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How to counter tactical nukes?

Your naive approach is not even worth replying.
Do read a bit about Nasr and it's usage also about it's purpose .....
Nasr is a high accuracy battlefield range ballistic missile, India has 150km range counterpart Prahar.
U think a 60km range missile that even with baby nukes can harm India.
LOL... :D
They often brag about their abilities, check moon landing hoax. They faked the moon landing.
Excuse me? o_O

Dear Lord...

Astronauts have brought moon rocks back to Earth as evidence: Lunar Rocks and Soils from Apollo Missions

More about Moon landings: The Great Moon Hoax - NASA Science

US have deployed machines even on planet Mars (about 225 million km away from Earth). You think that they could not conduct moon landings?

Recently, US sent a space probe towards the direction of planet Pluto which is 7.5 billion miles away. The space probe successfully flew past the planet and recorded lot of data. This was an extremely difficult and technical venture.

Conspiracy theories are largely publicity attempts for fame.
Excuse me? o_O

Dear Lord...

Astronauts have brought moon rocks back to Earth as evidence: Lunar Rocks and Soils from Apollo Missions

More about Moon landings: The Great Moon Hoax - NASA Science

US have deployed machines even on planet Mars (about 225 million km away from Earth). You think that they could not conduct moon landings?

Recently, US sent a space probe that flew past planet Pluto which is 7.5 billion miles away. This was an extremely difficult and technical venture.

Conspiracy theories are largely publicity attempts for fame.
Maned moon landing was a hoax just check the thread where i tagged you. it happens when people starts worshiping the power instead of counter it.
Maned moon landing was a hoax just check the thread where i tagged you. it happens when people starts worshiping the power instead of counter it.
If US have the technology to land machines on planet Mars, you think that it cannot land machines on Moon? o_O

Distance of planet Mars from Earth: 225,000,000 km
Distance of Moon from Earth: 384,400 km

I have explored this topic long ago.

Here is a comprehensive article which debunks all conspiracy theories in relation to moon landings: DECISIVELY Debunking Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories: In memory of Neil Armstrong - Word of Power (Contains all answers)
@LeGenD There's no point reasoning now. Its all a big hoax man! QED.
Its unfortunate that people can still be fooled by disinformation in this era of knowledge.

Lack of (sufficient) education fuels lack of belief, I guess.

I am making an effort to promote facts because I feel obligated to do so as a Muslim and a professional researcher.
Lack of (sufficient) education fuels lack of belief, I guess.
What is u r qualification I am electrical engineer for u r info if people disagrees with u its not mean they are uneducated its mean u r dumb enough to make them understand or understand the truth.
Its unfortunate that people can still be fooled by disinformation in this era of knowledge.

Lack of (sufficient) education fuels lack of belief, I guess.

There are some very well educated people there who believe in all sorts of conspiracy theories including the apollo one (generally few in number but they do exist). People who's opinions on various subjects do actually mean something....and who are worth it to try make them see and accept your own points....but they stay stuck....because it is like a neo-faith to them. Many times they have invested too much time and effort in a particular belief that they cannot let that all go. It is human nature. Doesn't make them bad people....many I even count as good friends...thankfully no family (that I know of at least).

So whaddya do....in earlier times....I have got angry, I have reasoned calmly, I have shut up, I have yelled back over this sort of thing too many times to count.....now I just chuckle and nod/shake my head when I come across the type that cannot be reasoned with at all.

In the end we share the planet with all sorts of people, each with a unique perspective. It is not worth it to get caught up too much on what divides us.
What is u r qualification I am electrical engineer for u r info if people disagrees with u its not mean they are uneducated its mean u r dumb enough to make them understand or understand the truth.
Lack of (sufficient) knowledge, not utter lack of education or knowledge at all. I did not accuse (you) of being uneducated.

I have provided considerable information to address your points. You want me to copy and paste that information here? Just check the cited information and learn from them.

This is (not) a political discussion in which you can pull a (disagreement for the sake of having different political views) card to end the discussion. This is a discussion about technology in which only facts carry weight-age and an engineer is expected to understand and learn facts [only].

I am a social sciences expert per my qualification (Masters of Philosophy). My profession is to conduct research about technology and social matters. I have an IT degree as well.
Lack of (sufficient) knowledge, not utter lack of education or knowledge at all. I did not accuse (you) of being uneducated.

I have provided considerable information to address your points. You want me to copy and paste that information here? Just check the cited information and learn from them.

This is (not) a political discussion in which you can pull a (disagreement for the sake of having different political views) card to end the discussion. This is a discussion about technology in which only facts carry weight-age and an engineer is expected to understand and learn facts [only].

I am a social sciences expert per my qualification (Masters of Philosophy). My profession is to conduct research about technology and social matters. I have an IT degree as well.
And my disagreement is quite based on technical info also just google it to know shielding of nuclear material is possible or not.

I am a social sciences expert per my qualification (Masters of Philosophy). My profession is to conduct research about technology and social matters. I have an IT degree as well.
Both different fields i believe
Fourth, India's best option for any Nuclear retaliation - Strike Deep Strike Hard
If despite such a declaratory strategy, Pakistan persists with its stated policy of launching nuclear strikes on Indian forces inside Pakistan and India decides to reciprocate in kind with nuclear strikes on Pakistani forces rather than an all out decapitating strike, escalation control will be extremely difficult to manage. There would be a near certainty of the nuclear exchanges eventually graduating to massive strikes. Hence, ‘proportionate response’ would not be a practicable strategic option. (Option Y)

There is only one viable response to a Pakistani nuclear strike, whether on Indian cities or military forces, whether inside Pakistan or not, and that is massive punitive retaliation with the full force of India’s nuclear capability. (Option X (80%) and Option Z for strategic retaliation (20%))

Only such a policy would ensure failsafe deterrence. The Pakistani ruling elite must be made to understand that while India may choose to fight a limited war in certain cases, as it did in Kargil, it is prepared to upgrade its military response to ‘all out’ war if the situation so demands. Once this realisation dawns on the Pakistanis, they are unlikely to act irrationally and use tactical nuclear weapons to checkmate an Indian offensive, knowing fully well that a massive Indian nuclear counter-value and counter-force response will mean the end of Pakistan as a viable nation-state.

Three things need to be done to ensure that India can implement a deep strike strategy when the time comes.

  1. Firstly, the Indian leadership must find ways and means to demonstrate its collective political will to convince Pakistan that a single nuclear strike on an Indian, soldier or civilian, inside Indian or Pakistani territory, will invite massive punitive nuclear retaliation. If it can do that, the nuclear deterrence battle with Pakistan would have been won.
  2. Secondly, the Indian army’s offensive punch and the air force’s ground strike capability must be upgraded to state-of-the-art standards so that the two services can launch joint Air-Land offensives deep into Pakistan to gain early tactical, operational and strategic advantage. For this a much deeper modernisation drive has to be accomodated via which the conventional capability between the two nations rise much beyond the present capacities
I agree that this is the best strategy the conventional military of India could play- deep strike and strike hard. By the time the nuclear threshold (whatever it may be for the PA) has been breached by the IA their IBGs are already far too deep inside Pakistani territory that the use of TNWs on (or near) major Pakistani population centres unpalatable.

  • The first step could be a public or private warning,
  • The second a demonstration explosion of a small nuclear weapon on its own soil,
  • The third step would be the use of a few nuclear weapons on its own soil against Indian attacking forces.
  • The fourth stage would be used against critical but purely military targets in India across the border from Pakistan – probably in thinly populated areas in the desert or semi-desert, causing least collateral damage…
  • Some weapons would be in reserve for the counter value role.
Having said that, if Pakistan was really to follow the above blueprint during times of tension they would be finished before they even got to step three. In 2015 (and going to the future) the West (and even China) will not accept anyone testing an actual nuclear weapons especially not for the stated purpose of chest beating. At that point India doesn't need to do anything accept sit back and watch the show. If Pakistan wants to be the next North Korea then they simply need to follow the aforementioned formula and if they want to be the next Iraq then proceed to the third step. That would truly be game over for them.

The world is already beginning to switch their focus to the next looming threat to international stability (in possession of nuclear weapons) now that the Iran deal is almost a reality. Look at the USG's recent moves, that I would call exploratory. They have set their eyes on Pakistan's nuclear arsenal have no doubt about it and what is Pakistan's response? Have their NSA openly brag about their TNW "deterrent" vis a vis India whilst on a trip to the US no less.

We are discussing the use of nuclear weapons in a conventional military conflict between India and Pakistan as if this is nothing because we have become so desensitised to their existence and the reality of what they really are but this is a conversation that would and does abhor the West. The very thought of such weapons being incorporated into a conventional military strategy by Pakistan is a step too far and I feel the Pakistanis have massively overplayed their hand. The next few years will be interesting to watch- the US is going to get a new President (and they will be far more decisive than the current one whoever they are), a new consensus is being formed on terrorism on the international community and it won't be long before this translates into concrete conventions in the UN- then Pakistan is done. A state with an established track record of sponsoring terrorism in possession of nuclear weapons, I wonder how long that will last....

These are not mere fantasies, I would never have even contemplated such thoughts a few years ago but in 2015 the ingredients are all there- Iran deal, the emergence of ISIS (that has touched everyone in the West) , a more assertive Russia, a Pakistan that openly braces about using TNWs and has revised their nuclear threshold downwards consistently over the past decade and just to top it off a newly vocal India.

@Spectre @FrenchPilot @Bang Galore @MilSpec @Echo_419
And my disagreement is quite based on technical info also just google it to know shielding of nuclear material is possible or not.
A nuclear warhead can be put in a box (made of materials) that can contain its particle emissions, and consequently minimize its chances of detection from sensors that can detect such emissions. However, story does not ends here. Next step is to develop sensors that can detect emissions of the materials of such boxes.

HINT: All objects emit something (e.g. electromagnetic radiation).

I pointed out earlier that different types of systems have been developed and fielded by US strategic forces to detect presence of nuclear weapons and map their storage locations in enemy territory worldwide; its a multi-layered surveillance system. These developments are largely classified and would not be disclosed to the public in detail (at any cost) because such disclosures can undermine US nuclear primacy.

US may have developed a comprehensive model of Pakistani strategic assets in "laboratory setting." They will continue to update it with passage of time as they notice newer developments. Check this article: http://fas.org/nuke/guide/pakistan/facility/ (This article contains information about Pakistani strategic areas that US authorities decided to disclose to the public). Now imagine how much information they have in "laboratory setting."

There are different methods to figure out location of nuclear warheads in an area.

Both different fields i believe
I felt the need to diversify my skills.
A nuclear warhead can be put in a box (made of materials) that can contain its particle emissions, and consequently minimize its chances of detection from sensors that can detect such emissions. However, story does not ends here. Next step is to develop sensors that can detect emissions of the materials of such boxes.

HINT: All objects emit something (e.g. electromagnetic radiation).

I pointed out earlier that different types of systems have been developed and fielded by US strategic forces to detect presence of nuclear weapons and map their storage locations in enemy territory worldwide; its a multi-layered surveillance system. These developments are largely classified and would not be disclosed to the public in detail (at any cost) because such disclosures can undermine US nuclear primacy.

US may have developed a comprehensive model of Pakistani strategic assets in "laboratory setting." They will continue to update it with passage of time as they notice newer developments. Check this article: http://fas.org/nuke/guide/pakistan/facility/ (This article contains information about Pakistani strategic areas that US authorities decided to disclose to the public). Now imagine how much information they have in "laboratory setting."

There are different methods to figure out location of nuclear warheads in an area.

I felt the need to diversify my skills.
Dear Brathar these details are about facilities no details available about the warheads only the speculation or possible nuclear storage points like Sargodha air base etc i agreed on this point nuclear material can be tracked down and Pakistan knows this very fact so the counter measures already developed. They can keep check on our facilities even we regularly exchange facilities details with India but to track small warhead with shielded cover very difficult specially constantly moving to change the storage locations.


End of discussion.

more on above i studied Nuclear physics, radiation and reactors even i know how to shield nuclear materials to avoid hazardous emission.
India can buy Iron Dome to Counter Nasr....

but still can one say which missile is carrying Nuclear warhead and which is carrying Conventional one??
S400 is a better option!
It has the proven ballistic missile defence against irbms...
Once you launch a ballistic missile....it's always considered as carrying nuclear war head....unless otherwise proved!
as far i understand pakistani tactical nukes are to stop indian wedges that penetrate too deep into pakistani territory. But india doesnt have to penetrate too deep into pakistan to badly damage its army. pakistan doesnt have strategic depth. once india defeat pakistan army in border areas there will be nothing left for pakistan to throw into the battle unlike soviet union in ww2 when no matter how many formations germans destroyed, new formations kept pouring into the battlefield to stall the germans. Pakistan Army can be finished within 50-100 kms of the border.
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