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How to respond to Indian false propaganda

Who do you think the racism is coming from? Please mention posters from which country or countries.

Well, the thread starting post was itself a racism and extremely provocative. I can understand the reaction of Indian posters here.

- It categorizes Indian news as "propaganda". The truth is, Indian news is the "truth" for Indians and propaganda for you. Whereas, your country's news is "truth" for you (as you are assuming now) and propaganda for them. just like presstv is "propaganda" for Arabs but revered by Iranians.

- You have categorized Indians as "idiots". This is indeed racism as to categorize a whole race as idiot. I agree there may be some idiots (in every race) but there are many mature Indians who I've met here. That was a very sweeping statement.

- Last but not least I cannot fathom the hostile attitude you have towards Indians who helped to liberate your country.

That being said, you are free to do what you want ofc. I just expressed my opinion. Hope no hard feelings.

Lets devise a strategy on how to respond to Indian false propaganda:

1. Any Indian origin source or Indian influenced source can be tainted so it is not credible
2. Any matter that involves Indian internal issues is not for us to comment on or bother about, it is for them to solve, so please stay out of it and please do not take the bait, Indian Muslims, whether they are Bengali or not is their problem, not ours
3. So Indian newspapers or news services or Indian origin news establishment like Khaleej is also not for us to be bothered about, as they are NOT credible
4. Only time it becomes an issue for Bangladesh is when they bring any of these formally to our govt., and make some allegations, and we have a credible source (not Indian origin or influenced) who is reporting on it

So fellow Bangladeshi's, please take it easy and let the idiots waste their time and effort banging on their key-boards, as far as we are concerned, it is a non-issue. Eventually they will get tired of trying to waste our time with non-issues.
I'm tired of these bangladeshi posters blaming us for everything.About 10 years ago a couple of bangaldeshi gentlemen[freinds of my uncle] came to stay at our house for about a month for some work in kolkata.I had good interaction with them[we used to play chess and one of them helped me start my stamp collection]and i had gained a very good impression of bangladeshi people.But every thread here is vehemently and pointlessly anti india.

Bangladesh has 150 million people,its incredible to think we can conspire and vassalize them!
Should this kind of racist thread be even allowed?:bad:

You are stretching the racism definetion too thin. BD posters are being fare generally.

Perhaps you are not aware of the fact that how a mighty river named Padma died, you can walk across the river in dry season.

The lil fact that Indira actively armed a terrorist group call Shanti Bahini just like LTTE in sri Lanka.

The fact that she armed Qader Bahini in the 1970s.

The fact that BSF has killed thousands of unarmed people on the border from both sides.

India-BD border is more dangerous than any border in Israel.

You get the point.
You are stretching the racism definetion too thin. BD posters are being fare generally.

Perhaps you are not aware of the fact that how a mighty river named Padma died, you can walk across the river in dry season.

The lil fact that Indira actively armed a terrorist group call Shanti Bahini just like LTTE in sri Lanka.

The fact that she armed Qader Bahini in the 1970s.

The fact that BSF has killed thousands of unarmed people on the border from both sides.

India-BD border is more dangerous than any border in Israel.

You get the point.

Ah... so if an Indian creates a provocative thread saying how poor banladesh is, label all bangladesh as "idiots" and categorize all bangladesh media as "false propaganda", how would the reaction be from the bangladesh posters like you ?

Put yourself in other's shoes before coming into any conclusion.
Ah... so if an Indian creates a provocative thread saying how poor banladesh is, label all bangladesh as "idiots" and categorize all bangladesh media as "false propaganda", how would the reaction be from the bangladesh posters like you ?

Put yourself in other's shoes before coming into any conclusion.

So the Indians are whinning to you now ? Just curious.

They can see a shrink if their feelin has been in a dismal shape.

There have been tens of delusional threads like 20 millions BD folks are in India illegally.

At some point you gotta wonder about the size and the operational worthiness of those brains sprouting these delusions.

Have you seen the posts where the Chinese are slap*ing around the Indians ?

The difference is, the thread starter was banned and the thread was closed. That is not the case with this thread.

So the Indians are whinning to you now ? Just curious.

They can see a shrink if their feelin has been in a dismal shape.

There have been tens of delusional threads like 20 millions BD folks are in India illegally.

At some point you gotta wonder about the size and the operational worthiness of those brains sprouting these delusions.

Have you seen the posts where the Chinese are slapping around the Indians ?

You are clearly deluded beyond reason. Believe whatever you want.
The difference is, the thread starter was banned and the thread was closed. That is not the case with this thread.

You are clearly deluded beyond reason. Believe whatever you want.

You need to take your issue with the Mods. Mods decide which thread stays and which doesn't.

I am smelling curry in your post.
Before you peddle your nonsense, please come clean with your flags and your ethnic origin. You are definitely not an ethnic Russian and I am not sure why are poking nose in Bangladesh matters on behalf of India.

Everything you say is suspect, till you make it clear who you really are.

Someone already made a guess that you are an Ahmadi "muslim".


Before you describe what I think is a perfectly written post as non-sense,please tell me why are you dodging the question raised by S19.First reply the points raised and then argue about his ethinicity.

And while we are at it, may I enquire about your level of education?
By telling the same lie over and again everywhere Indians on this forum, in fact, have already convinced a lot many members (even of Pakistani origin who are probably the worst victims of Indian propaganda) that everyday some Bangladeshi people are migrating to India illegally.

Before you describe what I think is a perfectly written post as non-sense,please tell me why are you dodging the question raised by S19.First reply the points raised and then argue about his ethinicity.
And while we are at it, may enquire about your level of education?

Well, that is because his racism and obsession has been exposed... Level of education: maybe some islamist/mullah run schools?:azn:

Before you peddle your nonsense, please come clean with your flags and your ethnic origin. You are definitely not an ethnic Russian and I am not sure why are poking nose in Bangladesh matters on behalf of India.

Everything you say is suspect, till you make it clear who you really are.

Someone already made a guess that you are an Ahmadi "muslim".

Don't care what you think.:coffee:

In that Russia-India cooperation thread, I saw you speaking against Russia and India who liberated your country. And now here you are throwing a tirade when your racism has been exposed?

Truth hurts. :azn:
40 years before, we Indians were Heros for Bangladeshis
now they see us as enemies... dont know what will be picture after next 40 years

But Who cares???

Let the Bangladeshis spit venom against us in quest of significance. The more they will hate india, the more they will loose.

40 years before, we Indians were Heros for Bangladeshis
now they see us as enemies...
dont know what will be picture after next 40 years

But Who cares???

Let the Bangladeshis spit venom against us in quest of significance. The more they will hate india, the more they will loose.


We have no malice against common Indians. Just take care that your government doesn't finance Awami League to continue anti-Bangladesh activities.
S-19 is not the only non-indian member who called him racist.
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