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How our own stupidity has left Pakistan behind India

Tech-savvy Punjab: CM approves free public Wi-Fi across province – The Express Tribune

And people in comments are complaining that it's gimmick, children are dying, hospitals bad and whatnot.

So perhaps India should stop investing in high tech, space exploration, delhi metro train, railways and all the goodies until its undernourishment problem is resolved. UNICEF says, 1 in 3 malnourished child of the world lives in india.

Some people can just never be happy, even if you give them Mercedes, house and rice. They'll complain why not give us jet, mansion and lobster.

Edit: Some Indians are upset with I comparing toilets and India. I'm trying to show stark contrast for people to easily understand that a state needs to undertake other projects and not spoon feed all of its citizens.

Edit2: Couple of Indians continue to protest with my use of toilets. So I changed to malnousihment, which Pakistan faces as well. Here is source: UNICEF India - The children - Nutrition says "1 in 3 of the world's malnourished children lives in India." My point stands, Indians are happy and no need for off topic discussion.

This is what India is solving our toilet problem.
'Swachh Bharat' mission to give women priority: Government
How about Pakistan.... you country does not even have a reliable database to tell what percentage of population doe not have a proper sanitation facility.
And by having projects instead of spoon feeding people will we have jobs.

And FYI, I've been to Pakistan. I know the situation and I study economics. The woman who works in the kitchen for 4-5 hours faces less amount of work than seen here in west. When we had women come to our home and do work, they got breaks when they wanted, steal money, eat food without paying, drink, their kids would come, we'd take them on vacation. Now do you see this in the west? In the west, you slack off, you get fired.

The 15% poverty survives due to the help of gov't, which is very tiny nonetheless. Pakistan cannot help its poor people, because there's just too many of them and its not a strong economy like Canada. The point I was making, poverty exists in Canada YET gov't does not help the poor enough and purchases expensive F35s, space program and so on. The F35 program runs into tens of billions of dollars. Instead of purchasing F35s, which it not need, for $71 billion (liftime cost), it could've given the 5 million poor Canadians over $10,000 each.

What Pakistan can do is invest in jobs/education.

There is a saying something like this

Feed the man fish once or teach him how to fish and he'll eat rest of life.

Finally, I'm not abusing home country here. Neither did I beg pakistan for bread and butter. And I owe to this country more than pakistan for it gave me health and education, yet I wish to work in Pakistan after receiving education. You're part of the problem which holds back the country. You rather have India spoon feed everyone instead of going for space exploration, science, technology and so on. Because hey, until poverty is reduced, we shouldn't advance at any cost.

Don't open the mouth too much without knowing enough.
Again ! Sad to see b the arrogant towards the poor and needy. And don't lecture me about the west I had enough time to spend . All I saw was carelessness and utter nonsense knowledge on national security . All they do is work at KFC and spend all the money in the party . They have money or not . Because the GOVT giving money for unemployed and they provide free education and free medical atleast insurance package . I also had enough time to be in UK . Where give provide free education for students like below 18 or something and if you want to change your carrier you can with another course sponsored by them . How can you do this to 1.2 billion people of India or 300-400 million people of Pakistan ? Where will you get the money from ?

And you blame people for being poor and complaining about the problems . ?
ABSURD . I do think spending on other advanced technology should be a must . I agree with that as well . But for what purpose is the matter .

And one more thing . I have only problem with you is urging attitude toward poor . In my country people respect the beggars also. At least we won't abuse him or questions him why the he'll he is begging without using a mobile smartphone or using watsap of Facebook . Help them or respect them or just ignore them .

Dude we compare ourself with every civilised countries with stable government . AND WE ARE DOING BETTER THAN MANY ... India is a different nations . Show me one stable and peace nation which has more than 300 million Muslims ? And our population is 1.25 billion and we are a democracy . WE RESPECT EACH AND EVERY VIEWS . So process is slow but definitely steady . You may say what you want . Funny people really carried away with toilet comments just because our PM mentioned it . It's a real change taking place to the betterment of the people . We are doing great to become UNSC permanent member . Still keep crying about cons of this nation . Nothing will change . Due to people like you your nation is already suffered .

Come out of the worm whole mate . India don't even care about u anymore . We have global ambition . So if you keep comparing with India u will get more insecure day by day . In just 10 years the difference between India and Pakistan will be of Somalia and USA .

So hold on ! And think
Sorry, but I'm gonna call you an idiot. This thread is about Pakistan. So you can take your bum elsewhere. Also you have made up your mind, so it's worthless arguing with you. There will always be 10% who will disagree no matter what, just as some people deny earth is round.

This is what India is solving our toilet problem.
'Swachh Bharat' mission to give women priority: Government
How about Pakistan.... you country does not even have a reliable database to tell what percentage of population doe not have a proper sanitation facility.
Good. Some people deny such a problem even exists.

No where, I repeat, did I say that India is not solving its poverty/toilet problem. I only mention that problem exists.

I don't know why so many pissed off Indians. If it was about toilets, I replaced the issue. Now stop derailing thread.
Where does this toilet issue came from ?
In India landlords having Benz and other facilities often wont have toilet .This is about culture.
There is no comparison between India and Pakistan.

Pakistan have to be worried that, now Afghanistan start comparing with Pakistan.

Just one state Gujarat producing more power than entire Pakistan and they want to compare with India !
Good. Some people deny such a problem even exists.

No where, I repeat, did I say that India is not solving its poverty/toilet problem. I only mention that problem exists.

I don't know why so many pissed off Indians. If it was about toilets, I replaced the issue. Now stop derailing thread.
And purpose of your tread is....... may be feel good... or wait may be you are a troll strategically placed by PDF management to entice Indians to increase traffic.
Take your pick.
And purpose of your tread is....... may be feel good... or wait may be you are a troll strategically placed by PDF management to entice Indians to increase traffic.
Take your pick.
Um actually I'm highlighting an issue of Pakistan. So this doesn't please us Pakistanis.

But take a look at your name and your picture. That should tell who's trolling.
Sorry, but I'm gonna call you an idiot. This thread is about Pakistan. So you can take your bum elsewhere. Also you have made up your mind, so it's worthless arguing with you. There will always be 10% who will disagree no matter what, just as some people deny earth is round.

Good. Some people deny such a problem even exists.

No where, I repeat, did I say that India is not solving its poverty/toilet problem. I only mention that problem exists.

I don't know why so many pissed off Indians. If it was about toilets, I replaced the issue. Now stop derailing thread.

If this thread is about Pakistan why you brought India into it . And that to talking about toilet but you need to clean your bizAre mindset towards your own country men . Just because they are poor. No wonder you called me an idiot as that's what an idiotic person with idiotic mindset can see .

As I said am not against spending for advanced technology but the way you approached the matter was seriously SICK .... I don't and won't agree with that kind of disrespect to the human. Let alone they are your own countrymen . Just go through your replies .
If this thread is about Pakistan why you brought India into it . And that to talking about toilet but you need to clean your bizAre mindset towards your own country men . Just because they are poor. No wonder you called me an idiot as that's what an idiotic person with idiotic mindset can see .

As I said am not against spending for advanced technology but the way you approached the matter was seriously SICK .... I don't and won't agree with that kind of disrespect to the human. Let alone they are your own countrymen . Just go through your replies .
I was comparing with India and I made a valid comparison.

You're too butt hurt because I compared Pakistan with mighty supreme India.
I was comparing with India and I made a valid comparison.

You're too butt hurt because I compared Pakistan with mighty supreme India.
Seriously do I look like butt because u compared with pakistan ? I don't care about comparison with a reason . What India has to do when free Wifi is provided in pakistan . AND WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF BRINGING IN TOILET ? :angry:

Am hurt because of ur senseless comments towards ur own country men. You may be a pakistani or I may be an Indian but abusing our own countrymen because they are poor is unacceptable and uncalled for . You can atleast now change the title . :big_boss:
I was comparing with India and I made a valid comparison.

You're too butt hurt because I compared Pakistan with mighty supreme India.
pakistanies should knowthe basik diffrence between india and pakistan in fact there are two if not more

1. pakistan is a feudalistik society still living in earli 1960s while india is a true democray where feudalism and socio ekonomik culture associated with it was killed & burried way back in earli 1950s

2.indian beurocracy , police , judiciarryand politicks is infact meritocracy based while its opposite in pakistan

so there is no simmilarrity between a terminalli ill nation like pakistan and a fast devloping and improving nation like india

dosty aur dushmanni aur muaznna barabar walon me hotahai pakistanio ko ye baat samjh leni chihye
I was comparing with India and I made a valid comparison.

You're too butt hurt because I compared Pakistan with mighty supreme India.

Just read another thread talking about the similarity between the two:
Photos That Prove India And Pakistan Are Just The Same

The question is, though India and Pakistan has similar GDP per capita (US$1300~1500 range), Pakistan does has a lower poverty rate (from World Bank data), is it because of better income distribution (or re-distribution through tax, social welfare) in Pakistan?
The electricity sector in India had an installed capacity of 258.701 GW as of end January 2015. India became the world's third largest producer of electricity in the year 2013 with 4.8% global share in electricity generation surpassing Japan and Russia.The International Energy Agency estimates India will add between 600 GW to 1,200 GW of additional new power generation capacity before 2050.[15] This added new capacity is equivalent to the 740 GW of total power generation capacity of European Union (EU-27) in 2005.Now Pakistan want to compare with India !
Um actually I'm highlighting an issue of Pakistan. So this doesn't please us Pakistanis.
Highlighting an issue in Pakistan by posting news articles and links pertaining to India... thats' some interesting technique that you should be coaching rest of the world about... Unless you want to say that Pakistan s indeed a shadow of India.

But take a look at your name and your picture. That should tell who's trolling.
Just read another thread talking about the similarity between the two:
Photos That Prove India And Pakistan Are Just The Same

The question is, though India and Pakistan has similar GDP per capita (US$1300~1500 range), Pakistan does has a lower poverty rate (from World Bank data), is it because of better income distribution (or re-distribution through tax, social welfare) in Pakistan?
We do have welfare program, though it has big corruption in it. We also had this loan program for entrepreneurs, which now appears to be dead or near dead. So they do make difference, considering we only have to look after few tens of millions instead of 100s of millions like that in India. Arguably, India has bigger budget too, but it too suffers under corruption somewhat.

We're a country of 200m and india is 1b+. It's hard to manage country that size. Take China for example, just strong economy yet people still work at those Apple factories or similar and make bare minimum.

The electricity sector in India had an installed capacity of 258.701 GW as of end January 2015. India became the world's third largest producer of electricity in the year 2013 with 4.8% global share in electricity generation surpassing Japan and Russia.The International Energy Agency estimates India will add between 600 GW to 1,200 GW of additional new power generation capacity before 2050.[15] This added new capacity is equivalent to the 740 GW of total power generation capacity of European Union (EU-27) in 2005.Now Pakistan want to compare with India !
Lol, that's like saying just because Switzerland, a small country, produces less electricity it means switzerland sucks compare to India.

If pakistan and India had same size and requirment, then we could compare. What nonsense comparison. We do suffer load shedding but that will change within few years.

I am stunned to see his logic. I have again and again faced this guy (poster of the thread), actually he's a bit pathetic.

Everyone should see his logic:-

"And people in comments are complaining that it's gimmick, children are dying, hospitals bad and whatnot."

Basic question which comes out in everyone's mind is:-

What is important?

1. Healthcare
2. Wifi access

The person who needs Wifi are mostly those whom are educated and whom can afford Wifi but a person who don't even have money doesn't need Wifi. His basic need is healthcare and food to eat. Actually this guy is not a complete mad some parts are missing. :D
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