get real, yara. It may have become fashionable (all the mode) for some, but everyone does not have to think that the US is all that... and of course such a critique would not be possible had the US not botched the effort as it has.
You again! Well at least you are not in a needy mood. - as do I .

there is no question of accepting propaganda - not a single piece I present is ever from a single point of view - and like I tried ot explain to you, there is no need to get jumpy - the world is full of compelling ideas and analysis.

You seem tothink that suggesting that the territory of a country ought to be open to any US attack - if this is the case why are UK forces not suggesting that Pakistan be attacked?? Why is that NATO has issued a statement that it will not participate in cross border action, why has Sarkozy criticized this action.

Look, we all want an end to terror groups, an end to religious extremists but that does not mean that we have accept that the US has right to attack Pakistan -- Perhaps you would agree that the if the US thought there were terrorists in UK, that it would be OK to attack the UK and in the process if civilains also get killed, well that would be cool with you as well, especially if someone dear to you was killed??

Get real, yara. It may have become fashionable (all the mode) for some, but everyone does not have to think that the US is all that... and of course such a critique would not be possible had the US not botched the effort as it has.

I dont think any country should attack any country and that means the USA should not cross borders into pakistan just as it irritates me when some one goes to Pakistan and gets training to attack my country.

i agree Single Malt is a lovely drink.

Does it irritate you when someone goes and gets training in US to attack pakistan or goes to India or Afghanistan to attack Pakistan??

If yes, then we are on the same page, if not, then refer to "Hotentot Morality" on the "Brave new World" Thread on the strategic board.

By the way, what do make of the whole idea of the Dept of State saying that Pakistan is an ally, the US president authorizing attacks on Pakistan - what the heck is that? And the uniform types claiming to be in the know about how everything is stage managed - and then getting info from pakistani news?:pop:
Does it irritate you when someone goes and gets training in US to attack pakistan or goes to India or Afghanistan to attack Pakistan??

If yes, then we are on the same page, if not, then refer to "Hotentot Morality" on the "Brave new World" Thread on the strategic board.

By the way, what do make of the whole idea of the Dept of State saying that Pakistan is an ally, the US president authorizing attacks on Pakistan - what the heck is that? And the uniform types claiming to be in the know about how everything is stage managed - and then getting info from pakistani news?:pop:

I am equally happy if afghanistan or india are bombed if the terrorism emenates from there but there is no proof till date that private enterprise has taken over the role of terror training as its evident in Pakistan.

Pakistan must clean its own mess otherwise in the long run Pakistan will implode.

Indeed, Pakistan must clean up it's own mess - now you may not know this but a terrorist organization BLA has offices in DC - sould Pakistan take covert or overt action? And what if civilians get killed? Would the american populace be incensed???

is it really so hard to understand?
Indeed, Pakistan must clean up it's own mess - now you may not know this but a terrorist organization BLA has offices in DC - sould Pakistan take covert or overt action? And what if civilians get killed? Would the american populace be incensed???

is it really so hard to understand?

Please provide proof that BLA is promoting terror from its US office and no decent Govt. including Bush can afford to support it and survive.

Till than hold your horses. Again i think bigger threat to pakistan comes from Fata area than from the BLA.

Please do your own research. I think we have had this conversation.:cheers:
Please provide proof that BLA is promoting terror from its US office and no decent Govt. including Bush can afford to support it and survive.

Till than hold your horses. Again i think bigger threat to pakistan comes from Fata area than from the BLA.


Please tell me why BLA is not on CIA's or USA's black list of terrorist organisations.
Please tell me why BLA is not on CIA's or USA's black list of terrorist organisations.

Why should they be ? They want independance and maybe they want an armed struggle but they contain their methods right or wrong to their own area unlike those who are branded rightly as terrorists and wish to blow up innocent people in UK on a tube station and go all the way to pakistan for their training. Make a case if you have with first hand proof that BLA is involved in terrorism and I assure you no western society will tolerate them.


Do you need to resort to that anytime you are stumped? Do you not realize that you come across as lazy when you ask your interlocutor to do your thinking for you?

Please, PLease, don't be pouty or upset - just look up newspapers to see how many people have been killed by BLA - how come UK does not allow BLA offices and defines them as terrorists - but our holier and more righteous and defintely more proud American "friends" do not?

Why did NATO annouce that they would not participate in cross border raids on Pakistan, have NATO lost their minds, been drinking from a poisoned well??

Do engage critically, but honestly and ethically.
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