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How to counter nuclear weapons ?

Dr sim

Jul 2, 2010
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Is there any way ( both theoretical or Practical ) to counter a nuclear weapon. IS it Even possible to do so?

I found a nice answer/article on Yahoo , but I ll be glad if people over here can enlighten me further.........

It is possible for the incoming nuclear warhead to have a special fuze such that it is designed to detonate (go nuclear) if it is about to be intercepted. This is called a salvage fuze since it salvages something by detonating over the enemy's territory, even if you primarily get an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that degrades all the electronic systems below it out to the horizon.

If the defensive weapon is a kinetic interceptor (direct hit at high relative speed), and assuming no salvage fuze on the incoming warhead, most likely you would not get a nuclear detonation out of the incoming warhead. You may or may not get a lot of little pieces, but that depends on the relative speed and how direct the hit was.

At very high speeds, you might get more of a hydraulic effect (a splash) much like what you get with armor piercing (shaped) charges. That merely means that the energy levels are so high that the metallic bonds in the metals are relatively small when compared to that energy input. So, in that case being a metallic solid is not much better than being a fluid. That means you can get a thousand pieces, as already pointed out.

If the defensive warhead is just a high explosive with a proximity fuze, chances are the incoming missile warhead will be disabled but not disintegrated but the defensive warhead detonating at some distance. However, if the high explosive used in the incoming nuclear warhead itself detonates (somewhat likely but not assured), then the fissile material in the warhead could get dispersed as small particles. That fissile material is not very radioactive, although plutonium (if used in the warhead) also has other toxic effects that make it dangerous.

If the defensive warhead is also nuclear, the defenders have decided that it is indeed better to have nuclear explosions high in the atmosphere to avoid the blast, thermal, direct radiation (gammas and neutrons), and radioactive fallout effects. Then the challenge is to detect and intercept high enough to make it worthwhile.

The closer the detonation is to the earth's surface, the more solid materials get sucked into high radiation fields and, thus, the radioactive fallout cloud. Materials can get activated (made to be radioactive) by absorbing neutrons from the nuclear detonation. A small detonation of a crude nuclear weapon on the surface of the Earth could result in radioactive contamination of an area from Washington, DC to Phiadelphia such that people would start moving out.

Overall, your question shows why there was so much uncertainty during the Cold War, where mutually assured destruction really kept potential foes from doing anything, even if barely. You could have anti-anti-missiles and on and on. With the advent of highly accurate kinetic (direct hit) defensive interceptors, we are now able to discourage missile programs, but we still have to worry about other modes of delivery. Thus, we can install defensive missiles around Iran, but we also have to install detection equipment at seaports and even airports.

The worst case answer to your question is where the incoming nuclear missile has a salvage fuze, detects a defensive nuclear warhead blast, and detonates at a low level over the defender's territory just after the defensive nuclear detonation. That would cause a lot of direct radiation and EMP, but it would likely be too high in the atmosphere to produce very much in terms of radioactive fallout, at least relative to the fallout from a nuclear burst on the Earth's surface.
Best way for you Indians to counter Nukes is to give Kashmiris the right to self determination.

And Who is Nuking us... They should know that Buddha can wake up from Sleep and Smile again .

I hope People of Kashmir Live in peace and Prosperty.
What is being described in the main post is actually a retarded nuclear bomb dropped from a bomber. There are ways of avoiding it. But it is not always successful, and even high kinetic interceptions have a possibility of the nuclear warhead getting detonated.

There are more ways to counter nuclear weapons. But all of them are very advanced tech, and require loads of money for implementation.

Energy weapons would be the most efficient of the weapons, kinetic interception, proximity charge interception, are some of the simpler methods. Of course there are some more, but I'd like to keep them to myself for now. :devil:

The only thing possible for India would be to work on BMD, and get bunkers ready.

And yes, Kashmir is India's part. And its staying with us. No compromise there.
Best way for you Indians to counter Nukes is to give Kashmiris the right to self determination.

A 'good' reply from a researcher! What is Pakistan doing to counter Indian nukes? We have a large country and large population we have much matter air force and active programmes we will survive any Pakistani nuke attack but what will happen to Pakistan after that?
Best way for you Indians to counter Nukes is to give Kashmiris the right to self determination.

Thanks but no thanks. You Pakistanis are not gifted with an immunity from radioactive.
Yes!jagji no compromise with kashmir but our neighbour can try and takeit !!!GOI READY TO HANDOVER THE KEYS TO ANY ELIGIBLE CANDIDATE.
Best way for you Indians to counter Nukes is to give Kashmiris the right to self determination.

then sleeping budha will transform into vigorous budha,and that will not b sane to awake him:devil:

@topi,what about using EMP's(after developing it),a pre emptive strike,send the enemy into stone age,and definitely make adversaries nukes just garbage
I am quite amazed at the stir up black blood's idiotic comment has brought amongst the Indian community. Seems to me that he just pulled off a successful troll operation.
The most effective method would be to not allow nuclear weapons to be used. Nuclear weapons are not like generic weapons and are dismantled when not deployed. In order to safeguard them the parts are stored in different places.

Spies and secret agents could be very useful in delaying the assembly of warheads, or disabling one of the systems, or creating another critical failure.
To counter nukes we should have the following,

1) Superior air force with precision long range SEAD missiles Brahmos.
2) Deep penetration and cluster bombs.
3) Advanced SAM systems.
4) Multi-layered missile defence systems.
5) EMP weapons.

India is working on all these. We can follow....

1) Heavy strike with fighters armed with cluster, deep earth penetration bombs as well precision strike missiles to destroy as much as missiles and nukes possible.
2) Multi-layered BMDs like AAD, PAD, PDV will take care of the remaining if they are launched. Very few will remain after the attack from air force.
3) Keep nuclear triad and Strategic Forces Command at full alert, specially SLBMs and keeping mobile launchers far away from border, so if there is any indication of nuke launch by enemy it can launch towards the enemy which should completely eliminate them.
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The most effective method would be to not allow nuclear weapons to be used. Nuclear weapons are not like generic weapons and are dismantled when not deployed. In order to safeguard them the parts are stored in different places.

Spies and secret agents could be very useful in delaying the assembly of warheads, or disabling one of the systems, or creating another critical failure.

Why remove the last resort of action, if one's Army/Airforce/Navy fails? I doubt "certain" countries would rather let of nukes than sign the surrender papers.(not giving any names for the sake of the forum)
Guy I found This !!

So who wins in case of nuclear war..let us do an analysis

one kiloton explosion : -

effected explosion area is 1/3rd of mile + Fallout effect extended to 1 square mile

For 10 kiloton explosion

explosion area 2/3rd of a mile + Fallout effect about 10 square miles

an assumption that both neigbours uses their entire nuclear arsenal against each other

Let us assume india and pakistan has 200 kiloton ready material

Target cities in Pakistan

Karachi , Sargodha , Lahore, Bahawalpur , Faisalabad , Sialkot , Rawalpindi , Sukkur , Multan, Larkana , Hyderabad , Shekhupura , Gujranwala , Jhang , Peshawar , Mardan , Quetta, Rahim Yar Khan Islamabad, Gujrat..........constitutes 36366181 people comes to .....................................
36 million people

it comes to roughly about 1622 persons per square miles take both the explosion and fallout effect...95% people will succumb......1540 people will be evaporated......in pakistan.....

thats deadly

now compare the indian cities...

it comes to about 42 major indian cities.......

so roughly the population comes to 105373521 with a square mile area of 274468.....so roughly it comes out to be 383 person per square mile.

take both the explosion and fallout effect...95% people will succumb ....363 people are evaporated .....thats rougly 1/5th of pakistani casualities.......

so vis s vis comparing both pakistan and india with a 200 kiloton warhead........for every 5 pakistani 1 indian will evaporate.....

it means...taking on pro-rata basis if india has a population currently to be 1,147,995,904 it means if we divide it by 5...the population of pakistan mathematically should be currently 229599181........but presently as per July 2008 census it is 172,800,048 which is a shortfall of 56799133 people.....

so in the worst case scenario..that is second strike capabilites of both the countries......india can evaporate pakistan 5 times before every indian evaporates ........mathematically it comes out India will win the Nuclear war .........................

solution for pakistan to win the nuclear war...to build atleat 5 times the nuclear warhead that india has at any given point of time ..........which i believe pakistan is doing right now or on this track....logically........however....we are not comparing any damages that has already occured pre-emptively because of the use of conventional weapons...before this scenario of nuclear war is taking place in both the countries........

For india the solution is to damage as much as possible through conventional weapons before nuclear war is started....that is logically what india is doing right now.... both countries are on the right track.....

have your say.....:pop:.
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