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How to respond to Indian false propaganda

The AASU announced that it would take out aState-wide andolan on April 8 demanding an immediate halt to construction of the Lower Subansiri Hydro-electric Project, constitutionalsafeguards to indigenous people, and expulsion of all illegal Bangladeshi settlers and Muslim fundamentalists from the State. The AASU procession will start from all districtheadquarters of the students’ body. All the district units will also submit memorandum to the Prime Minister, Union Home Minister and State Chief Minister through the respect DCs.
Addressing media persons today, AASU president Shankar Prasad Rai and general secretary Tapan Kumar Gogoi said, “As per the experts committee report, the area in which the dam is being constructed falls under high seismic zone activity. The Chief Minister has not been able to implement the experts committee recommendations till now.The construction of the dam should be stopped till all the recommendations are implemented.” The AASU leaders also reiterated their demand for an open dialoguebetween experts from abroad with the State Government-constituted experts committee. “The government should immediately convene an open discussion between foreignexperts and members of the experts committee so that the people of the State get the real picture of the entire issue.”
Lamenting the failure of the successive governments to implement any of the Assam Accord clauses till now, the AASU leaders said the very identity and existence of the Assamese people is threatened now. “Even after 26 years since the accord was signed, the government has not been able to seal the Indo-Bangladesh border, nor has it been ableto remove the name of illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators from the State’s voters list. While Bangladeshis have started poaching rhinos inthe Kaziranga National Park, a number of Muslim fundamentalists have also started entering the State.”

AASU to Take out State-Wide Andolan on April 8 | Northeast Today
Nagaland Setting up STF to Detect Illegal Immigrants
Following reports of NGOs and village councils undertaking drives to detect illegal immigrants, the Home Department of the Nagaland government has stepped in by setting up a Special Task Force (STF) to detect illegal immigrants. A press note to thiseffect was issued by the Chief Secretary dated April 4, 2012. The Chief Secretary pointed out that“attention of the Government has been drawn to reports that certain NGOs have decided to screen people belonging to a particular community with a view to segregate and identify illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and issue Identity Cards to those who are found to be bonafide Indiancitizens through their screening process”.
The State government has also taken note of“blank forms and undertakings being issuedby realizing certain fees”. “Such screening and issue of Identity Cards to non members by any NGOs is without jurisdiction and without any legal basis”, the Chief Secretary cautioned while clarifying that detection anddeportation of illegal foreign immigrants is governed by The Foreigners Act 1946 and therules framed there under to detect illegal immigrants and prosecute them under law. It was informed that the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India had laid down detailed instructions for detection and deportation of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh while ensuring that no harassment is meted out to genuine Indian Citizens in the name of checking such illegal immigrants. Copies of such instructions have already been circulated to DCs/SPs, the Chief Secretary informed.
While stating that the NGOs might be acting with the best of intentions, the State government pointed out that such actions “encroach on the legal jurisdiction of the State Government and law enforcing agencies”. It therefore ordered that the district administration and the police shall setup a Special Task Force as provided undertherelevant instructions dated 23.11.2009, to conduct detection drives at regular intervals in their respective districts and prosecute illegal immigrants as per law. Whenever sucha detection drive is undertaken, local NGOs representing various sections of the society may be invited to associate themselves with such drives, the government order stated while adding that the District Authorities may invite interested NGOs and apprise them of the laid down procedures and legal provisions and “dissuade them from taking the law in their hands.”

Nagaland Setting up STF to Detect Illegal Immigrants | Northeast Today
The AASU announced that it would take out aState-wide andolan on April 8 demanding an immediate halt to construction of the Lower Subansiri Hydro-electric Project, constitutionalsafeguards to indigenous people, and expulsion of all illegal Bangladeshi settlers and Muslim fundamentalists from the State. The AASU procession will start from all districtheadquarters of the students’ body. All the district units will also submit memorandum to the Prime Minister, Union Home Minister and State Chief Minister through the respect DCs.
Addressing media persons today, AASU president Shankar Prasad Rai and general secretary Tapan Kumar Gogoi said, “As per the experts committee report, the area in which the dam is being constructed falls under high seismic zone activity. The Chief Minister has not been able to implement the experts committee recommendations till now.The construction of the dam should be stopped till all the recommendations are implemented.” The AASU leaders also reiterated their demand for an open dialoguebetween experts from abroad with the State Government-constituted experts committee. “The government should immediately convene an open discussion between foreignexperts and members of the experts committee so that the people of the State get the real picture of the entire issue.”
Lamenting the failure of the successive governments to implement any of the Assam Accord clauses till now, the AASU leaders said the very identity and existence of the Assamese people is threatened now. “Even after 26 years since the accord was signed, the government has not been able to seal the Indo-Bangladesh border, nor has it been ableto remove the name of illegal Bangladeshi infiltrators from the State’s voters list. While Bangladeshis have started poaching rhinos inthe Kaziranga National Park, a number of Muslim fundamentalists have also started entering the State.”

AASU to Take out State-Wide Andolan on April 8 | Northeast Today

Is AASU an amateur propaganda organization?
I would recomend to always apply lubrication when anyone among us decide to take turns on Indians in response to their false propaganda as the law goes lubrication reduces friction..That way indians will accept it more happily and indeed it will cause less pain....to accept truth
How to answer to Indian -ve propaganda of bangladesh?

Ans: spread positive and authentic propaganda of bangladesh.
Illegal Migration of Bangladeshis in NE, Centre Ignoring Report


The Government of India is sitting over a crucial report by an officer of the IntelligenceBureau (IB) on the problem of illegal migration of Bangladeshi nationals to India despite the fact that the report also highlighted the fact that the migration can create an environment which is politically sensitive and can make the NorthEast region vulnerable from the security point of view.
RN Ravi, who recently retired as Special Director of the IB, carried out the study onillegal migration to Assam and Nagaland when he was posted as Joint Director of the Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau (SIB) in Guwahati in 2006. The gist of the report wassubmitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) immediately. But unfortunately, the Government is still sitting over the report without initiating any action on the same.
During the six month study, it was found that at one point of time, the migrants came to Assam and Nagaland for land but over the years the trend changed. The study revealed that as the land is more or less saturated, themigrants started coming for economic reasons following all round economic development and a good number of migrants came to work in the construction sites.
The study further revealed that most of the migrants, who are poor people, are not coming into India with a political motive in mind, but the migration is creating anenvironment which can be manipulated bypeople with vested interest and make the region vulnerable to security threats.
Ravi said that he is ready to face any debate on the methodology used for the study and “in fact, I believe that there should be a debate on the issue.” He said that over the years, the census data has been interpreted and re-interpreted by people to strike their point home on the issue of illegal migration , while, people are also giving their own viewson the issue without conducting a ground survey. He said that following a meeting on the implementation of Assam Accord in 2006,which was chaired by the then Home Minister Shivraj Patil, he decided to carry out a detailed study in the states of Assam and Nagaland and “during the study, it was found that migration is not a thing of the past as claimed by certain circles.” He said that the migration from Bangladesh is still taking place and the only change is that the reason for the migration has changed.
Ravi said that the finding of the study was brought to the notice of the MHA immediately and later also, the MHA was informed of the same. In fact, the gist of the study was submitted to the MHA, but no action has been initiated so far. Ravi also admitted that there is need for conducting detailed studies in other states of the North East also to know about the volume and dangers of migration from Bangladesh.

Many Illegal Immigrants Detected in Nagaland


Many illegal immigrants have been reportedlydetected by Kohima Village Youth Organization (KVYO) during a verification of documents regarding citizenship proof which was carried out today. According to KVYO, the drive was carried out with an aim to check various crimes committed by illegal immigrants under the village jurisdiction particularly by the illegal Muslim immigrants from neighbouring country Bangladesh.
“We are taking utmost care not to harass thegenuine Indian citizen, but in the process of the drive which was carried out with the full support and assistance of the Muslim WelfareSociety, Kohima (MWSK) today, it was found that there are some transporters who are in possession of fake and forged ILP, though it is subjected to confirmation”, KVYO official said.
The drive was carried out based on two categories which include those Muslims whodo not possess the ID card issued by the Muslim Welfare Society, Kohima and those who do not possess the mandatory ILP to enter Nagaland. KVYO said many among those detected today includes those who didnot possess even the ILP and they will be handed over to the administration for necessary action and deportation, KVYO sad.
Earlier, KVYO asked the Muslim Welfare Society, Kohima to identify genuine Indian Muslim and illegal immigrants from neighbouring country Bangladesh as they are the right organization to identify the genuine Indian Muslim and illegal immigrants.
In this regard, the MWSK had issued ID card to those genuine Muslim settling in Kohima.
Meanwhile, KVYO clarified that it had carried out the drive which was not sanctioned by the state government but purely to check unwanted crimes committed by illegal immigrants that are taking place within KVYOjurisdiction. Meanwhile sources informed that more than 100+ non-locals have been caught without documents namely inner linepermit within an hour of the detection drive. Sources also disclosed that there are transporters both Nagas and non-locals whofacilitate their entry into Kohima and other districts. The modus operandi of the transporters is to get them through the check gates by showing ILP’s which they prepare illegally.
It is reported that the Muslim Welfare Society has been directed by KVYO to issue identity card to its genuine members (Indian citizens) after proper verification and documentation. No local (Naga) will be allowed to be the guarantor as to citizenshipproof of any non-local who resides or work under the jurisdiction of Kohima village. Muslim Welfare Society Kohima will henceforth be held responsible if they are found to be issuing identity cards to suspected Muslim immigrants under Kohima village jurisdiction

Many Illegal Immigrants Detected in Nagaland | Northeast Today
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