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How to protect Afghanistan from its 'toxic neighbour' Pakistan?

TTP has been offered a peace package, its up to them. If they want to contribute they can use democratic means - same deal as Taliban in Af

TTP had inflicted a huge damage to Pakistan, will you give them same amount of concessions at par with your wishes regarding concessions to Afghan Taliban.
Americans from Afghanistan would be gone in a year. Pakistan wishes to reinstall Taliban in Kabul and eject secular minded people from the government in Kabul. There is a good possibility of a civil war between Pashtun tribesmen and the Northern Alliance. Pakistan by all accounts would be aiding the Taliban and the Pushtun tribesmen. Result, a new blood bath.

Hence, how to keep Pakistan out of Afghanistan's emergence as a nation, independent of all it's immediate neighbors.

Readers please, pen your suggestions........

Thank you
ahaahahah :laughcry::lol::omghaha::yay::D
go get some sleep bharoti
TTP had inflicted a huge damage to Pakistan, will you give them same amount of concessions at par with your wishes regarding concessions to Afghan Taliban.

Afghan Taliban started against Foreign invasion. The TTP terrorists are siding with enemies of Pakistan.

Two different things.

SO NO we wont give them any such chance.

They can contest elections if win, they can have their share
TTP had inflicted a huge damage to Pakistan, will you give them same amount of concessions at par with your wishes regarding concessions to Afghan Taliban.

Read post # 71 again.
Afghanistan won't keep strain relations with Muslim nation like Bangladesh and Pakistan. It's a real fact. Whereas India concern, they should rather think about their Tamil population.
I am not the Indian Government, sir. I only speak for myself. Our Current Central Government also considers Dharmic people as a bigger threat than anything else :D

Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Usa etc - discussion was good.

Where did the Tamils come from???? :hitwall: :cuckoo:
Afghanistan won't keep strain relations with Muslim nation like Bangladesh and Pakistan. It's a real fact. Whereas India concern, they should rather think about their Tamil population.
TTP had inflicted a huge damage to Pakistan, will you give them same amount of concessions at par with your wishes regarding concessions to Afghan Taliban.

Simple example - just a warning from LEJ made both the PM and President of Pakistan reconsider the hanging of two of their members - one can imagine their power from that.
The Title is wrong!

A Neighbour country like Pakistan do have some degree of influence on Afghanistan and nothing can change that.
Pakistan do have some concerns when India or any other country comes close to Afghanistan, One of the reason why Pakistan becomes nervous is because, for long Pakistan is been working on Strategic depth vis-a-vis India.
For Pakistan when it comes to confronting India they knew most of the important cities and installations are few minutes away from Indian missiles and air strikes. So Afghanistan offers some kind of opportunity to fight back just in case of worst case scenario.

Secondly The areas like FATA, Khy and other tribal belt in north west frontier for long been in some kind of quasi rule, Mostly tribal laws work there and any thing which goes against Tribal elders will be met with fierce resistance and anger.

Third Pashtuns living on both sides of Durand line do not recognize this line as border, they do business and other activities just like they did centuries ago.
So these tribal areas are not in direct control of Pakistan but are ruled by GOP officially. This situation is like an "achillies heel".

Fourth To get these areas under control Pakistan must exert some kind of influence on these tribals mostly Pashtuns. They successfully did that during Afghan Jihad.
Pakistan used Religion to cover up all the loop holes in North west frontier areas and united them under the name of Taliban. The CIA and Saudi economy also helped in this cause.

After 9/11 every thing got changed, USA's priorities changed and now USA are fighting with the same kids which they created against USSR. Pakistan which is so long relied on Taliban are now in catch 22 situation as they cannot oppose USA nor they can leave Taliban for their fate. Some void is left after the Taliban regime fell, this void is filled by Democracy led by Karzai.

The Karzai Govt is a complete role reversal of Taliban he also wants India's help in building his country, this may have some degree of Indian influence on Afghanistan , which is a problem for Pakistan.

This is a strategic and geo political game which involves USA, USA is not leaving Afghanistan nor Karzai Govt is in Danger.

In India's perspective USA and Indian strategic interests coincide with than of USA. USA wants development, India wants access to resource rich central asia. India also wants to have some bargaining chip vis-a-vis Pakistan. India's presence in Afghanistan will sandwich Pakistan on both east and west or an India friendly regime in Afghanistan will negate the strategic depth policy of Pakistan.

China and India are also working closely in Afghanistan and talks are being held on this topic between New Delhi and Beiging

Shifting equations: Afghanistan bonding between India and China | INDIAWRITES INDIAWRITES

India and Iran also working on their strategic interests which coincide as well.
India built chahabar port and connected it with Afghanistan, this will help India-Iran-Afghanistan trade.

conclusion: India should engage Afghanistan with trade and diplomacy, So far India has done well participating in Afghan development process.

India should also train Afghan security personal.

Democratic institutions play a crucial role in any country's progress so India should help Afghans to set up these institutions so that they will not fall for some radical Mullahs.

USA is an unreliable partner so no need to participate in WOT in Afghanistan, This war is started by Yanks and let them finish it.

@Spring Onion I just wrote my first article , any suggestions.
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I don't think it is a good idea for India to deploy boots on the grounds 'cause the Taliban loves India so much! And might establish a yet-to-be determined branch of the Taliabn aka Taliban Khasmir :lol:

That is surely a worry in Kashmir, fortunately the local population is against extremism in fear of the huge elephant in the room - if that position degrades or goes out of control like in Pakistan, Yemen etc then more drastic measures will be taken.....it would cause a possible wipeout of a huge population.
Afghan Taliban started against Foreign invasion. The TTP terrorists are siding with enemies of Pakistan.

Two different things.

SO NO we wont give them any such chance.

They can contest elections if win, they can have their share

Wasn't Pakistan's cooperation with America the main reason of the rise of TTP, aren't TTP your own people. Waliur Rahman who killed by American drone was fighting in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Why Pakistan's useful asset never criticize TTP.
I don't think it is a good idea for India to deploy boots on the grounds 'cause the Taliban loves India so much! And might establish a yet-to-be determined branch of the Taliabn aka Taliban Khasmir :lol:

Yes exactly that is the reason we want India to make this blunder Sir one mountain range in Afghanistan and Pakistan is known Hindu Kush Sir India would make biggest blunder if it enters Afghanistan with Troops on ground they will return in coffins
Simple example - just a warning from LEJ made both the PM and President of Pakistan reconsider the hanging of two of their members - one can imagine their power from that.

ANd we already hanged them. You can feel their power as per your wish

Wasn't Pakistan's cooperation with America the main reason of the rise of TTP, aren't TTP your own people. Waliur Rahman who killed by American drone was fighting in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Why Pakistan's useful asset never criticize TTP.

No it isn't. its just an excuse to supplement foreign invasion by TTP scums.
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