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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

The article is incomplete. No mention of killing etc. , wikipedia page is redirecting to a town in Uttar Pradesh.

Hazrat Imam Ali Ibne Abi Talib (as) Hazrat Umar Ashraf had married to daughter of Imam Hasan Mujataba (as), had only son Ali Asghar Muhaddis who had 3 sons Qutbuddin, Abu Ali Qasim, Umar Shajari, they became Shaheed in Namaz-e-Tahajjud in the morning by Hindus in India. In his place came his brother Kamalul Haq. Syed Ali Peer Baba s/o

He used the word shaheed.

You mean you expected them to tell you that you were the sons and daughters of such forcible unions?

forceful conversion never happened.
How much of Pakistani culture is Indian ? Answer : As much as Urdu is Hindi and Hindi is Urdu ! Which is to say, I believe, that we more or less began from the same source but with the advent of Islam there was a drastic paradigmatic shift that saw both of us evolving in different directions ! As much as Islam provides you a way of life so does the dharmic or the vedic way (whatever the correct term maybe...apologies !) so when Islam was incorporated into our daily lives naturally we changed in significant ways but because we are still part of this land our Islam too got influenced by that !

Okay peace out ! I'm in the office right now & my supervisor is giving me the angry looks !

That is actually one of the best summations of the question yet.
There was a lot in common between the sides.. as it is still today.. Islam made it different for the pre-partition Muslims..
and then Pakistans needless shoving of Islamic identity down everyone throats by the likes of maududi when it already existed well and distinct created a further divide.
But to all those crying that we are entirely different.. well then ban the Bhangra in Lahore if you dare.. All the cultural activities.. because they do have a lot in common.
It was the Islamic values that made us distinct... a culture that had evolved for hundreds of years in the rulers of Northwest and Southeast.. and a culture that needed to be separate to blossom...and it did for a while..
till the very goons that opposed Pakistan came to rule its roost.
New title should be how much of Pakistani culture is Indian. Indians have copied our IVC culture and tradition, religion, language etc.

We Hindus still read our Vedas and Upanishads with reverence because of its historic roots and its wisdom. We have kept the ancient rituals alive adapting it to our current cultural milieu. We are the ones following our fore bearers and carrying the torch of continuity forward.

Now you guys have no idea of what IVC culture is??? If you know please elaborate, then we will talk.
If one wants to understand the evolution of cultures and influence on one another, he/she has to study demographic processes like immigration, emigration, natural growth rate, distribution based on income, religion etc.

Communication among the people living in nearby and distant places.

Industrialization, education structured of other religion or region comes into important factor.

Now one has to understand the time period and intensity of influence.

So in terms of mindset and psyche, one has to see the change over decades and generation wise.

For example: the culture followed by current generation is different from the previous generation even when there was no conversion or change in family structure. The parents of certain people who lived in villages and their kids born in cities, the communication and information they are exposed through TV, interne, mobile phones etc. Whether it comes to worship, view about elders, nation, festivals etc.

I haven't touched the other factors still you can determine impact of these factors.

In ADDITION to all these universal sub-cultural modifiers, the fact remains that in spite of the fact that they are essentially the same people mass EQUALLY influenced by all these factors (a large cohort), they are different to the larger cohort.

Maybe not across all demographics, but along certain behavioral cues for sure.

Where a Keralite muslim would have more in common with a Karachi muslim than a Keralite hindu.

As a broad example of course.
One more ignorant expert. Can you explain the the Upanishads, the Puranas, and the epics in terms of their origins in what is now Pakistan? Or the Buddha and the sites of his preaching? Or Mahavira? Do you also believe that the Sungas, Kharavela, the Satavahanas, the Guptas, Lalitaditya, the Maukharis, the Vakatakas, the Chalukyas, their successors the Hoysalas, the Kakatiyas, the Yadavas, and the Kalachuri, the Rastrakutas, the Gurjara-Pratiharas, the Palas, the Senas, and the Chola, the Pallava before them, the Pandyas, the Cheras were relics of Pakistani history? Has Pakistan got anything to do with Patanjali? or with ANY of this list?

Or do you claim any of these authors?

Having discussed history with several pakistanis,i was amazed that they don't know zilch about pre Islamic south asian history apart from a map of indus valley civilization.All they know is some cleverly manipulated bits and pieces of history suited to profess some non existent superiority.They don't know about the great empires in south asia ,which,over various periods,had extended their bounderies upto afghanistan in west and present day indonesia in east.They dont know about the mathematical theories of aryabhatta or Political science of Panchathantra or poetry of kalidasa or medical treatises of charaka and works on surgery by susruta..I think the root cause is their desperate need to have a superior identity of their own(after failed arab-persian-afghan-isation attempts) and willingness to lie,erase and distort history for that cause..
The Indians are completely accomplice to globalism. While some people in cities make you feel that Indian culture is dominant, the truth is most Pakistanis do not give importance to bollywood/indians.

so impact of Bollywood and Indian culture is more in mega cities due to more exposure to media?
There is one major problem about indians.

They think islam is spread in sub continent by invaders but the reality is islam is spread by sufis and saints.

i agree with u :-

Data Ganj Bakhsh.
Khawaja moinuddin chisti
Mujadid -e-alf-sani
Lal shabaz qalandar
Sheikh bahauddin zakriya were the main sufis and saints who worked for the spread of islam in south asia........:)
Dont mind him.

He's a moron.

Like most of the rest of us.

He is not moron but his education system have raised him in that way. If you will see the Pakistan movie Border, you will understand the extent of Hindu hatred being propagated in their country. I am not surprised if Pakistanis Hindus are flocking to India in large numbers.
He is not moron but his education system have raised him in that way. If you will see the Pakistan movie Border, you will understand the extent of Hindu hatred being propagated in their country. I am not surprised if Pakistanis Hindus are flocking to India in large numbers.

I think he's generally pretty harmless man.

Its the smooth moderates you need to look out for.
well there are many similarities in both Pak and Indian culture as both were part of British India and even before that Muslims and Hindus co existed in sub continent for hundreds of years

but north Indian culture has more similarities with Pak culture, as most north India was under Mughal rule along with large chunks of present day Pak, BD
i agree with u :-

Data Ganj Bakhsh.
Khawaja moinuddin chisti
Mujadid -e-alf-sani
Lal shabaz qalandar
Sheikh bahauddin zakriya were the main sufis and saints who worked for the spread of islam in south asia........:)

Was Mahmud of Ghazni also a sufi saint.
There is one major problem about indians.

They think islam is spread in sub continent by invaders but the reality is islam is spread by sufis and saints.

which is their own loss... Their continuous need to brand Islam as alien to their land leads to the communal tensions seen from time to time. The scars left by Aurengzaib run deep.

But then again.. many Pakistanis have also lost this message.. preferring to think that Mohammad Bin Qasim triggered some mass conversions.. instead of these Saints that would bring people into the fold of Islam through patient preaching(through the local cultural ways), kindness and acceptance... if you displayed willingness..even the slightest .. you were brought into the fold of Islam.

Unlike today where Pakistanis are guided by the bigots that rejected and opposed this country from day one..
Where all they do.. is look for excuses to thrown you out of the circle of Islam.

Was Mahmud of Ghazni also a sufi saint.

Was Mahmud of Ghazni all you remember?
which is their own loss... Their continuous need to brand Islam as alien to their land leads to the communal tensions seen from time to time. The scars left by Aurengzaib run deep.

Islam IS alien to our land. Always will be.

How can you or any other sub-continental Muslim claim otherwise?

We are frankly least bothered by Aurangzeb or any of his ilk.

Its what we deal with today that concerns us.
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