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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

And using a north indian language-urdu as national language..And a gujrati muslim being father of pakistan..

You would think the way these people talk that they are the children of China and Saudi Arabia.
now beleive me im laughing hard at this username Ahmadinejad's Great Jihad

where do these guy get there usernames from?
Again, interesting assumption. There is no reason to not be confident when one calls another ignorant, without stating any information to support his point whatsoever. You are not inviting intelligent discussion whatsoever, just blatantly ridiculing me. # of posts = the validity in the context of my posts. Thats quite egotistical of you. Obvious troll is obvious.

Be gone now troll.
Improve some comprehension skills too:coffee:
Do your posts invite any intelligent discussion?
Thats why hindusim is merely concentrated in India while Islam is the fastest growing religion not in the Muslim world but in West as well!

Lol...Because Hindu are self contained, they are not in race of increasing head counts to prove their superiority & advertising their religions like Marketing company do.

Hinduism is not a religion which treats other religions or faith as wrong or sinful.

It doesnt have religious verses which ask devotees to convert non-hindus & promise them rewards in jannat or swarga.

Neither it believes that ALMIGHTY GOD is one & only he needs to worshipped on contrary it believes there are 100s of way to reach God.

Also Hindu believes every human being is born as Hindu, he baptized to islam or christianity after his birth.
Oh ignarant you...when you use hindi words then dont write them in roman and confuse yourself and confuse others too......:rolleyes:

"भरत" =Bharat (Name of the king"

"भारत"=Bhārat (country) - pay attention to "ā" pronounced as "aa"

Kahan se nautanki UP wale aa jate hain.UP ganwar chahe india mai ho ya chahe pak main ganwar hi rahta hai....:rolleyes:

You dare me not.. Dont you! :)
The ******** is strong in this one.
Islam is the right religion, the only truth. If you don't believe that then whatever. It has nothing to do with parents, I have no interest in anything else, i have studied all and come to my conclusions. Being born is a minor influence to thsoe with higher intellectual capability, you honestly think following your ancsestors is something to be proud of?
But whatever, Islam is the religion of Adam AS, so before hinduism Islam was still there

Look dude... First, before commenting on my post kindly check out the post i responded to. Yes our ancestors were unchanged uninfluenced by islamic, portugic , turkic & persian invasion, they have retained essence of our thousands of years old culture, yes they have same roots of traditions & ideology what their ancestors had ....doesn't that make it obvious that we should be proud of our ancestors??

Second, I respect your personal beliefs & conclusions but that doesnt mean We should agree with them. Islam is way of truth, no objection to that but so is Christainity or Hinduism. Truth can be reached by many ways but you pakistani muslims ( please read pakistani ) will never understand so.

Third, about Adam AS & stuff, no debates, because Christian think he was Christain & Jews think he was Jew, you are doing nothing different than claiming like others do.

For us, Shiva originated from Void, he created universe, Manu was the first human & our vishnu avtaras ( which are atleast 8000-10000 years old ) goes well with 19th century's Evolution Theory by Darwin.
Your culture can never be Indian, it must not be.

Lol no one wants to be Indian you dumbf-ck. Can't you comprehend that by looking at this thread? Us Pakistanis do not want to be associated with your kind. Even Muhajirs don't want to be associated with you people. Thats why we left India in the first place.
The more Indians speak the more the convinces the world that you guys suffer from syndrome of delusional.

As a Pakistani its obvious to have such view about Indians.We understand.

But World including india thinks same about Pakistanis, hope you understand it too.

No one in the west are chasing around anybody with a sword to convert university students, professors, doctors, engineers, scientists, sportsmen, celebrities and even ex-islamphobians.

Lol...it isnt 7th or 8th century dude otherwise you did the same what are imagining right now.
No offences but all abrahamic religions comes with this quest for converting peoples by hook or crook.

And thank god I am not a hindu.

Yes Thank God !

Funny how buddists never cry ******** in the same way you do?

Yes may be, but some go beyond crying.
They are beating a*ses of innocent muslims for sins of their ancestors.
We have nothing in common its not like you:
1) Listen to our music
2) speak our language
3) copy our marriage customs
4) watch our entertainment industry
5) Name your money "rupees" like us

India can claim Indus civilization because it is hindu's heritage however at the same time you can not take Pakistan's heritage of Muslim developments in India. Take the entire Indus civil but Muslim heritage of India belongs to us.
Ruling is not something to be proud of. If Pakistan didn't have monarchy then it tells us that we were democratic. :lol:

Salves have no monarchy nor democracy.
Western parts of India ( Present day Pakistan) was much effected by invaders & was much enslaved than other parts of India.

While you guys were washing your masters underwear, we were living in peace and in equality. ;)

Your roots are from Kashmir, Right?? There were no muslim rulers there, hope you know whose underwears you guys washed in those times. ;)
Lol no one wants to be Indian you dumbf-ck. Can't you comprehend that by looking at this thread? Us Pakistanis do not want to be associated with your kind. Even Muhajirs don't want to be associated with you people. Thats why we left India in the first place.
Thats what I said.I agree with you. No point in dialing 911:coffee:
I think the thread has degenerated severely overnight.

Maybe because Oscar and I were asleep ......

There are very fundamental, core issues on which Islam cannot blend into the Indian fabric.

Its taken a thousand years, and I do not think its going to get any better than what we have today.

At best, there will be a detente.

I hope and pray we never see the worst.
India can claim Indus civilization because it is hindu's heritage however at the same time you can not take Pakistan's heritage of Muslim developments in India. Take the entire Indus civil but Muslim heritage of India belongs to us.

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India can claim Indus civilization because it is hindu's heritage however at the same time you can not take Pakistan's heritage of Muslim developments in India. Take the entire Indus civil but Muslim heritage of India belongs to us.

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