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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

Well, the thing is ego gets in the way...PLUS from this thread I think the Pakistanis are trying to say that the people who look different, fairer skinned and sharp noses (Caucasian looks ) are different from those with darker skin and broader noses and Indian looks...

That is how I understand it...that these are 2 populations and hence, that is why they claim Indians not to be the same as Pakistanis..because somehow or another Pakistanis on this forum associate Indians to those typical stereotype looks!

Now you are entering coconut territory.

Another no-go area for me sadly.
Tell me, how do you react to stuff like that, knowing that in turn, Pakistanis are looked down upon in various western countries for being dark and having different features, even if they are intelligent and good at their jobs?

How would you react knowing that genetically the south Asian population is homogeneous except for the Baloch and the Pashtun?

That is the thing Pakistanis rarely ARE looked down based on their colour! They ARE looked down based on their silliness! Sadly, it is the truth that MOST of those in foreign nations are from villages who moved to the West when India and Pakistan parted or some after the partitioning! Most are uneducated while the few who ARE educated stay away from media hence are not reported!

Never has their colour been an issue! In fact their futures are admired ESPECIALLY their long eyelashes! YES, you would be surprised at that!

As for the 2nd bit of the question....THERE is a REMARK genetic difference in SOUTH ASIAN POPULATION!
Oh kmon! I hope I am not going to be called a racist! BUT YOU ASKED!

There are genetic studies done and NO ONE CAN DENY that there is A VERY BIG difference in genetic makeup of those 2 populations I described! The Caucasian looking and the dark looking! (the dark look bringing a complex is another case)

The colour, nose structure to even the built all suggests intermixing from more than 1 population for sure! It would be pure denial to push all of them in 1 category and call it HOMOGENEOUS!
Dialects of Hindi divided into 5 groups: Eastern Hindi, Western Hindi, Pahari, Rajasthani and Bihari. Khariboli belongs to Western Hindi.

Yaar is duniya mein Hindi aur Khariboli ke ilawa bhi languages hein.

There are over 7000 common words in Urdu and Turkish.

Pata nahin kya kya boltay hein ye log.
While it will be wrong to assume something to be correct just because a foreigner has said so,it will be sheer stupidity and dogmatic to reject something for the very same reason,considering the fact that both the idea are coming from the same person.Thats BS reasoning.

OK. You go and live with your understanding.

Keep believe in the muck that you actually believe in.

You are a Hindutvadi nobody with bigotry filled mindless thinking- remain one.
I think you are being unfair.

That is not what is being discussed.

No one denies that sub-continental Muslims are sons and daughters of the soil.

Or that a lot of what constitutes culture is Indian, has always been Indian, in spite of foreign influences, that rather than changing got absorbed and "Indianized" themselves.

Please also realize than when an Indian says Indian, it includes Pakistan and Bangladesh. The resistance to "Indian" is not Indian.

Yet there is a perceptible communal shift in though process, and communal psyche, that is different from the rest of what constitutes Indian culture - not just Hindu.

And it is that perceptible shift where we see shades of the sands of Arabia on Indian (and now Pakistani and Bangladeshi) soil.

This is an unfair and biased perception. How can an Indian speak for the peoples of Pakistan and Bangladesh, let alone, he can not even speak for all of Indian people.

Shades of cultural Arabia in the manner is also a mis-perception. If being Muslim gives it an Arabian shade, yes Islam emanated from Arabia, so did Christianity and Judaism. By this analogy the Europeans also are also Arabians. By this analogy, Indonesian Hindus are actually Indians. C'mon, you are an intelligent bloke - where did you come out of such BS.
Yaar is duniya mein Hindi aur Khariboli ke ilawa bhi languages hein.

There are over 7000 common words in Urdu and Turkish.

Pata nahin kya kya boltay hein ye log.

7000 words, I believe you don't use even more than 100 words daily. :woot:
This is an unfair and biased perception. How can an Indian speak for the peoples of Pakistan and Bangladesh, let alone, he can not even speak for all of Indian people.

I am not speaking for you. I am speaking for me and us when I say that when Indians say Indian, we include you as well more often than not. Yes, we do not include the north western and western finges because we recognize that they share more with Afghanistan and Iran than you or us.

I hope you will allw me to speak for myself and us at least ......

Shades of cultural Arabia in the manner is also a mis-perception. If being Muslim gives it an Arabian shade, yes Islam emanated from Arabia, so did Christianity and Judaism. By this analogy the Europeans also are also Arabians. By this analogy, Indonesian Hindus are actually Indians. C'mon, you are an intelligent bloke - where did you come out of such BS.

Which brings me back to my early in the day assertion.

Islam is not Indian.

YOU are. Islam is NOT.

When you or others are at pains to prove that Islam integrated into India, you miss the point.

Islam did not change. Islam did not Indianize.

You Islamized. While still remaining Indian.

Some more, some less, of course.
I am not speaking for you. I am speaking for me and us when I say that when Indians say Indian, we include you as well more often than not. Yes, we do not include the north western and western finges because we recognize that they share more with Afghanistan and Iran than you or us.

I hope you will allw me to speak for myself and us at least ......

You can speak about anybody you want to in your home. My argument is that in forums like this you have no right to speak for me or represent me. Who has given you this right. Who are you anyway to represent me.

Which brings me back to my early in the day assertion.

Islam is not Indian.

YOU are. Islam is NOT.

When you or others are at pains to prove that Islam integrated into India, you miss the point.

Islam did not change. Islam did not Indianize.

You Islamized. While still remaining Indian.

Some more, some less, of course.

Are you sure that Rig Veda was written in India and when was it written. Whatever your answer, it would be based on speculative arguments.

Are you sure that Aryans being outsiders did not bring it from outside or wrote it.

Yes Islam is not Indian.

Is Hinduism Indian and can you prove it. In Harapa around 3000 BCE, we don't know their language and we don't know their religion.

Please, these aspects are better not said. I belong to a different country. I have a different culture and I am not Indian.

Please learn to respect this fact.
You can speak about anybody you want to in your home. My argument is that in forums like this you have no right to speak for me or represent me. Who has given you this right. Who are you anyway to represent me.

I am not speaking for you.

I am speaking for myself and us.

Us = Indians

You are not an Indian

Yet when we say Indian culturally or people wise, we include you and the Bangladeshis as well.

Its what we do.

Its what I am referring to.

Its something you can either like or lump.

Yes Islam is not Indian.

I agree with you.

Its what I have been saying to anyone willing to listen.

At the cost of being labeled a bigot and Islamaphobe.

India will always be originally and at its soul Hindu.

As will those of its soil.

And that includes you. Though you may now be Muslim or any other faith.

Please learn to respect this fact.



I am not speaking for you.

I am speaking for myself and us.

Us = Indians

You are not an Indian

Yet when we say Indian culturally or people wise, we include you and the Bangladeshis as well.

Its what we do.

Its what I am referring to.

Its something you can either like or lump.

I can't ignore it. This is frivolous and outlandish. Who the heck are you guys.

Just plain nobody's and identity less lot of people, taken a mantle of representing peoples from two different countries.

I am neither going to like it nor lump it - I am going to detest it and fight it all along.

You little piece of chicken S hit, who have given you the right to include me in something I don't want to be part of.

You are just a different form of Taliban and people like me are going to fight you till such thinking dies.

Bugger off.
I agree with you.

Its what I have been saying to anyone willing to listen.

At the cost of being labeled a bigot and Islamaphobe.

India will always be originally and at its soul Hindu.

As will those of its soil.

And that includes you. Though you may now be Muslim or any other faith.

Please learn to respect this fact.




Hinduism was not part of India and it was a foreign faith brought in by Foreigners.

Therefore, you need to go back from where you came. Because you just don't belong here and you can't even claim to be Indians.

We Pakistanis are the true sons and daughters of the soil. And Islam is our religion. You don't like it, go back to where you came from.

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