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How to protect Afghanistan from its 'toxic neighbour' Pakistan?

Is that so? :what: hmm interesting.

Don't fall into the propaganda crap.
However, this derivation is challenged by historical documents, such as the writings of 14th century explorer Ibn Battutah, who explains that the words "Hindu Kush" refer to the harsh meteorological conditions and frost that was responsible for the death of many local travellers in that region. At the time, the word Hindu was a secular term which was used to describe all inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent – or Hindustan – irrespective of their religious affiliation. It was only towards the end of the 18th century that European merchants and colonists referred collectively to the followers of some Indian religions as Hindus.The World Book Encyclopedia states that "the name Kush, .. means Death".While Encyclopædia Britannica says 'The name Hindu Kush first appears in 1333 AD in the writings of Ibn Battutah, the medieval Berber traveller, who said the name meant 'Hindu Killer', a meaning still given by Afghan mountain dwellers who are traditional enemies of Indian plainsmen.
The word "Koh" or "Kuh" means mountain in some local languages. According to Nigel Allan, "Hindu Kush" meant both "mountains of India" and "sparkling snows of India", as he notes, from a Central Asian perspective. Others maintain that the name Hindu Kush is probably a corruption of Hindi-Kash or Hindi-Kesh, the boundary of Hind (i.e. India)
Yes they were united somwhat. United by evil. :undecided:

You peoples open your big mouth without knowing the reality and history.......India don't even has border with Afghanistan and they talk about like a neighboring country...Where were Indians when Pakistan did protection to Afghans during Soviet War and Still providing the shelter to them in Pakistan who are coming out from War............Basically Indians did nothing for Afghans but they want to participate in after myth of Americans.

If you are truly friend of this puppet govt. in Afghanistan....why don't you give them weapons for their army to fight against Taliban.....but reality is your govt. refused to give them weapons when Hamid Karazi was asking your govt.
We should fence the border , stop meddling in each other affairs let afghans decide their fate , in case of disaster provide only human aid or cover .. enough of poking nose in this Afghan issue which has killed so many Pakistanis
Americans from Afghanistan would be gone in a year. Pakistan wishes to reinstall Taliban in Kabul and eject secular minded people from the government in Kabul. There is a good possibility of a civil war between Pashtun tribesmen and the Northern Alliance. Pakistan by all accounts would be aiding the Taliban and the Pushtun tribesmen. Result, a new blood bath.

Hence, how to keep Pakistan out of Afghanistan's emergence as a nation, independent of all it's immediate neighbors.

Readers please, pen your suggestions........

Thank you

The tiltle should be How to Protect this Area south Asia from India (evil).....they have problems with China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal....and Bangladesh (depsite their govt...Bangladeshi peoples don't like Indians in general)...........If Indians stop their evil games this area will be a heaven.
Afghans always need someone to hate, it is in their nature.

Let Indians take over there, they can hate them.

Gives us some breathing space to rebuild.
IDK what's going to happen. I'm just saying it because it concerns us as we maintain good relations with India.
That is surely a worry in Kashmir, fortunately the local population is against extremism in fear of the huge elephant in the room - if that position degrades or goes out of control like in Pakistan, Yemen etc then more drastic measures will be taken.....it would cause a possible wipeout of a huge population.

Let just refrain from using genociodal " rhetoric "

Really :woot: ?
Taliban was training militants for terror attacks in Kashmir in whole 1990s that included Pashtuns, Arabs, Chechans and Punjabis who were infiltrated into Kashmir to fight with Indian army. With the start of war on terror, most of them joined Pakistani Taliban to fight against Pakistan state who once supported them against India in Kashmir.
Kashmir hates India. As all Muslims hate India. They make their Muslims swear allegiance to their stone gods. We never accept, and neither will Kashmiris. We don't need stupid fat Arabs or wanna be European Turks. We are the best fighters in the world, and we will fight for Islam, human rights, freedom of choice.
Hey and salam to all of you my dears, am new here and studying in 10th standard, my 9th marks is 421 out of 550. My family condition is poor and am want to continue my studies but it is unlikely, am also want to join a cadet college and later join PAF, Pak army or pak navy As an officer, so am here to know about the cadet colleges in pakistan under government. Anyone one here who can guide me about this?

For information: am from khyber agency, FATA, peshawar pakistan.
Hey and salam to all of you my dears, am new here and studying in 10th standard, my 9th marks is 421 out of 550. My family condition is poor and am want to continue my studies but it is unlikely, am also want to join a cadet college and later join PAF, Pak army or pak navy As an officer, so am here to know about the cadet colleges in pakistan under government. Anyone one here who can guide me about this?

For information: am from khyber agency, FATA, peshawar pakistan.

Welcome to the forum mate.... have a nice stay here...Concentrate on your studies and get good grades it will help you
Until Pakistan itself disintegrates!!

Have tons of wet dreams as you like..... Even your whole North Eastern part is in utter control of military, Indian occupied Kashmir is totally alienated by the rest of India due to the presence of heavy security forces......Should i presume that India is gonna disintegrate??? Disintegrating Pakistan means, putting the whole region into chaos, destruction. Your government is whining over the infiltrations across the LOC....How your government would be able to stop all those militants who are currently trying to bring chaos in our tribal regions??? Brainwashed mindsets such as yours have got nothing inside but to fart on the international forums, predicting the future of other nations, without having a full know how of their own status, position....
You peoples open your big mouth without knowing the reality and history.......India don't even has border with Afghanistan and they talk about like a neighboring country...Where were Indians when Pakistan did protection to Afghans during Soviet War and Still providing the shelter to them in Pakistan who are coming out from War............Basically Indians did nothing for Afghans but they want to participate in after myth of Americans.

Was it a noble duty of something else. With Afghan refugees came large amount of money from America and Arab countries.
Was it a noble duty of something else. With Afghan refugees came large amount of money from America and Arab countries.

So we did it for the money.....And we were not worried about the Russian forces eying towards our coastal belt of Baluchistan....you are joking. Right???:hitwall:
IMHO, only way for solution: they should play head or tail. Who ever looses get's to nuke the other one and be done with it once and forever.
So we did it for the money.....And we were not worried about the Russian forces eying towards our coastal belt of Baluchistan....you are joking. Right???:hitwall:

Pakistan's interfere in Afghanistan started after the Daoud Khan took power in Afghanistan. Russia or Martian was just an excuse.
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