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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

Basically what you said was you enjoy your windows 95 OS. Hahaha.

LOL, that's an amazing way to put it.
But c'mon
Don't insult them with windows 95
They enjoy their DOS 1.0
No basically he said that indian culture evolved from windows 2.11 to 95 to all the version in the series over time period that its now enjoying windows 8 contours have gone through changes over time period but fundamentals have remained unchanged.

What are these fundamentals?

At one point Hindus are vegetarian, at other points they love beef and pork.

At another point they are conservative, and another point they literally think they have created pornography.

At one point they are monotheists, and another they are polytheists.

This wishy washiness seems absurd and opportunistic to say the least.
What the heck is "freedom of privacy" ?
do you mean the right to privacy?
I feel like I am teaching an elementary class when I say this....
You don't have the right to privacy in a public area.

And does your "ancient" faith also allow you to speak on behalf of all humanity?

The best you can say is that YOU don't like to be preached to. Which is fine, you have that right. But you don't have the right to speak on behalf of Humanity.

I think you are just bitter that millions of people have left your "ancient" religion for Islam and now you are just grasping at straws to justify your hate.

It's okay, when I was a kid I loved Nintendo and hated PlayStation and I used to make up all kinds of excuses to hate it even though PlayStation had almost no affect on my life.

Religions have the right to preach their messages, If Hindus don't use that right then that is a fault in Hinduism not a fault in other religions that do use that right.

Yes He doesnt have right to speak on behalf on Humanity neither do you.
If you want to spread your religion, its cool, do it. Help the people who comes to you & seek your advice & support.

No basically he said that indian culture evolved from windows 3.11 to 95 to all the version in the series over time period that its now enjoying windows 8 contours have gone through changes over time period but fundamentals have remained unchanged.

Not to beat this analogy to death but that makes no sense.
Windows 8 is almost complacently new with NOTHING in common with windows 95 except a design heritage. Try running a windows 95 program on windows 7-8. You can't without emulators......actually now that I think of it....this is a fitting way to describe Hinduism :)
What the heck is "freedom of privacy" ?
do you mean the right to privacy?
I feel like I am teaching an elementary class when I say this....
You don't have the right to privacy in a public area.

I said my freedom and privacy.

My freedom and my privavcy of not listening to evegelical stuff of faiths I have no interest in.

If I do, as a well informed member of the global fraternity, I know where to go to learn.

If I do not, I do not want unsolicited bombardment of the final truth. All 27 versions of it.

Its very much like the iritation one feels at getting mass sms's or emails. Or pesky phone calls from insurance and creit card companies.

If I need a new policy or card, I will call you.


And does your "ancient" faith also allow you to speak on behalf of all humanity?

The best you can say is that YOU don't like to be preached to. Which is fine, you have that right. But you don't have the right to speak on behalf of Humanity.

I can only speak for myself. As can every member of humanity. The facts are out there. There are many INDIVIDUALS who are speaking out. Like me. With a whole lot of resentment.

Even if all of them are convinced, and shut up, I am not, and will not.

I think you are just bitter that millions of people have left your "ancient" religion for Islam and now you are just grasping at straws to justify your hate.

It's okay, when I was a kid I loved Nintendo and hated PlayStation and I used to make up all kinds of excuses to hate it even though PlayStation had almost no affect on my life.

Religions have the right to preach their messages, If Hindus don't use that right then that is a fault in Hinduism not a fault in other religions that do use that right.

I am not a Hindu.

What I do or do not do with regard to my own faith or how I choose to spread it or not, is none of your business. As long as it does not directly affect you.

When you spread the final truth about your own indiscriminately, and openly proclaim from the rooftops that yours is the version to follow, and others are somehow lesser, you directly affect me.

And I will speak out and push back.

Count on it.
Yes He doesnt have right to speak on behalf on Humanity neither do you.
If you want to spread your religion, its cool, do it. Help the people who comes to you & seek your advice & support.


I was kind of joking when I said you didn't get an education, but now I am starting to believe it is actually true.
Please point out where I ever claimed to speak on behalf of Humanity?
You can't do it, because I never did it.
And sorry, but I don't understand that underlined giberish. English please
Can't help If you have a inferiority complex about your religion. If you find peace in yours that is good, but why burn of others if they find solace in a different one?

Inferiority complex? :azn:

Dont get me started man.

I want to be around here for a month uninterrupted at least this time around.
And it is not your fault that you were brought up with no education.
If you were educated you would realize that there was a reason for all the rules.
There is a reason you color in the lines and there is a reason why 1+1=2 and not 5 or 8.
Now I don't blame you, Your religion says that you can do what ever you want (but oddly enough, you must call yourself a Hindus while doing it, if you don't then you might be subjected to communal violence)

Dude, there are reasons of every rule but rules change according to time & society.

Our forefathers used to ride on horses & camels but we now we dont.They travelled on camels/horses & We drive in automobiles both are right according to their times. Time changed Rules changed so does the means of travelling.

You must be a school going kid to show your basic mathematics skills here. For you spirituality & religion must be as simple as 1+1=2 & exact single solution, being programmed by texted rules thats fine too understand.

For us, Religion is complex mathematics with infinite solutions subjected to limiting constraints & applied boundary conditions.
Inferiority complex? :azn:

Dont get me started man.

I want to be around here for a month uninterrupted at least this time around.

I don't understand. Last time you tried to sell your religion back to the Iranians they laughed you off the thread.
I don't understand. Last time you tried to sell your religion back to the Iranians they laughed you off the thread.

You do not need to understand.

You cannot understand.

There are insurmountable challenges.
I said my freedom and privacy.

My freedom and my privavcy of not listening to evegelical stuff of faiths I have no interest in.

If I do, as a well informed member of the global fraternity, I know where to go to learn.

If I do not, I do not want unsolicited bombardment of the final truth. All 27 versions of it.

Its very much like the iritation one feels at getting mass sms's or emails. Or pesky phone calls from insurance and creit card companies.

If I need a new policy or card, I will call you.


I can only speak for myself. As can every member of humanity. The facts are out there. There are many INDIVIDUALS who are speaking out. Like me. With a whole lot of resentment.

Even if all of them are convinced, and shut up, I am not, and will not.

I am not a Hindu.

What I do or do not do with regard to my own faith or how I choose to spread it or not, is none of your business. As long as it does not directly affect you.

When you spread the final truth about your own indiscriminately, and openly proclaim from the rooftops that yours is the version to follow, and others are somehow lesser, you directly affect me.

And I will speak out and push back.

Count on it.

My big question is, who is forcing you to?
Are you in some kind of cult jail where you are being forced to listen to evangelical stuff?
If you are not being physically restrained then what is forcing you from simply walking away from people who evangelize?
That's just common sense to me but maybe it's a revelation to you.

The only people I hear who have a whole lot of resentment are Indian members on this forum. I have not met anyone else who makes up history on the basis of their resentment.
No one is asking you to shut up...
Man I feel like I am having an argument with a 10 year old kid.

let me lay this out like a KG teacher would.

1. In public you don't have the right to privacy
that means that people HAVE the right to spread their message in public.
So Pepsi is allowed to tell you about their product and so can any religion.
2. If you don't want to listen to the message then that is your right.
Pepsi will not force you to buy a Pepsi and neither will a religion force you to listen to their message.
3. If you are annoyed with people spreading their message then that is YOUR problem, deal with it how you want but you have no right to tell them to stop.
4. All religions have a right to spread their message. If Hinduism doesn't use this right then it is Hinduism's fault not other religions. So don't be bitter that others use this right
5. And finally, how does it affect you? Kindly tell me. Are they forcing you to listen? are they forcing you to come to their temple?

Again, you just sound like an angry kid that didn't get his way. I am sorry to tell you but in the grown up world you have some rights and others have some rights. The world will not bend to your feelings.

I said my freedom and privacy.

My freedom and my privavcy of not listening to evegelical stuff of faiths I have no interest in.

If I do, as a well informed member of the global fraternity, I know where to go to learn.

If I do not, I do not want unsolicited bombardment of the final truth. All 27 versions of it.

Its very much like the iritation one feels at getting mass sms's or emails. Or pesky phone calls from insurance and creit card companies.

If I need a new policy or card, I will call you.


I can only speak for myself. As can every member of humanity. The facts are out there. There are many INDIVIDUALS who are speaking out. Like me. With a whole lot of resentment.

Even if all of them are convinced, and shut up, I am not, and will not.

I am not a Hindu.

What I do or do not do with regard to my own faith or how I choose to spread it or not, is none of your business. As long as it does not directly affect you.

When you spread the final truth about your own indiscriminately, and openly proclaim from the rooftops that yours is the version to follow, and others are somehow lesser, you directly affect me.

And I will speak out and push back.

Count on it.

My big question is, who is forcing you to?
Are you in some kind of cult jail where you are being forced to listen to evangelical stuff?
If you are not being physically restrained then what is forcing you from simply walking away from people who evangelize?
That's just common sense to me but maybe it's a revelation to you.

The only people I hear who have a whole lot of resentment are Indian members on this forum. I have not met anyone else who makes up history on the basis of their resentment.
No one is asking you to shut up...
Man I feel like I am having an argument with a 10 year old kid.

let me lay this out like a KG teacher would.

1. In public you don't have the right to privacy
that means that people HAVE the right to spread their message in public.
So Pepsi is allowed to tell you about their product and so can any religion.
2. If you don't want to listen to the message then that is your right.
Pepsi will not force you to buy a Pepsi and neither will a religion force you to listen to their message.
3. If you are annoyed with people spreading their message then that is YOUR problem, deal with it how you want but you have no right to tell them to stop.
4. All religions have a right to spread their message. If Hinduism doesn't use this right then it is Hinduism's fault not other religions. So don't be bitter that others use this right
5. And finally, how does it affect you? Kindly tell me. Are they forcing you to listen? are they forcing you to come to their temple?

Again, you just sound like an angry kid that didn't get his way. I am sorry to tell you but in the grown up world you have some rights and others have some rights. The world will not bend to your feelings.
You do not need to understand.

You cannot understand.

There are insurmountable challenges.

What more is there to understand?

You are blatantly Islamophobic.

Do you realize why most of the Indian Muslim members have stopped participating on the forum?

Well I would take a guess that it's because of the things they have to hear about their religion from fellow "countrymen".

Why don't you go and tell one of your countrymen that his religion is "repackaged"?

We obviously don't care, and you're not going to change anyone's religion amongst Pakistanis.
My big question is, who is forcing you to?
Are you in some kind of cult jail where you are being forced to listen to evangelical stuff?
If you are not being physically restrained then what is forcing you from simply walking away from people who evangelize?
That's just common sense to me but maybe it's a revelation to you.

The only people I hear who have a whole lot of resentment are Indian members on this forum. I have not met anyone else who makes up history on the basis of their resentment.
No one is asking you to shut up...
Man I feel like I am having an argument with a 10 year old kid.

let me lay this out like a KG teacher would.

1. In public you don't have the right to privacy
that means that people HAVE the right to spread their message in public.
So Pepsi is allowed to tell you about their product and so can any religion.
2. If you don't want to listen to the message then that is your right.
Pepsi will not force you to buy a Pepsi and neither will a religion force you to listen to their message.
3. If you are annoyed with people spreading their message then that is YOUR problem, deal with it how you want but you have no right to tell them to stop.
4. All religions have a right to spread their message. If Hinduism doesn't use this right then it is Hinduism's fault not other religions. So don't be bitter that others use this right
5. And finally, how does it affect you? Kindly tell me. Are they forcing you to listen? are they forcing you to come to their temple?

Again, you just sound like an angry kid that didn't get his way. I am sorry to tell you but in the grown up world you have some rights and others have some rights. The world will not bend to your feelings.

Pepsi does not, cannot go around, claiming to be the final Cola and that all other Colas are lesser Colas.

Not when Coke is still around.

They would have push back. Big time.

So is Islam.
I was kind of joking when I said you didn't get an education, but now I am starting to believe it is actually true.
Please point out where I ever claimed to speak on behalf of Humanity?You can't do it, because I never did it.
And sorry, but I don't understand that underlined giberish. English please

What the heck is "freedom of privacy" ?
do you mean the right to privacy?
I feel like I am teaching an elementary class when I say this....
You don't have the right to privacy in a public area.

And does your "ancient" faith also allow you to speak on behalf of all humanity?

The best you can say is that YOU don't like to be preached to. Which is fine, you have that right. But you don't have the right to speak on behalf of Humanity.

I think you are just bitter that millions of people have left your "ancient" religion for Islam and now you are just grasping at straws to justify your hate.

It's okay, when I was a kid I loved Nintendo and hated PlayStation and I used to make up all kinds of excuses to hate it even though PlayStation had almost no affect on my life.

Religions have the right to preach their messages, If Hindus don't use that right then that is a fault in Hinduism not a fault in other religions that do use that right.

Short-term memory loss??

Dude, please go out & have some fresh air, it may help your grey cells to retrieve thinking & memorizing powers.
Right now you are not FIT for meaningful discussions & debates. Excuse me for a day.
You do not need to understand.

You cannot understand.

There are insurmountable challenges.

If he cannot understand then that is the fault of your Religion, not his. Maybe you should change it so he can understand

Short-term memory loss??

Dude, please go out & have some fresh air, it may help your grey cells to retrieve thinking & memorizing powers.
Right now you are not FIT for meaningful discussions & debates. Excuse me for a day.

So by asking if he is speaking on behalf of Humanity means that I am speaking on Humanity?!?!?!

Amazing Hindu Logic :hang2:

I understand now why my ancestors decided to not use it in favor of better logic. :angel:

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