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How to counter indian S-400 after this Kashmir issue

Hello dear members
As we all know that this kashmir conflict after the removal of article 370 and 35 A will certainly get ugly.There is a strong chance that in future a conventional war can happen.And next year India will get S-400 missile system which will put our air force at a serious disadvantage.How frustrating it will be in war time when we will be getting a hell fire from the sky but can't do the same in India because with that air defence system being operational our fighter jets stand a little chance of going deep inside India.
So we have one year to do something about that and we all know the role of air force in a modern warfare decides winning or losing.
I am no defence expert the only thing which comes in my mind is that we rely on our superior ground intelligence to counter this threat.Which means identity the location of air defence batteries and destroy them.
But I am sure there are other options as
Please write below whatever comes in your mind.Experts on this specific topic are more than welcome.Thx.
Don t worry about S400. It is failed product in Pak Indian stand off. Missile traveling time is extremely short. By the time Indian lauch the missile out of 3 two will already hit the target.
the answer was Israel because Russians deployed S-400 in Syria to protect there assets in latakiya air base but after all these years they never engage any thing even tomahawk cruise missile !!
They have these giant structures for a reason!!! Please note the following:
  • They have GaN (fast switching at high power) devices based EW suits filled to the brim. Coupled with custom algorithms which are part of the humongous on-board on-the-fly AI based computational capability to collect and decipher enemy signals, and come up with effective solutions. All on real-time, at the heat of the battle, and within a fraction of time a feeble human mind would take
  • They have their own GaN based AESA radar. Coupled with indigenous BVR missiles to engage enemy assets
  • They can not only jam the enemy signals but also create "phantom images" to deceive the AD or enemy A-A missiles to mis-fire
  • They work in a net centric environment with other friendly assets in the air, land and sea
  • And, all are home built for your own use and interest only!!! So, no kill switch, no industrial/commercial generalizations (known to every Tom and Harry), no hold backs, no catering for the Imperialists' geostrategic designs etc.
Hence, targeting and destroying them aren't that easy...

S 400 is consists more powerful radar along side defense shield... that's why US is uneasy with the purchase.. common guys.. you guys discrediting such potent platform... jamming S 400 ? Which stationed 100km inside your enemy space...
Hello dear members
As we all know that this kashmir conflict after the removal of article 370 and 35 A will certainly get ugly.There is a strong chance that in future a conventional war can happen.And next year India will get S-400 missile system which will put our air force at a serious disadvantage.How frustrating it will be in war time when we will be getting a hell fire from the sky but can't do the same in India because with that air defence system being operational our fighter jets stand a little chance of going deep inside India.
So we have one year to do something about that and we all know the role of air force in a modern warfare decides winning or losing.
I am no defence expert the only thing which comes in my mind is that we rely on our superior ground intelligence to counter this threat.Which means identity the location of air defence batteries and destroy them.
But I am sure there are other options as
Please write below whatever comes in your mind.Experts on this specific topic are more than welcome.Thx.
S-400 is just a hoax.
Its not undefeatable. Its like upgraded S-300. Russian weapons are good until they are used in war.
Don t worry about S400. It is failed product in Pak Indian stand off. Missile traveling time is extremely short. By the time Indian lauch the missile out of 3 two will already hit the target.
A lot depends on end-user's way of working as well. Pakistan bought tried and Tested Patton Tank from US and still can't save its @$$ during the war. Russia remained selective of it's use in Syria. Many times Israel and US cap mission carried out near S-300 areas and still nothing happened. Where as, from last 1 week almost whole Israel is not able to use GPS because of same system's vicinity Nr. Israeli border now.
and that somehow is my fault?

Study the Chinese CJ-10 cruise missile carefully, then tell me what you think is the actual range of Land launched Babur.
Interesting 1500 ok hmmmm...
Don t worry about S400. It is failed product in Pak Indian stand off. Missile traveling time is extremely short. By the time Indian lauch the missile out of 3 two will already hit the target.
Here we go :enjoy:

i havent said a single thing that promotes or defends the S400
btw your last sentence is incomplete.. you were probably distracted with all that Lolling..
Is this chick a defence expert? :lol:
A lot depends on end-user's way of working as well. Pakistan bought tried and Tested Patton Tank from US and still can't save its @$$ during the war. Russia remained selective of it's use in Syria. Many times Israel and US cap mission carried out near S-300 areas and still nothing happened. Where as, from last 1 week almost whole Israel is not able to use GPS because of same system's vicinity Nr. Israeli border now.

india is 7× bigger than Pakistan yet could not stop a Muslim minority annexing and conquering 35% of indian territory to create Pakistan. Nor could 7× bigger india do anything about 27/02/2019 despite having the full backing if the West and Russia.....:azn:

Also, where is the evidence that Pakistan was well-versed in using the Patton tank yet could not use it to good effect?.........If what you say is true then please remember to post the links here.........:azn:

PS Where is the evidence for your claims of the effectiveness of the S-300/400?
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