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How to join Pakistan Army?

some body still wants to join army, do and have a graceful career, people will soon pelt stone on guys who have no use, just know how to fire gun, cant be constructive to our society, justing eating away our budget and grabbing land by constructing cantonments
some body still wants to join army, do and have a graceful career, people will soon pelt stone on guys who have no use, just know how to fire gun, cant be constructive to our society, justing eating away our budget and grabbing land by constructing cantonments

What are you on about?

I decided to make a new post to attract more people as there's little talk in the sticky.

So I'm thinking of joining for PMA long course Nov. I have a few questions which I would be grateful if you could answer.

  • If someone could tell me when the ISSB will be if I go for Nov intake.
  • If I am accepted when will the PMA course start?
  • I've nearly finished my first year of a 3 year engineering course would it be beneficial to finish it then join or I could save 2 years if I leave and join early.
  • When do people in the military normally retire? What is the normal pension when it occurs?
  • What's the likelihood of not making it through PMA are there lots of pass or fail tests throughout and if you fail one do you get kicked out?

I know it's alot of questions
thanks in advance

You have nationality of UK and not of Pakistan? then you can not join Pakistan Army. Anyway if you are from Pakistan then following are steps to reach to ISSB.

1. Registeration through Join Pakistan Army
2. Initial Tests
a) Written Test ( IQ and Academic ) online
b) Medical Test
c) Physical Test
d) Interview

after passing through these tests you may reach ISSB which is much more comprehensive.

Now it comes about if you should to leave your engineering or not. You don't need to leave your engineering. Just stay in engineering and apply in Pakistan Army commission. If you get passed then you may leave your engineering otherwise keep it going. If you get selected then there is no need to continue engineering if you really want to be an army guy.
You have nationality of UK and not of Pakistan? then you can not join Pakistan Army. Anyway if you are from Pakistan then following are steps to reach to ISSB.

1. Registeration through Join Pakistan Army
2. Initial Tests
a) Written Test ( IQ and Academic ) online
b) Medical Test
c) Physical Test
d) Interview

after passing through these tests you may reach ISSB which is much more comprehensive.

Now it comes about if you should to leave your engineering or not. You don't need to leave your engineering. Just stay in engineering and apply in Pakistan Army commission. If you get passed then you may leave your engineering otherwise keep it going. If you get selected then there is no need to continue engineering if you really want to be an army guy.

Yes I am Pakistani just born in the UK.

I already understand what I need to do. Overseas Pakistanis are exempt from initial tests but I think they have an interview in the embassy. After that I think it will be the ISSB.

What I've learnt in engineering is still useful as it provides maths/physics skills and many other skills such as management and computation. But as you said it might not really be worth doing I guess its a good backup plan in case I ever have to return to normal civilian work.

Can you help me with the other questions.
You have nationality of UK and not of Pakistan? then you can not join Pakistan Army. Anyway if you are from Pakistan then following are steps to reach to ISSB.

1. Registeration through Join Pakistan Army
2. Initial Tests
a) Written Test ( IQ and Academic ) online
b) Medical Test
c) Physical Test
d) Interview

after passing through these tests you may reach ISSB which is much more comprehensive.

Now it comes about if you should to leave your engineering or not. You don't need to leave your engineering. Just stay in engineering and apply in Pakistan Army commission. If you get passed then you may leave your engineering otherwise keep it going. If you get selected then there is no need to continue engineering if you really want to be an army guy.

INSHALLAH tomorrow i will apply for PMA 128
bt can you tell me when will be the test held?
If someone could tell me when the ISSB will be if I go for Nov intake

PMA long course is divided into even and odd courses. ISSB for even courses normally take place between July-Sept and odd course between Jan- early April however one needs to submit ISSB form at least a month prior to ISSB dates.
If I am accepted when will the PMA course start?
Even course starts in Oct-Nov and Odd in May-June.
I've nearly finished my first year of a 3 year engineering course would it be beneficial to finish it then join or I could save 2 years if I leave and join early.
For PMA long course its of no use, however army regularly announces jobs for engineers and doctors in short service commission- directly captain hired- once you complete engineering, but then you will be inducted in engineering corps rather than a foot soldier. Check your priorities to make a decision and my suggestion is continue studies while applying for army.

When do people in the military normally retire? What is the normal pension when it occurs?
It all depends upon your medical conditions and if you remain fit then its 60Yrs. Army personnel on retirement usually get plot, home and very good benefits with excellent pension scheme, however don't think about this at the moment.
What's the likelihood of not making it through PMA are there lots of pass or fail tests throughout and if you fail one do you get kicked out?
100% to get in and 100% to be rejected, if you have what it takes to be army men then they will select you. ISSB is 05days assessment center, which consist of indoor and outdoor tests and there is a thread on ISSB test, have a look at that. You're eligible to appear twice in ISSB.
Assalam o Alikum,

I am a student studied MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Manchester, UK and also have completed my two under graduations one from Manchester,UK and the other one from Karachi, Pakistan. Are there any job prospects available for me in the military logistics and supply chain section in the Pakistan Army? As I want to serve my country as being the part of Pakistan Army Administration.


Talha Masood
Assalam o Alikum,

I am a student studied MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Manchester, UK and also have completed my two under graduations one from Manchester,UK and the other one from Karachi, Pakistan. Are there any job prospects available for me in the military logistics and supply chain section in the Pakistan Army. As I want to serve my country as being the part of Pakistan Army Administration.


Talha Masood
Assalam o Alikum,

I am a student studied MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Manchester, UK and also have completed my two under graduations one from Manchester,UK and the other one from Karachi, Pakistan. Are there any job prospects available for me in the military logistics and supply chain section in the Pakistan Army? As I want to serve my country as being the part of Pakistan Army Administration.


Talha Masood

If you are not over age, you are best suited for ASC (Army Supply Corps).
Yes join army and get upto 40% discount anywhere in Pakistan. Whatever you do just make sure that you wont follow the footsteps of General Kayani.

On the lighter note try getting a job in courier or cargo companies where you can live with your prestige and pride.
see, people want to make a career by joining the armed forces, and want to be respected because they are making some sacrifice for their country?

I dont buy it...

Note: oh yeah now some will pm me and say why you are so anti-army ?:sick:
its better you join some multinational, and invest your savings in Pakistan... it will be a lot more help to Pakistan.

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