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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

When Islam entered the region hinduism became irrelevant to the enlightened people thus the mass conversion took place and thats why today Islam is the fasted growing religion despite cowards like you try their utter most to slander the religion of truth.

Lol.... I am just expressing my view, how does it make me a coward??

ok thats fine with me. Read my post once again to understand it better.

Islam is not a bad religion at all but it was not embraced by masses peacefully like people claim here. Invaders enforced it to majority through economic favours, through fears of prosecution,by applying taxes like Jiziyas.We are not living in Zia's pakistan where text book history & facts are manipulated, we know better about conversion techniques used by muslim rulers than you do.

But do you know DAR-UL-HARB & DAR-UL-ISLAM concepts?? Study a little about it and then lets discuss about it.
the word hindu was given some around 500BC ,2500 :woot: OH MY GOD :hang2: .....it was given to u in AD ... It were the Muslim invaders (Ghorids) who for the first time in history imposed the foreign term Hindu on the many different peoples and religions of south Asia......

Name Indica (from which India & Hindu derived) was given by Europeans long before Islam came to existence.

Smell some coffee kid.:coffee:

Indica (Arrian) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India can claim Indus civilization because it is hindu's heritage however at the same time you can not take Pakistan's heritage of Muslim developments in India. Take the entire Indus civil but Muslim heritage of India belongs to us.

Why???A mere 65 year old country thinks its official owner or everything that realtes to Islam which is itself 1400 year old??

We didnt asked for a seperate hindu state...Being a secular country India is meant for all hindus, muslims, christians, sikhs, etc.

Everything that heritage of Indian muslims or muslims born on our soil belongs to us. Is that difficult to understand ???
Oh ignarant you...when you use hindi words then dont write them in roman and confuse yourself and confuse others too......:rolleyes:

"भरत" =Bharat (Name of the king"

"भारत"=Bhārat (country) - pay attention to "ā" pronounced as "aa"

Looking for gender & sexes in name of country or region is itself sign of low life ideologies. No need to explain them much.Its above the level of their intellect.
Looking for gender & sexes in name of country or region is itself sign of low life ideologies. No need to explain them much.Its above the level of their intellect.
Indian needs to check their culture first their Bollywood movies are not just copy of western movies in all aspects so and their youth follows bollywood a lot and also the old culture which many times they show as their own are of those invaders who kicked their *** for hundreds of years so Indians need to check their culture first before telling us
Look dude... First, before commenting on my post kindly check out the post i responded to. Yes our ancestors were unchanged uninfluenced by islamic, portugic , turkic & persian invasion, they have retained essence of our thousands of years old culture, yes they have same roots of traditions & ideology what their ancestors had ....doesn't that make it obvious that we should be proud of our ancestors??

Second, I respect your personal beliefs & conclusions but that doesnt mean We should agree with them. Islam is way of truth, no objection to that but so is Christainity or Hinduism. Truth can be reached by many ways but you pakistani muslims ( please read pakistani ) will never understand so.

Third, about Adam AS & stuff, no debates, because Christian think he was Christain & Jews think he was Jew, you are doing nothing different than claiming like others do.

For us, Shiva originated from Void, he created universe, Manu was the first human & our vishnu avtaras ( which are atleast 8000-10000 years old ) goes well with 19th century's Evolution Theory by Darwin.

1+1=2,5, and 8
in the above statement, there is no shame in saying that one is right and the other 2 are wrong. And people don't need to take offence when I say that the other 2 are wrong. You are free to believe that all 3 are right, but that doesn't magically make you "open minded" or me more "closed minded"
Lol.... I am just expressing my view, how does it make me a coward??

ok thats fine with me. Read my post once again to understand it better.

Islam is not a bad religion at all but no its was not embraced by masses peacefully like people claim here. Invaders enforced it to majority through economic favours, through fears of prosecution,by applying taxes like Jiziyas.We are not living in Zia's pakistan where text book history & facts are manipulated, we know better about conversion techniques used by muslim rulers than you do.

But do you know DAR-UL-HARB & DAR-UL-ISLAM concepts?? Study a little about it and then lets discuss about it.

Tell me, in this fantasy history of yours, did muslims also fly in on dragons and cast spells on the poor innocent Hindus that made them want to convert?

Get a grip man, no more loony toons for you.
Indian needs to check their culture first their Bollywood movies are not just copy of western movies in all aspects so and their youth follows bollywood a lot and also the old culture which many times they show as their own are of those invaders who kicked their *** for hundreds of years so Indians need to check their culture first before telling us

Dude movies & bollywood stuffs are for entertainment purpose.Its also a money making bussiness. Best things across the world are showcased to Indian masses for grabbing profits by producers & directors. Its called benchmarking not copying hope you are well educated to understand the difference between too.

Second bollywood movies are far away from reality, the only people who can get spoiled by bollywood is Pakistanis, we dont care much about it. Forget its impact on culture.If centuries of foreign influence & trade cannot harm our culture, what the heck Bollywood shollywood is???
But I advice please dont underestimate Bollywood, it especially designed to corrupt your culture, if you have any of your own.

Third, the more you pakistanis comment about invaders kicking ***** more i laugh at you, beacuse people living in sindh & punjab were more a*s-beaten by intruders than any other parts of india.
1+1=2,5, and 8
in the above statement, there is no shame in saying that one is right and the other 2 are wrong. And people don't need to take offence when I say that the other 2 are wrong. You are free to believe that all 3 are right, but that doesn't magically make you "open minded" or me more "closed minded"

The difference lies in how the other faiths go about it.

Which in term comes from being more secure and confident of one's beliefs I suppose.

No other faith goes around proclaiming from the rooftops that they are the final answer and that theirs is the only God.

You believe it, great.

But keep it to yourselves.

We do not need to hear it.
Lol no one wants to be Indian you dumbf-ck. Can't you comprehend that by looking at this thread? Us Pakistanis do not want to be associated with your kind. Even Muhajirs don't want to be associated with you people. Thats why we left India in the first place.

Lmao. Dude that was hilarious.
Indian needs to check their culture first their Bollywood movies are not just copy of western movies in all aspects so and their youth follows bollywood a lot and also the old culture which many times they show as their own are of those invaders who kicked their *** for hundreds of years so Indians need to check their culture first before telling us

Your not the descendent of the Turkish barbarians; you have not blood link with them. I guess all western movies are musicals. Sir, you are a fool low caste.
Looking for gender & sexes in name of country or region is itself sign of low life ideologies. No need to explain them much.Its above the level of their intellect.
After being running out of logical explainations IVC and attacking mothers and sisters to personal level are the last resorst of morons. We have to get used to it.:sick:
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