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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

So who gave Ticker the accreditation portfolio for that?

Is he the king of tin horns?

Is he the big horn?
You are again at it.

Urdu did not originate from Khariboli. Khariboli is only a part of it. This is a Lashkari language and emanated from the Muslim Lashkars that invading India. Because the Muslims belonged to different hues and could not understand each other well, a common language emanated and was used by soldiers of these Muslim Lashkars. At a later stage certain aspects of Khariboli became part of it.

Please don't spread false historical perspectives.

Tin horn mane tin horn.

Khariboli originated from western Hindi dialect , Don't distort the facts.
I want to point out one thing .. islam at its start ''the golden age of islam'' was ahead in science , literature etc --- this time period coincided e the dark ages in europe ----- the west then learnt arabic and translated all the major arabic books into their respective languages ------- this leads to some conclusions
1] islam encouraged science
2] today when the tides have turned, muslims dont want to learn english let alone science--they are just too proud or blind --- they have not read the Quran even once ---HOW CAN THESE SO CALLED MUSLIMS BE TAKEN AS A GOLD STANDARD OF A RELIGION THEY HAVE NO CLUE OF? how can illiteracy/personal preference of a population be reflctive of a religion? how can the authencity of a religion be tested in a country like for e.g pak --which has corrupt leaders and no islamic laws? you would be baffled to know that there are more ''islamic'' laws implemented in usa rather than in the so called 'islamic' state of pak
3] having an islamic state is quite different than having a mullah state--- recently these 2 things unfortunately mean the same
4] one thing is to learn english --> translate books into native languages --> translate great islamic books in various native languages into english ... its a pity that so many good islamic books are written in native languages

If this is a war , muslims have brought a wooden sword to fight a tank , the moment they've opted for native languages for propogation of islam aswell as protest against the cartoons etc

the religiously illiterate people who havent read the quran are discussing islam ---- its really amusing ... however this is not the topic at hand

5] muslims should learn to choose battles wisely
6] muslims cant practically cut off the west as they are dependent in all fields ranging from debt to defence ---- there are no signs that this will change in the next century ---- the west will make it even more difficult for muslim states to get on their feet as compared to the obstacles they placed in front of china
Again making the same mistakes.Probably you are not aware about what is going on in your country these days.A lot of clean-up of history is going on,rectifying the mistakes and half-truths and downright false-hoods that used to be taught there.Good to see the increase in awareness.So far as the origin of the language is concerned,here what the Pakistani newpaper DAWN has to say about it : Urdu’s origin: it’s not a ‘camp language’

I have read this muck. This guy is quoting foreigners as compared to the people who lived here and saw Urdu emerging. People like this are also in India who would believe a foreigner rather than the historical precepts outlined by their own people from centuries of ground realities.

What you have quoted is BS.

So who gave Ticker the accreditation portfolio for that?

Is he the king of tin horns?

Is he the big horn?

Nope. It is simple common sense which at times is uncommon with tin horns like the one I addressed.
I am talking about urdu, funny man.

Dialects of Hindi divided into 5 groups: Eastern Hindi, Western Hindi, Pahari, Rajasthani and Bihari. Khariboli belongs to Western Hindi.
I have read this muck. This guy is quoting foreigners as compared to the people who lived here and saw Urdu emerging. People like this are also in India who would believe a foreigner rather than the historical precepts outlined by their own people from centuries of ground realities.

What you have quoted is BS.

Nope. It is simple common sense which at times is uncommon with tin horns like the one I addressed.

While it will be wrong to assume something to be correct just because a foreigner has said so,it will be sheer stupidity and dogmatic to reject something for the very same reason,considering the fact that both the idea are coming from the same person.Thats BS reasoning.
People first you need to define CULTURE

THEN learn how it forms!

Pakistan took independence and took pieces of different backgrounds, sew it together and formed a culture! Culture can form anywhere and from anything...Just because a piece looks similar does not mean the whole thing is the same?

Pakistan has Hindus, Buddhist, Muslims and Christians...SO, if their culture has pieces from INDIA...IT DOESN'T mean we stole it from you! The people who practiced these religions brought it with them and these deviated when living with various neighbors!

THAT is how cultures are formed...IF Indians think we took their culture...THEN it is fair enough to say Indians and the whole world took African culture (as 1st man came from Africa) or Mesopotamian culture (cradle of civilization)...The people of UR and The displaced people of Abraham also worshiped cows! But I do not go around saying Indians stole THEIR culture!

Then according to your theories Americans do not have ANY culture because they all are Europeans...Did they steal a culture too? Same goes for Ozzies! You tell that to any of the 2...they will slap you back to Vedic times!

Cultures evolve...When there is enough differences...it is called a new culture!

And same goes to language...If there are significant differences arising in Languages...IT IS A NEW LANGUAGE! No one except those studying it cares where the root is! In fact why do you care? Do you want to write a thesis about it? If not then stop bringing in materials to find differences and start a hate war!
How can somebody 'steal' a culture?! :what:

You tell me...I find Indians shoving it up our noses that we are being ARABS because we are following Islam! Or we have ADAPTED ARABIC CULTURE!

Because Islamic culture somehow is associated with Arabs! Narrow mindedness at its best!
You tell me...I find Indians shoving it up our noses that we are being ARABS because we are following Islam! Or we have ADAPTED ARABIC CULTURE!

Because Islamic culture somehow is associated with Arabs! Narrow mindedness at its best!

I think you are being unfair.

That is not what is being discussed.

No one denies that sub-continental Muslims are sons and daughters of the soil.

Or that a lot of what constitutes culture is Indian, has always been Indian, in spite of foreign influences, that rather than changing got absorbed and "Indianized" themselves.

Please also realize than when an Indian says Indian, it includes Pakistan and Bangladesh. The resistance to "Indian" is not Indian.

Yet there is a perceptible communal shift in though process, and communal psyche, that is different from the rest of what constitutes Indian culture - not just Hindu.

And it is that perceptible shift where we see shades of the sands of Arabia on Indian (and now Pakistani and Bangladeshi) soil.
I think you are being unfair.

That is not what is being discussed.

No one denies that sub-continental Muslims are sons and daughters of the soil.

Or that a lot of what constitutes culture is Indian, has always been Indian, in spite of foreign influences, that rather than changing got absorbed and "Indianized" themselves.

Please also realize than when an indian says Indian, it includes Pakistan and Bangladesh. The resistance to "Indian" is not Indian.

Yet there is a perceptible communal shift in though process, and communal psyche, that is different from the rest of what constitutes Indian culture - not just Hindu.

And it is that perceptible shift where we shades of the sands of Arabia on Indian (and now Pakistani and Bangladeshi) soil.

Well, the thing is ego gets in the way...PLUS from this thread I think the Pakistanis are trying to say that the people who look different, fairer skinned and sharp noses (Caucasian looks ) are different from those with darker skin and broader noses and Indian looks...

That is how I understand it...that these are 2 populations and hence, that is why they claim Indians not to be the same as Pakistanis..because somehow or another Pakistanis on this forum associate Indians to those typical stereotype looks!
Well, the thing is ego gets in the way...PLUS from this thread I think the Pakistanis are trying to say that the people who look different, fairer skinned and sharp noses (Caucasian looks ) are different from those with darker skin and broader noses and Indian looks...

That is how I understand it...that these are 2 populations and hence, that is why they claim Indians not to be the same as Pakistanis..because somehow or another Pakistanis on this forum associate Indians to those typical stereotype looks!

Tell me, how do you react to stuff like that, knowing that in turn, Pakistanis are looked down upon in various western countries for being dark and having different features, even if they are intelligent and good at their jobs?

How would you react knowing that genetically the south Asian population is homogeneous except for the Baloch and the Pashtun?
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