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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

Hindu kush massacre is just a hoax world population was 170 million in 1000 ad and you are talking about 80 million killed in hindu kush which is very cold region and simply cannot sustain 80 million in it.

Complete lie and fabrication.

Did I say 80 million hindus were killed in one stroke by muslims???
80 millions counts comprimises the casualties done by muslim invasions from 1000 A.D (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 A.D (end of Delhi Sultanate)
On mobile right now,couldn't find the source to spoon feed you.
Did I say 80 million hindus were killed in one stroke by muslims???
80 millions counts comprimises the casualties done by muslim invasions from 1000 A.D (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 A.D (end of Delhi Sultanate)
On mobile right now,couldn't find the source to spoon feed you.

Even if the entire population was killed it will not be that high.
Like it or not, but Pakistan didn't exist a century back. Before that it was a part of India...... thousands of years of integrity can't be denied just because you guys separated from modern India some half a century back.

IVC is Pakistani? Yes.... in the modern sense..... most IVC sites are located in the modern state of Pakistan. But calling it Pakistani culture, and that modern Indian culture is a derivative of it, is laughable.

IVC was Indian, you guys were Indian.... a few years of separation from us doesn't make us different.

And you guys please decide on one thing - many Pakistanis claim to be of European ancestry(Aryan), and claim Indians to be a darker and weaker breed, -- Australoids(Dravidians). And you guys also claim to be the descendants of IVC. These theories contradict each other.

Again.... you guys like it or not..... Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Indians and Sri Lankans are all same damn people. However you twist your words..... the fact will always remain that we are all the same.
Insecurity of confused people can't be removed so easily. Just because they got a nation 65 years ago doesn't mean that their ancestors didn't visit other parts of India or the people from other part to present day Pakistan.

You are doing this ---->:hitwall:

BTW if they consider themselves superior race and their religion above all, let it be. Every one does that but when some racist attacks them you can turn a blind eye.

The culture is a very vast term and understanding it in a vast region is difficult as most of them are adapting ones changing over time with many subsets, improvised or depraved cultures.
Did I say 80 million hindus were killed in one stroke by muslims???
80 millions counts comprimises the casualties done by muslim invasions from 1000 A.D (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 A.D (end of Delhi Sultanate)
On mobile right now,couldn't find the source to spoon feed you.
80 Million the biggest lie in all Muslims wars very few people were killed but India needs to decide what they want if they want to take pride in Taj Mahal and Lal Qila and other such things than they should also accept events of Somnath and take pride in that to and also take pride in great Muhammad Gauri
Did I say 80 million hindus were killed in one stroke by muslims???
80 millions counts comprimises the casualties done by muslim invasions from 1000 A.D (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 A.D (end of Delhi Sultanate)
On mobile right now,couldn't find the source to spoon feed you.

Indian population in 1000 AD was 8 crore and in 1550 it was 12 crore if 80 million are killed during this time there population should go down in this period but we are not seeing any significant change during this time.

See the population of world and below is the percentage by big countries and calculate yourself.


dumb logic , no one said they killed in one day it might 50 to 100 years. they killed people from different generations up to 17 th cen..

Read post # 268.
I don't mean to insult anyone, but for us religion and cultural is synonymous.

So if somebody does not sport long beard is it cultural or religious. I understand some norms set for men and women by your religion, but where do draw the line.
As clarified earlier, I am not a history buff. We did not even study much of the Mughal empire in the ICSE in my time.

But I am a keen student of human interactions and sociocultural dynamics. I get that from my dad.

What is Indian and inclusive about Muslims in India (and I would like to limit my first hand experience to there and there only here), is essentially Hindu.

What is equally what is divisive and intolerant and non-assimilatory and backward about them is quite simply, not.

And in each Indian Muslim you would find this dichotomy.

In varying degrees.

Personal views may vary & be right or wrong according to personal experiences but that doesnt nullify islamic influence on our culture, arts, architecture, music, etc.

Since 1400 AD or so, India does not means a land for sole hindus.

Hundreds of years of peaceful coexistence, harmony, religious bondings, etc has resulted in Indianness which binds all indian together. Majority of indians have learnt to judge peoples by indianness not by their religion.

We including indian muslims love Tipu Sultan & Akbar who proved to be loyal son of mother india but hate Aurangazeb who wanted to harm the indian diversity & indian unity nobody counts religion while hating it.
Personal views may vary & be right or wrong according to personal experiences but that doesnt nullify islamic influence on our culture, arts, architecture, music, etc.

Since 1400 AD or so, India does not means a land for sole hindus.

Hundreds of years of peaceful coexistence, harmony, religious bondings, etc has resulted in Indianness which binds all indian together. Majority of indians have learnt to judge peoples by indianness not by their religion.

We including indian muslims love Tipu Sultan & Akbar who proved to be loyal son of mother india but hate Aurangazeb who wanted to harm the indian diversity & indian unity nobody counts religion while hating it.
bold part i 100% agree with u.
Good point. The source of all civilization in South Asia came from the IVC, which exists almost entirely in modern-day Pakistan.

Ignorant post from a non south asian, There are ancient sites which are yet to be explored.
Pakistani culture is 1400 year old Islamic culture imported from the middle east; dancing, singing, painting, idol worshiping etc i.e. the native culture (Vedic, pre-IVC to till date) is all against Islam; Pakistanis are a confused lot who themselves don't understand where are they coming from or what do they want?
Even if the entire population was killed it will not be that high.

80 Million the biggest lie in all Muslims wars very few people were killed but India needs to decide what they want if they want to take pride in Taj Mahal and Lal Qila and other such things than they should also accept events of Somnath and take pride in that to and also take pride in great Muhammad Gauri

Indian population in 1000 AD was 8 crore and in 1550 it was 12 crore if 80 million are killed during this time there population should go down in this period but we are not seeing any significant change during this time.

See the population of world and below is the percentage by big countries and calculate yourself.


Prof. K.S. Lal, suggests a calculation in his book Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India which estimates that between the years 1000 AD and 1500 AD the population of Hindus decreased by 80 million. Even those Hindus who converted to Islam were not immune from persecution, which was illustrated by the Muslim Caste System in India as established by Ziauddin al-Barani in the Fatawa-i Jahandari.[3] where they were regarded as "Ajlaf" caste and subjected to severe discrimination by the "Ashraf" castes.[4]

Persecution of Hindus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
i have visited North African countries and there people too have involved themselves with this Indian crap. Something needs to be done fast to stop it growing. Already, this influence has caused most of the world to think that India and Pakistan to be the same. I say shoot the bas**ds that go to India for film shoot!

Soon there will be music channels like MTV which will air bollywood songs in Africa and whole of Africa will fall in love with India. India and Africa share much in common than arabs and middle east.
Prof. K.S. Lal, suggests a calculation in his book Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India which estimates that between the years 1000 AD and 1500 AD the population of Hindus decreased by 80 million. Even those Hindus who converted to Islam were not immune from persecution, which was illustrated by the Muslim Caste System in India as established by Ziauddin al-Barani in the Fatawa-i Jahandari.[3] where they were regarded as "Ajlaf" caste and subjected to severe discrimination by the "Ashraf" castes.[4]

Persecution of Hindus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These are just words not proof?
Pakistani culture is 1400 year old Islamic culture imported from the middle east; dancing, singing, painting, idol worshiping etc i.e. the native culture (Vedic, pre-IVC to till date) is all against Islam; Pakistanis are a confused lot who themselves don't understand where are they coming from or what do they want?

Islam came from middle east and converted many here and they are called as muslims in sub continent.
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