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How our own stupidity has left Pakistan behind India

It's funny that region converted by you to a city and claim high literacy rate, of course always an urban city have high literacy rate.Other than HDI most other parameters, other states in india are leading.I am first indian than a keralite.
My dear your inferiority complex will not lead to any where.

It's funny that you started to defend India and end up to your state :D

Complex? Really? Your poverty ratio, your diseases ratio, Surveys about AIDS in your country won't lead your entire country anywhere except Hell.
So by that logic 100% of all developing nations' revenues should go on poverty alleviation (let's just entirely ignore how this revenue would be created in the first place)? So, going by the logic, Pakistan must have 0 impoverished people right? The existence of SUPARCO means Pakistan has achieved the impossible and entirely eradicated poverty.

Your post is 100% fuelled by jealousy. Yes, India has poverty and disgusting levels of it BUT they are working hard to tackle it and are pulling 10s of millions out of poverty every years whilst at the same time Pakistan's poverty is increasing by most accounts.

At the same time India has world class success- Delhi metro, airports, ISRO etc and this clearly digs at you given your nation has NOTHING of the sort.

You guys need to stop comparing yourselves to India (some Indian cities have GDPs larger than Pakistan's), it is not flattering to either nation. Focus on your own issues, perhaps use BD as a benchmark who themselves are pulling away from you.

You can't blame SUPARCO, as they are waiting to launch rocket after achieving no poverty,100 % toilets to people,no load shedding etc in Pakistan.
Good. Some people deny such a problem even exists.

No where, I repeat, did I say that India is not solving its poverty/toilet problem. I only mention that problem exists.
The Indian Prime Minister in his Independence day speech from the Red fort talked about a lack sanitation and a lack of female empowerment as a real issue facing India today, don't tell me Indians are denying anything.

Show me a statement from your PM where he acknowledges the mess your nation is in, if you can't stop pointing fingers.

You can't blame SUPARCO, as they are waiting to launch rocket after achieving no poverty,100 % toilets to people,no load shedding etc in Pakistan.
Might as well disband them altogether then while they wait, for the budget they are consuming a year ISRO could be launching many more Mars orbiter missions.....
It's funny that you started to defend India and end up to your state :D

Complex? Really? Your poverty ratio, your diseases ratio, Surveys about AIDS in your country won't lead your entire country anywhere except Hell.

Every one in the world except you know which country is living in a hell situation.I don't want to waste my time for those day dreamers with no brains.
Every one in the world except you know which country is living in a hell situation.I don't want to waste my time for those day dreamers with no brains.

Yeah everyone knows the name of the country with the most number of poor people, with the most number of people with AIDS, with the number of most people illiterate, everyone knows the name of the country about whom UNICEF says 1 in 3 children are malnourished, everyone knows the name of that country in which the womens are not respected. The name of that country is supreme India.
According to World Bank Pakistan poverty ratio is 12.4% and India poverty ratio is 21.9%. Now compare Pakistan with India.
Let's also talk about literacy rates, HDI, unemployment, tax paying rates etc or would that embarrass you too much?
Pakistan needs a revolution.

A group of highly intelligent technocrats need to take over government with army support and revamp the entire system and have it primed for the first fully democratic general elections.

Only then can this country go forward.

At the moment it is being eaten from the inside with mega corruption and malpractice. Small % of corruption is to be expected in a capitalist democracy however this is Africa level corruption and intolerable in the long run.

Where is this core of technocrats? Does Pakistan have any?
Let's also talk about literacy rates, HDI, unemployment, tax paying rates etc or would that embarrass you too much?

Shall we talk about poverty? Shall we talk about AIDS? Shall we talk about rapes? Shall we talk about women respect ratio? Shall we talk about how you occupied kashmir?
Shall we talk about poverty? Shall we talk about AIDS? Shall we talk about rapes? Shall we talk about women respect ratio? Shall we talk about how you occupied kashmir?
Go ahead an talk anything... that will help you guys keep your focus away from current situation prevailing in your country...
we are raised as a society of non thinkers, we do what our elders do without question. If elders say PTI, then PTI is our God send, anything and everything PTI does is good. Add to that our tribal thinking and Imran becomes 2nd to God, we will sit in purposeless dharna come rain or shine, because we dont think, we dont think the consequences we just do because tribal leader says so. If tribal leader says we need to remove poverty without creating jobs then be it, you do it or we will mock you. country? what country? hamara sub kutch to Imran hay

replace Imran with Zardari and NS if you are anti those two :)
we are raised as a society of non thinkers, we do what our elders do without question. If elders say PTI, then PTI is our God send, anything and everything PTI does is good. Add to that our tribal thinking and Imran becomes 2nd to God, we will sit in purposeless dharna come rain or shine, because we dont think, we dont think the consequences we just do because tribal leader says so. If tribal leader says we need to remove poverty without creating jobs then be it, you do it or we will mock you. country? what country? hamara sub kutch to Imran hay

replace Imran with Zardari and NS if you are anti those two :)

What I see is a society of thinkers but not doers.

Pakistani public are well informed but education level is not at a grade to produce the thoroughbred intellectuals who are able to galvanize masses into action.

That's why these old relics of the past, Nawaz, Zardari, Altaf still have a strong grip on power. The only exception is Imran but his lack of support when Zarb e Azb started is most dubious.
The Indian Prime Minister in his Independence day speech from the Red fort talked about a lack sanitation and a lack of female empowerment as a real issue facing India today, don't tell me Indians are denying anything.

Show me a statement from your PM where he acknowledges the mess your nation is in, if you can't stop pointing fingers.

Might as well disband them altogether then while they wait, for the budget they are consuming a year ISRO could be launching many more Mars orbiter missions.....
Our pm has acknowledged were poor nation plagued with terrorism.

And I never said Indians are doing nothing about its problem. Show me where I said that. If you can't find, please read the post 10 times before you make a post.
Tech-savvy Punjab: CM approves free public Wi-Fi across province – The Express Tribune

And people in comments are complaining that it's gimmick, children are dying, hospitals bad and whatnot.

So perhaps India should stop investing in high tech, space exploration, delhi metro train, railways and all the goodies until its undernourishment problem is resolved. UNICEF says, 1 in 3 malnourished child of the world lives in india.

Some people can just never be happy, even if you give them Mercedes, house and rice. They'll complain why not give us jet, mansion and lobster.

Edit: Some Indians are upset with I comparing toilets and India. I'm trying to show stark contrast for people to easily understand that a state needs to undertake other projects and not spoon feed all of its citizens.

Edit2: Couple of Indians continue to protest with my use of toilets. So I changed to malnousihment, which Pakistan faces as well. Here is source: UNICEF India - The children - Nutrition says "1 in 3 of the world's malnourished children lives in India." My point stands, Indians are happy and no need for off topic discussion.

Edit3: I'm not calling everyone stupid nor making fun of Pakistan. I didn't know that highlighting an issue means I'm ridiculing the nation <.< - Perhaps I should say pakistan has highest gdp in world, 200000 nukes, 20000000 invisable air jets?

No matter what anyone else says I agree with you 100%. You cannot just put your money on one problem and neglect other problems and expect that magically everything else will catch up. Nation building is a complex process and it requires lots of time and planning. YES you can certainly prioritize some sectors over another but cannot completely neglect others . That is in fact the purpose of the budget. Your analogy is absolutely correct. Fighting poverty and sanitation is a long term goal and cannot be achieved in a few years due to sheer size of population. The purpose of government is to pool resources through taxes and build infrastructure and dictate policies for the upliftment of the people.

This can be described by the simple proverb,
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."
Thus the government needs to generate job opportunities, which will only come if there's enough investment in the prerequisites i.e infrastructure, which varies according to the industry, but water,transport,electricity etc are some of the basic needs, then to work in these industries government needs human resource farmer,labourers, engineers i.e some skilled and some unskilled, thus the government needs to invest on this human resource like educational institutes, loan etc.Now the size of the fish can never be same. The boss will never earn the same amount as his subordinate. This will sooner or later cause discontent, thus one of the most important thing that society as whole and government needs to provide is "upward mobility" .Now this is a web, everything is linked to each other and thus the government has to spend on each attribute according to what it perceives as correct policy.
No matter what anyone else says I agree with you 100%. You cannot just put your money on one problem and neglect other problems and expect that magically everything else will catch up. Nation building is a complex process and it requires lots of time and planning. YES you can certainly prioritize some sectors over another but cannot completely neglect others . That is in fact the purpose of the budget. Your analogy is absolutely correct. Fighting poverty and sanitation is a long term goal and cannot be achieved in a few years due to sheer size of population. The purpose of government is to pool resources through taxes and build infrastructure and dictate policies for the upliftment of the people.

This can be described by the simple proverb,
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."
Thus the government needs to generate job opportunities, which will only come if there's enough investment in the prerequisites i.e infrastructure, which varies according to the industry, but water,transport,electricity etc are some of the basic needs, then to work in these industries government needs human resource farmer,labourers, engineers i.e some skilled and some unskilled, thus the government needs to invest on this human resource like educational institutes, loan etc.Now the size of the fish can never be same. The boss will never earn the same amount as his subordinate. This will sooner or later cause discontent, thus one of the most important thing that society as whole and government needs to provide is "upward mobility" .Now this is a web, everything is linked to each other and thus the government has to spend on each attribute according to what it perceives as correct policy.
Yeah I said that proverb before. But some people, as title suggest, continue to remain stupid.

I argued with one guy and he said pakistan doesn't need wifi because people don't know English and they're poor. Even though I said that wifi is free and today there is translation and online content is free (Urdu newspaper magazines etc), he said I'm moron and he's right.

In Canada we have free health care and education, world class. But I go online to look up my health problems and sometimes doctor is wrong so I tell him what I read. And I don't need to see doctor to get off shelf prescription (people in Pakistan can save money). I also don't need to pay for magazines as I read online and I don't need to purchase expensive books (except few) by reading them online for free.

Again as thread implies, stupidity is vast and its the heart in Pakistan.
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