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How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

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Watch the video and you will get honest answers to your repeated to death question. NS was forced by Clinton to force a withdrawal or face discontinuation of US support to his Government. It was India that begged US to force Pakistan to withdraw!

India threaten TO LAUNCH FULL SCALE WAR..... every one knows who is BEGGED and STILL BEGGING...... better watch your words........ the thread is about su-30mki vs PAF..... come back to the topic...
ISLAMABAD Aug. 16 . The former Pakistan Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, claimed that more than 4,000 Pakistani troops and officials were killed in the Kargil conflict.

While Mr. Sharif accused the Pakistan military in general and the then Army Chief, Pervez Musharraf, of undertaking the Kargil operations without the knowledge of his government, it is for the first time he has come out with concrete figures of the casualty on the Pakistani side.

The Pakistan Government had consistently denied charges of its involvement in the Kargil War and claimed it to be an operation conducted entirely by the Mujahideen (holy warriors). Several months later it indirectly acknowledged its participation by decorating some of its soldiers who died in the conflict.

In recent times, Mr. Sharif has been harping on Kargil as an example of failure of the military leadership of Gen. Musharraf.

Mr. Sharif, in exile in Saudi Arabia under a pact with the Musharraf regime, in a first ever on record interview some weeks back had threatened to "reveal all" about the "Kargil misadventure".

In his message to a rally organised by the Alliance for Restoration of Democracy (ARD) at Lahore on Thursday to demand the resignation of Gen. Musharraf as Army Chief and President, Mr. Sharif said the Kargil plan was prepared by Gen. Musharraf without the knowledge of his government.

The conflict had resulted in derailing the process of normalising relations between the two countries. Had it not been done, he claimed the Kashmir dispute would have been resolved long ago. Pakistan was defeated in Kargil, but as the Pakistan Prime Minister he covered it up by undertaking a visit to the United States, he said.

Mr. Sharif visited Washington and gave an undertaking to the Clinton Administration to withdraw Pakistan forces.

He argued that had he accepted defeat then, it would have demoralised the army and India would have got an opportunity to invade Pakistan.

He alleged that the mastermind of the Kargil operation, instead of accepting responsibility and resigning voluntarily, overthrew the elected government under the diktat from some "other quarters".

Mr. Sharif said Gen. Musharraf was behind the protests "staged" on the arrival of Mr. Vajpayee in 1999. (The Jamaat-e-Islami had organised street protests against the February 1999 visit of Mr. Vajpayee to Lahore).

Mr. Vajpayee was not given the honour equal to that accorded to the delegation of parliamentarians and journalists, which visited Pakistan a few days ago.

On problems faced by the country, he said they were the result of subversion of the 1973 Constitution and imposition of the Legal Framework Order, which incorporates the changes made by Gen. Musharraf.

"The enemy to the Constitution was more dangerous than the external enemy."

Former Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto, in her message appealed to the military to shun luxury and follow the steps of the late Gen. Tikka Khan, who, instead of trying to get plots and plazas, had led a simple life. They should also follow former Army chiefs like Gen. Waheed Kakar, Gen. Jehangir Karamat and the late Gen. Asif Nawaz who had not used their position to take over political power, she said.

Ms. Bhutto said that her party had held talks with the military leadership during the last three years to find a honourable way to establish a Constitutional government in the country, but the latter had not honoured its commitments. "They were not sincere with us as we had refused to endorse the military rule".

The ARD pledged on the 56th Independence Day of the country to fight a decisive battle to obviate the possibility of military takeovers in the future and to make Pakistan a country as envisioned by the Quaid-i-Azam, the late Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif.

At a public meeting at the historic Mochi Gate, thousands of participants raised their hands in support when the leaders of various alliance groups resolved to banish dictatorship, throw away the LFO and bring back former Prime Ministers, Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif.

The Hindu : Over 4,000 soldiers killed in Kargil: Sharif


i have posted above an official LIST..

and NAWAZ is too big of coward thats why he got pressurized by USA when INDIA begged USA to pressurize pakistan...LOL!

as for 4,000 read again what i said...

MUSHARAF said pakistan had to suffer 470 casualities..

and i dont need to tell you that ARMY CHIEF WAS MUSHARAF..

in the case if ur eyes could not see the list here it is..


and how can be 4,000 dead when the total stregth never exceeded 5,000?????????



Pull out from Kargil, USA tells Pak

SINGAPORE, July 25 (PTI, UNI) — The USA today asked Pakistan to pull out its forces from the remaining areas of Kargil and immediately stop acts of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, showing for the first time Washington’s greater understanding of India’s concern on cross-border militancy.

US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who held an hour-long meeting here with External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh, told a crowded press conference that Pakistan should "follow through with its commitment to withdraw from the remaining portions along Kargil" as also push for the Lahore process and called for "positive thinking" on the Kashmir issue.

"I have to put it on record. The response to cross-border terrorism was much more forthcoming and understanding than I had witnessed earlier," Mr Jaswant Singh told reporters separately.

During her press conference, Ms Albright referred to the recent massacres of innocent people by Pakistan-backed militants in J and K and said "acts of terrorism must stop immediately because such actions make the Kashmir conflict more, not less, difficult to resolve."

The External Affairs Minister said "there is a much greater understanding by the USA about India’s security concerns, that India in fact is a stabilising factor in Asia."

Mr Jaswant Singh, who had nearly 15 minutes of one-to-one parleys with Ms Albright in her hotel suite before the delegation level discussions, asserted that Indo-Pak dialogue could be resumed only after Islamabad undertook "concrete" steps to restore trust breached by it.

"We talked about the importance of resuming the Lahore process, the general importance of moving forward on the non-proliferation issues as well as having a positive thinking on some movement on the Kashmir issue itself," Ms Albright said.

Though Ms Albright spoke of the importance of resuming the Lahore process, Mr Jaswant Singh made it clear that India, as initiator of the dialogue, was committed to it but stressed that Islamabad would have to first reaffirm the inviolability and sanctity of the Line of Control (LoC) and stop abetting and aiding cross-border terrorism.

On Ms Albright’s remarks that there was need to move forward on the non-proliferation issues, Mr Jaswant Singh said there was no change in India’s position on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and other nuclear-related issues.

However, the question of signing the CTBT "can be now taken up only by the new government after the elections," he said.

He said India had agreed to the US proposal of joining a newly established "community of democracies" aimed at evolving a mechanism of how these countries could help each other in strengthening the system.

During his day-long hectic schedule, Mr Jaswant Singh held a 55-minute meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and met his counterparts from Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore.

Ms Albright, who termed her meeting with Mr Jaswant Singh as "good", said they discussed various aspects of the South Asian situation.

The Indian minister described the talks as "positive, constructive and wide-ranging", and ruled out the third-party mediation in the Indo-Pak disputes saying these had to be resolved bilaterally.

Indian officials said the two leaders agreed to move towards qualitatively raising the level of the Indo-US ties.

An early visit to India by US President Bill Clinton also came up during the discussions.

Mr Jaswant Singh said India stood by its offer made last year at the ASEAN meetings in Manila about signing a protocol respecting the South East Asia nuclear weapons free zone (SENWFZ).

Meanwhile, referring to other issues at the press conference, Ms Albright warned ASEAN countries recovering from two years of economic upheaval against declaring "victory too soon’’ and urged them to keep up reforms to restore diminished confidence in the region.

"We are encouraged by signs that the worst of the Asian financial crisis is behind us,’’ she told a news conference prior to the ASEAN security forum meeting on Monday. "It is vital, however, that neither those in nor outside the region declare victory too soon,’’ she said.

Ms Albright cited the need for major economies in addition to the USA to pursue "pro-growth policies’’ and an "agenda to open markets and increase two-way trade’’ aimed at helping the battered countries restore investor confidence.

Stressing the enormous stake of the USA in "a stable, democratic and prosperous Asia," Ms Albright noted problems threatening the region’s security must be resolved. She cited escalating tensions in the Korean peninsula and the disputed South China Sea.

She said human rights violations in Myanmar pose a security threat to the region and should be discussed among members of ASEAN.

News Headings

ISLAMABAD Aug. 16 . The former Pakistan Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, claimed that more than 4,000 Pakistani troops and officials were killed in the Kargil conflict.

While Mr. Sharif accused the Pakistan military in general and the then Army Chief, Pervez Musharraf, of undertaking the Kargil operations without the knowledge of his government, it is for the first time he has come out with concrete figures of the casualty on the Pakistani side.

The Pakistan Government had consistently denied charges of its involvement in the Kargil War and claimed it to be an operation conducted entirely by the Mujahideen (holy warriors). Several months later it indirectly acknowledged its participation by decorating some of its soldiers who died in the conflict.

In recent times, Mr. Sharif has been harping on Kargil as an example of failure of the military leadership of Gen. Musharraf.

Mr. Sharif, in exile in Saudi Arabia under a pact with the Musharraf regime, in a first ever on record interview some weeks back had threatened to "reveal all" about the "Kargil misadventure".

In his message to a rally organised by the Alliance for Restoration of Democracy (ARD) at Lahore on Thursday to demand the resignation of Gen. Musharraf as Army Chief and President, Mr. Sharif said the Kargil plan was prepared by Gen. Musharraf without the knowledge of his government.

The conflict had resulted in derailing the process of normalising relations between the two countries. Had it not been done, he claimed the Kashmir dispute would have been resolved long ago. Pakistan was defeated in Kargil, but as the Pakistan Prime Minister he covered it up by undertaking a visit to the United States, he said.

Mr. Sharif visited Washington and gave an undertaking to the Clinton Administration to withdraw Pakistan forces.

He argued that had he accepted defeat then, it would have demoralised the army and India would have got an opportunity to invade Pakistan.

He alleged that the mastermind of the Kargil operation, instead of accepting responsibility and resigning voluntarily, overthrew the elected government under the diktat from some "other quarters".

Mr. Sharif said Gen. Musharraf was behind the protests "staged" on the arrival of Mr. Vajpayee in 1999. (The Jamaat-e-Islami had organised street protests against the February 1999 visit of Mr. Vajpayee to Lahore).

Mr. Vajpayee was not given the honour equal to that accorded to the delegation of parliamentarians and journalists, which visited Pakistan a few days ago.

On problems faced by the country, he said they were the result of subversion of the 1973 Constitution and imposition of the Legal Framework Order, which incorporates the changes made by Gen. Musharraf.

"The enemy to the Constitution was more dangerous than the external enemy."

Former Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto, in her message appealed to the military to shun luxury and follow the steps of the late Gen. Tikka Khan, who, instead of trying to get plots and plazas, had led a simple life. They should also follow former Army chiefs like Gen. Waheed Kakar, Gen. Jehangir Karamat and the late Gen. Asif Nawaz who had not used their position to take over political power, she said.

Ms. Bhutto said that her party had held talks with the military leadership during the last three years to find a honourable way to establish a Constitutional government in the country, but the latter had not honoured its commitments. "They were not sincere with us as we had refused to endorse the military rule".

The ARD pledged on the 56th Independence Day of the country to fight a decisive battle to obviate the possibility of military takeovers in the future and to make Pakistan a country as envisioned by the Quaid-i-Azam, the late Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif.

At a public meeting at the historic Mochi Gate, thousands of participants raised their hands in support when the leaders of various alliance groups resolved to banish dictatorship, throw away the LFO and bring back former Prime Ministers, Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif.

The Hindu : Over 4,000 soldiers killed in Kargil: Sharif


i have posted above an official LIST..

and NAWAZ is too big of coward thats why he got pressurized by USA when INDIA begged USA to pressurize pakistan...LOL!

as for 4,000 read again what i said...

MUSHARAF said pakistan had to suffer 470 casualities..

and i dont need to tell you that ARMY CHIEF WAS MUSHARAF..

in the case if ur eyes could not see the list here it is..


and how can be 4,000 dead when the total stregth never exceeded 5,000?????????



Pull out from Kargil, USA tells Pak

SINGAPORE, July 25 (PTI, UNI) — The USA today asked Pakistan to pull out its forces from the remaining areas of Kargil and immediately stop acts of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, showing for the first time Washington’s greater understanding of India’s concern on cross-border militancy.

US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who held an hour-long meeting here with External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh, told a crowded press conference that Pakistan should "follow through with its commitment to withdraw from the remaining portions along Kargil" as also push for the Lahore process and called for "positive thinking" on the Kashmir issue.

"I have to put it on record. The response to cross-border terrorism was much more forthcoming and understanding than I had witnessed earlier," Mr Jaswant Singh told reporters separately.

During her press conference, Ms Albright referred to the recent massacres of innocent people by Pakistan-backed militants in J and K and said "acts of terrorism must stop immediately because such actions make the Kashmir conflict more, not less, difficult to resolve."

The External Affairs Minister said "there is a much greater understanding by the USA about India’s security concerns, that India in fact is a stabilising factor in Asia."

Mr Jaswant Singh, who had nearly 15 minutes of one-to-one parleys with Ms Albright in her hotel suite before the delegation level discussions, asserted that Indo-Pak dialogue could be resumed only after Islamabad undertook "concrete" steps to restore trust breached by it.

"We talked about the importance of resuming the Lahore process, the general importance of moving forward on the non-proliferation issues as well as having a positive thinking on some movement on the Kashmir issue itself," Ms Albright said.

Though Ms Albright spoke of the importance of resuming the Lahore process, Mr Jaswant Singh made it clear that India, as initiator of the dialogue, was committed to it but stressed that Islamabad would have to first reaffirm the inviolability and sanctity of the Line of Control (LoC) and stop abetting and aiding cross-border terrorism.

On Ms Albright’s remarks that there was need to move forward on the non-proliferation issues, Mr Jaswant Singh said there was no change in India’s position on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and other nuclear-related issues.

However, the question of signing the CTBT "can be now taken up only by the new government after the elections," he said.

He said India had agreed to the US proposal of joining a newly established "community of democracies" aimed at evolving a mechanism of how these countries could help each other in strengthening the system.

During his day-long hectic schedule, Mr Jaswant Singh held a 55-minute meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and met his counterparts from Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore.

Ms Albright, who termed her meeting with Mr Jaswant Singh as "good", said they discussed various aspects of the South Asian situation.

The Indian minister described the talks as "positive, constructive and wide-ranging", and ruled out the third-party mediation in the Indo-Pak disputes saying these had to be resolved bilaterally.

Indian officials said the two leaders agreed to move towards qualitatively raising the level of the Indo-US ties.

An early visit to India by US President Bill Clinton also came up during the discussions.

Mr Jaswant Singh said India stood by its offer made last year at the ASEAN meetings in Manila about signing a protocol respecting the South East Asia nuclear weapons free zone (SENWFZ).

Meanwhile, referring to other issues at the press conference, Ms Albright warned ASEAN countries recovering from two years of economic upheaval against declaring "victory too soon’’ and urged them to keep up reforms to restore diminished confidence in the region.

"We are encouraged by signs that the worst of the Asian financial crisis is behind us,’’ she told a news conference prior to the ASEAN security forum meeting on Monday. "It is vital, however, that neither those in nor outside the region declare victory too soon,’’ she said.

Ms Albright cited the need for major economies in addition to the USA to pursue "pro-growth policies’’ and an "agenda to open markets and increase two-way trade’’ aimed at helping the battered countries restore investor confidence.

Stressing the enormous stake of the USA in "a stable, democratic and prosperous Asia," Ms Albright noted problems threatening the region’s security must be resolved. She cited escalating tensions in the Korean peninsula and the disputed South China Sea.

She said human rights violations in Myanmar pose a security threat to the region and should be discussed among members of ASEAN.

News Headings
^^^ Because MUSHARAF planned kargil..... He didn't imagined the result will be in our favor..... so he claimed low causalities.....

any one can see who is fan boy here...

i have posted above an official LIST..

and NAWAZ is too big of coward thats why he got pressurized by USA when INDIA begged USA to pressurize pakistan...LOL!

as for 4,000 read again what i said...

MUSHARAF said pakistan had to suffer 470 casualities..

and i dont need to tell you that ARMY CHIEF WAS MUSHARAF..

in the case if ur eyes could not see the list here it is..


and how can be 4,000 dead when the total stregth never exceeded 5,000?????????



Pull out from Kargil, USA tells Pak

SINGAPORE, July 25 (PTI, UNI) — The USA today asked Pakistan to pull out its forces from the remaining areas of Kargil and immediately stop acts of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, showing for the first time Washington’s greater understanding of India’s concern on cross-border militancy.

US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who held an hour-long meeting here with External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh, told a crowded press conference that Pakistan should "follow through with its commitment to withdraw from the remaining portions along Kargil" as also push for the Lahore process and called for "positive thinking" on the Kashmir issue.

"I have to put it on record. The response to cross-border terrorism was much more forthcoming and understanding than I had witnessed earlier," Mr Jaswant Singh told reporters separately.

During her press conference, Ms Albright referred to the recent massacres of innocent people by Pakistan-backed militants in J and K and said "acts of terrorism must stop immediately because such actions make the Kashmir conflict more, not less, difficult to resolve."

The External Affairs Minister said "there is a much greater understanding by the USA about India’s security concerns, that India in fact is a stabilising factor in Asia."

Mr Jaswant Singh, who had nearly 15 minutes of one-to-one parleys with Ms Albright in her hotel suite before the delegation level discussions, asserted that Indo-Pak dialogue could be resumed only after Islamabad undertook "concrete" steps to restore trust breached by it.

"We talked about the importance of resuming the Lahore process, the general importance of moving forward on the non-proliferation issues as well as having a positive thinking on some movement on the Kashmir issue itself," Ms Albright said.

Though Ms Albright spoke of the importance of resuming the Lahore process, Mr Jaswant Singh made it clear that India, as initiator of the dialogue, was committed to it but stressed that Islamabad would have to first reaffirm the inviolability and sanctity of the Line of Control (LoC) and stop abetting and aiding cross-border terrorism.

On Ms Albright’s remarks that there was need to move forward on the non-proliferation issues, Mr Jaswant Singh said there was no change in India’s position on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and other nuclear-related issues.

However, the question of signing the CTBT "can be now taken up only by the new government after the elections," he said.

He said India had agreed to the US proposal of joining a newly established "community of democracies" aimed at evolving a mechanism of how these countries could help each other in strengthening the system.

During his day-long hectic schedule, Mr Jaswant Singh held a 55-minute meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and met his counterparts from Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore.

Ms Albright, who termed her meeting with Mr Jaswant Singh as "good", said they discussed various aspects of the South Asian situation.

The Indian minister described the talks as "positive, constructive and wide-ranging", and ruled out the third-party mediation in the Indo-Pak disputes saying these had to be resolved bilaterally.

Indian officials said the two leaders agreed to move towards qualitatively raising the level of the Indo-US ties.

An early visit to India by US President Bill Clinton also came up during the discussions.

Mr Jaswant Singh said India stood by its offer made last year at the ASEAN meetings in Manila about signing a protocol respecting the South East Asia nuclear weapons free zone (SENWFZ).

Meanwhile, referring to other issues at the press conference, Ms Albright warned ASEAN countries recovering from two years of economic upheaval against declaring "victory too soon’’ and urged them to keep up reforms to restore diminished confidence in the region.

"We are encouraged by signs that the worst of the Asian financial crisis is behind us,’’ she told a news conference prior to the ASEAN security forum meeting on Monday. "It is vital, however, that neither those in nor outside the region declare victory too soon,’’ she said.

Ms Albright cited the need for major economies in addition to the USA to pursue "pro-growth policies’’ and an "agenda to open markets and increase two-way trade’’ aimed at helping the battered countries restore investor confidence.

Stressing the enormous stake of the USA in "a stable, democratic and prosperous Asia," Ms Albright noted problems threatening the region’s security must be resolved. She cited escalating tensions in the Korean peninsula and the disputed South China Sea.

She said human rights violations in Myanmar pose a security threat to the region and should be discussed among members of ASEAN.

News Headings


i have posted above an official LIST..

and NAWAZ is too big of coward thats why he got pressurized by USA when INDIA begged USA to pressurize pakistan...LOL!

as for 4,000 read again what i said...

MUSHARAF said pakistan had to suffer 470 casualities..

and i dont need to tell you that ARMY CHIEF WAS MUSHARAF..

in the case if ur eyes could not see the list here it is..


and how can be 4,000 dead when the total stregth never exceeded 5,000?????????



Pull out from Kargil, USA tells Pak

SINGAPORE, July 25 (PTI, UNI) — The USA today asked Pakistan to pull out its forces from the remaining areas of Kargil and immediately stop acts of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, showing for the first time Washington’s greater understanding of India’s concern on cross-border militancy.

US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who held an hour-long meeting here with External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh, told a crowded press conference that Pakistan should "follow through with its commitment to withdraw from the remaining portions along Kargil" as also push for the Lahore process and called for "positive thinking" on the Kashmir issue.

"I have to put it on record. The response to cross-border terrorism was much more forthcoming and understanding than I had witnessed earlier," Mr Jaswant Singh told reporters separately.

During her press conference, Ms Albright referred to the recent massacres of innocent people by Pakistan-backed militants in J and K and said "acts of terrorism must stop immediately because such actions make the Kashmir conflict more, not less, difficult to resolve."

The External Affairs Minister said "there is a much greater understanding by the USA about India’s security concerns, that India in fact is a stabilising factor in Asia."

Mr Jaswant Singh, who had nearly 15 minutes of one-to-one parleys with Ms Albright in her hotel suite before the delegation level discussions, asserted that Indo-Pak dialogue could be resumed only after Islamabad undertook "concrete" steps to restore trust breached by it.

"We talked about the importance of resuming the Lahore process, the general importance of moving forward on the non-proliferation issues as well as having a positive thinking on some movement on the Kashmir issue itself," Ms Albright said.

Though Ms Albright spoke of the importance of resuming the Lahore process, Mr Jaswant Singh made it clear that India, as initiator of the dialogue, was committed to it but stressed that Islamabad would have to first reaffirm the inviolability and sanctity of the Line of Control (LoC) and stop abetting and aiding cross-border terrorism.

On Ms Albright’s remarks that there was need to move forward on the non-proliferation issues, Mr Jaswant Singh said there was no change in India’s position on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and other nuclear-related issues.

However, the question of signing the CTBT "can be now taken up only by the new government after the elections," he said.

He said India had agreed to the US proposal of joining a newly established "community of democracies" aimed at evolving a mechanism of how these countries could help each other in strengthening the system.

During his day-long hectic schedule, Mr Jaswant Singh held a 55-minute meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and met his counterparts from Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore.

Ms Albright, who termed her meeting with Mr Jaswant Singh as "good", said they discussed various aspects of the South Asian situation.

The Indian minister described the talks as "positive, constructive and wide-ranging", and ruled out the third-party mediation in the Indo-Pak disputes saying these had to be resolved bilaterally.

Indian officials said the two leaders agreed to move towards qualitatively raising the level of the Indo-US ties.

An early visit to India by US President Bill Clinton also came up during the discussions.

Mr Jaswant Singh said India stood by its offer made last year at the ASEAN meetings in Manila about signing a protocol respecting the South East Asia nuclear weapons free zone (SENWFZ).

Meanwhile, referring to other issues at the press conference, Ms Albright warned ASEAN countries recovering from two years of economic upheaval against declaring "victory too soon’’ and urged them to keep up reforms to restore diminished confidence in the region.

"We are encouraged by signs that the worst of the Asian financial crisis is behind us,’’ she told a news conference prior to the ASEAN security forum meeting on Monday. "It is vital, however, that neither those in nor outside the region declare victory too soon,’’ she said.

Ms Albright cited the need for major economies in addition to the USA to pursue "pro-growth policies’’ and an "agenda to open markets and increase two-way trade’’ aimed at helping the battered countries restore investor confidence.

Stressing the enormous stake of the USA in "a stable, democratic and prosperous Asia," Ms Albright noted problems threatening the region’s security must be resolved. She cited escalating tensions in the Korean peninsula and the disputed South China Sea.

She said human rights violations in Myanmar pose a security threat to the region and should be discussed among members of ASEAN.

News Headings

What official list ???

An army which calls their own soldiers as terrorists and disowes them , can easily fake the list of their dead men.....

PA admitted the role of their men after a decade , so wait a decade and you will get the actual death toll ........
What official list ???

An army which calls their own soldiers as terrorists and disowes them , can easily fake the list of their dead men.....

PA admitted the role of their men after a decade , so wait a decade and you will get the actual death toll ........

who CALLED own soldiers terrorists?

it was NAWAZ who after going USA returned with having ORDERS of retreating what INDIA begged USA for....LOL!

so one can easily assume..who can speak lie on media...obviously it can only be nawaz..not the army chief,

as for pakistan admitting their men AFTER A DECADE...hmmmmmm...

now check this video..this video is DECADE OLD video shows otherwise what you fan boys claim..

Naik Gul-e-Khandaan - Kargil War (1999) Hero - Pakistan Army - YouTube
Funny people. Someone says that official sources say that 470 were killed and only official line should be believed.

Then reply comes official sources also did not accept their dead for a decade. So he brings up a video to show that official sources were lying and the dead were pakistani soldiers. Now believe whoever u want to.
When they kickdu? 65, 71 , 84, 99? care 2 explain

Looking at your post count (341) , it tells me you didn't turn 18 yesterday. I am more than SURE you know when the a*s got kicked. The details are available in different air force magazines and forums that I've read. If you still want to play naive and innocent, open up a new thread for that and I'd love to provide some input per my little knowledge. There will be people like Gambit and retired air force personnel from PAF that will also chime in, I am sure.
Funny people. Someone says that official sources say that 470 were killed and only official line should be believed.

Then reply comes official sources also did not accept their dead for a decade. So he brings up a video to show that official sources were lying and the dead were pakistani soldiers. Now believe whoever u want to.

hey kid stay away..

the video is just bursting ur bubble off,

while the video itself is DECADE old...LOL!

You own army ...........

During the initial stages of the war, Pakistan blamed the fighting entirely on independent Kashmiri insurgents, but documents left behind by casualties and later statements by Pakistan's Prime Minister and Chief of Army Staff showed involvement of Pakistani paramilitary forces,[14][15][16] led by General Ashraf Rashid.

The interesting bits in his marathon speech were about the visit he undertook to the US to resolve the crisis. and save the region from a nuclear war. Sharif said that Musharraf pleaded with him to talk to then US President Bill Clinton to end the conflict.

Looks like it was pakistan that pleaded to US to intervene ..........:rofl:

Videos shows nothing..........

The only thing that matters is that India captured Kargil and your army and terrorists you sent ran off .....:wave:

well,ur still going with ur link ?
ok wait,here what the link also saying

According to the document, “July 4th, 1999 was probably the most unusual July 4th in American diplomatic history, certainly among the most eventful. President Clinton engaged in one of the most sensitive diplomatic high wire acts of any administration, successfully persuading pakistani prime minister nawaz sharif to pull back Pakistani backed fighters from a confrontation with India that could threaten to escalate into a nuclear war between the world’s two newest nuclear powers. “


News Headings

Look what Musharaf is saying on record

Pak army was not involved in Kargil: Musharra

Pak army was not involved in Kargil: Musharraf - Video | The Times of India


After listening this..I want to hear pakistani fanboys....

interesting..since you believe his words so why dont you believe the next words too,that say some thing like this..

i have problems with nawaz sharif,and his comments have never been true about kargil...

however ur video has got nothing to do with KARGIL WAR...what actualy happened in kargil war,,

besides that official list,would you like to asnwer me..

how can 4,000 be DEAD when the number on pakistan army side never exceeded 5,000 ???


now what about this???

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Coffin scandal rages in India

LOL!!! seems like there were too much indians dead,hence coffin scandal needed to be raged..LOL!


when ur government decided to celeberate victory of kargil

ur opposition said..." do you want us to celeberate our defeat" ?? LOL!

and what about gen kishan paul's comments?
I am accepting the fact that the dead bodies of your soldiers were left to rot in kargil because you refused to accept them. What else do u want me to accept sir?

this was such a shameful act....even shameful than the four coups...
now what about this???

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Coffin scandal rages in India

LOL!!! seems like there were too much indians dead,hence coffin scandal needed to be raged..LOL!


when ur government decided to celeberate victory of kargil

ur opposition said..." do you want us to celeberate our defeat" ?? LOL!

and what about gen kishan paul's comments?

Yes our Soldiers fought for our country and many laid down their lives, they were Soldiers not 'intruders' of 'terrorists' as Pakistani Soldiers were labeled, your establishment didn't even have guts for a whole decade to accept them as Soldiers, accept their bodies and give them proper burial, go check the Pakistan's map where is Kargil, well within your borders right? So why run away from your own territory
What about Nawaz Sharif's comments?

and what about that official list
dont bring now that video of urs since it has got nothing to do with casualities on pakistani side,

now before you jump and say pakistanis can make fake list..

i would like to tell you that dont let me debunk what ur army told to world about laungwela,about siachan etc ...!
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