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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

read , study history first then talk.

population of India in 1000 was about 200 million and in 1500 was about 170 million. Indian subcontinent was the most populated part of world at that time.

according to growth it should be at least 300 million in 1500 but after 500 years of duration, it went back to in minus 30 as 170 million

Give source of your information.

I have given you the source.

These are just words not proof?

There are 100s n 1000s of forums & research reports from historians & westerners regarding it you need to search it yourself. But I know you wont dare to do it.

Even if you do find ...would you agree with them??

We all know your answers, Western propoganda, zionists theories, internet hindu conspiracies, etc etc.
Pakistani culture is 1400 year old Islamic culture imported from the middle east; dancing, singing, painting, idol worshiping etc i.e. the native culture (Vedic, pre-IVC to till date) is all against Islam; Pakistanis are a confused lot who themselves don't understand where are they coming from or what do they want?

can u tell me something about pre-dravidian life and pre- hindusium life...
hindusium is not a first religion on earth ...............
There is very little historical evidence to support your assertion that Islam was spread by force in the sub-continent. If the Mughals wanted, they could have converted every single hindu to islam by force and they had almost 800 years to accomplish that but they did not.

And what has converting to a different religion got to do with sacrificing self respect?? The ancestors of not only all muslims but also all european christians were once pagans like hindus as far back as 2,000 years ago. Did all the europeans lose self respect by converting to Christianity?

Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner - YouTube
Hindus are ignorant of Islam. Thus they have to supplement their agendas.

Long before your favorite Mass murderer and invader Mohammed bin Qasim Islam came to India via sea route through merchants and islamic Imams. There is exist a lot of differences between the attitudes of Kerala muslims and the forcefull converts.
Qutbuddin, Abu Ali Qasim, Umar Shajari names of my forefathers killd by hindus in india in 7th century.

:: Nowgawan Sadat ::

Syed Mohammad Jawad Abidi. :)

Naugawan Sadat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If manufactured rage is justified for jihad then sure it can be justified for say sikhs/hindus or even christian crusades or even say usa now afterall its a double edged sword.Every party will come up with sens of grievances and victim-hood and sure they will justify it too.
But you continue to worship rats and snakes. Thus alienating us.

You make a big claim that we are basically the same, but many tribes are not the same, nor do they respect tribes in India.

Much you know about it.
There is very little historical evidence to support your assertion that Islam was spread by force in the sub-continent. If the Mughals wanted, they could have converted every single hindu to islam by force and they had almost 800 years to accomplish that but they did not.

And what has converting to a different religion got to do with sacrificing self respect?? The ancestors of not only all muslims but also all european christians were once pagans like hindus as far back as 2,000 years ago. Did all the europeans lose self respect by converting to Christianity?

Do not deny Historis facts, First thing these Barbarian Islamic Invaders did when they captured a city in Punjab or sindh is to gather all the Brahmins that exist and slaughter them who refuse to convert by branding them as infidels. These Barbarian Invaders executed thousands of Buddhists and Brahmins and burnt sacred texts in Sanskrit marking the fall of Taxila university

Your majority ancestors got converted to Islam by force and now the ancestors call us Hindu Baniya and infidels :lol:

There are mass rapes and Mass forced conversions that took place in Sindh after the fall of Raja Dahar (the defender of Sindh province)
There is one major problem about indians.

They think islam is spread in sub continent by invaders but the reality is islam is spread by sufis and saints.
No.Infact invaders invoked islam to justify their invasion as you doing now by saying hindus killed muslim saints hence invasion was justified.How about modi justifying the riots of gujarat based on sabarmati burning.....?
But you continue to worship rats and snakes. Thus alienating us.

You make a big claim that we are basically the same, but many tribes are not the same, nor do they respect tribes in India.

Do you know about any thing about Global warming and environmental balance. Mate there is nothing wrong to worship and take care of nature or wild animals as long as they help human life.
These days people are funding agencies for endangered species and to stop global warming, But our wise ancestors simply worshiped by seeing god in every thing that god has created.Which is a better way of doing things.
Read what Pakistani text books say about mughals and you will be shocked.

Maybe a very very few people are converted by them but overwhelming majority are converts by sufis and saints.

India is big country for mugals to control. Islam spread ended as soon as it came to India.
So if somebody does not sport long beard is it cultural or religious. I understand some norms set for men and women by your religion, but where do draw the line.

What about religious traditions..
the beard is another aspect misunderstood.. by those of little understanding.
After all.. why do Hindus wear that bright orange? cultural or religious?...or perhaps a bit of both.
The beard has never been a must.. only idiots made it that way.
However, if you are to judge everything by the idiots in its realm.. then Most things in the world are horrible.. including all religions and systems.
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