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How much of Pakistani culture is Indian?

Pakistan cannot and will not be comfortable with its Hindu Indian past as long as India remains. And a Hindu predominant India.

Anyways, there is a significant part of Pakistan which seems to be a cusp culture which is by blood more Iranic, though politically and institutionally influenced (or subverted?) by the Indian part.

That is the simple truth.

You can close the thread now.
They didn't made India the biggest economy. India was already before the invasion. They just looted and took it under their control.

BTW $ 20 billion worth treasure was found in Southern temple, which remained safe from Muslim invaders and Britishers. Its 5 times your defense budget. So they came for the wealth of this Indian subcontinent not that they brought wealth along with them,

Raping: Well we all know who were the culprit. It was always a mean to convert or create new generation of their blood just like 71 war. Remember the reason behind it.


I might disagree on that. Our own Manmohan famously quoted the high point in Indian GDP to be 1700 and the low point 1952.
Who were "we" and who were "they"

We muslims of sub continent and they lodhi dynasty and mughal empire.

but pakistan istelf was india then.........big deal..........[/QUOTE]

That's what we are discussing here, sub continent is not all india.
pakistan desperatly needs to rid itself of these hindu customs and traditions. the sooner it leaves the better.

look at the youth following indian hindu traditions. it shoule be banned in pakistan completely

look at 1:10 the boy is preforming puja which is entirly unIslamic
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We muslims of sub continent and they lodhi dynasty and mughal empire.
so "they" were not muslims?

That's what we are discussing here, sub continent is not all india.
So what was called india ?-land of indus or was it pakistan then?Waise people do say in pakistan that pakistan formed when first muslim came to india.Alas kerala is not in pakistan.

Lol..... Who told you ?? Some Mullah from madarsaa with a bounty on his head??
bedtime stories................
They didn't made India the biggest economy. India was already before the invasion. They just looted and took it under their control.

Before islam yes it was but in early 15th century it became 2 largest then mughals made it largest once again in 17th century.

Raping: Well we all know who were the culprit. It was always a mean to convert or create new generation of their blood just like 71 war. Remember the reason behind it.

We muslims of sub continent and they lodhi dynasty and mughal empire.

but pakistan istelf was india then.........big deal..........

That's what we are discussing here, sub continent is not all india.[/QUOTE]Kindly go through India and Hindustan words origin.

Being closed minded results in less understanding of the subject. Put ego aside and think rationally.

Trace back the ancestry of the people living in India and Pakistan. How Islam spread and how Hinduism and Islam adapted and coexisted in this land ?

Culture evolves with time. Many aspects get attached with each religion. One can't find the explicit content but evolution of Culture in Pakistan (almost all are Muslims) and in India (Hindus, Muslims Sikhs Christians, Jain, Buddhist etc.) took different routes.

Many things remained same while other changed. It depends on the majority of people and cultural exchange among various religions.

The geographical location also plays a role in culture evolution. Festivals are based on weather, date, season etc.

I won't say their is hell lot of similarity of culture of Pakistan and India but one can see debatable similarity of Indian and Pakistani culture.
I might disagree on that. Our own Manmohan famously quoted the high point in Indian GDP to be 1700 and the low point 1952.
MMS also says that british rule was good for india.Infact MMS is His Master's Voice (HMV)
Before islam yes it was but in early 15th century it became 2 largest then mughals made it largest once again in 17th century.
Then you know nothing about the reason of these crimes which were the basis along with savage nature of the invaders.
New title should be how much of Pakistani culture is Indian. Indians have copied our IVC culture and tradition, religion, language etc.

Don't be delusional. IVC is more related to Dravidian culture and the language URDU is originated from great place called India.
Your music is Hindustani classical music which agin originated from India.

There are endless things which are originated from India, followed by world.
MMS also says that british rule was good for india.Infact MMS is His Master's Voice (HMV)

His quote on the former was based upon certain statistics provided by a Cambridge historian Angus Maddison while his quote about the British rule is his subjective opinion.

Angus Maddison mentioned that the Indian GDP in 1700 is 22.6% of the world GDP while in 1952 it was 3.8%.
Then you know nothing about the reason of these crimes which were the basis along with savage nature of the invaders.

There is an interesting footnote we could discuss, when speaking of culture, since the topic is still active.

Indian and Punjabi/Sindhi/Bangla muslims and Indian Hindus are essentially from the same stock.

I guess historically no one denies that these all moved down as one over thousands of years, predominantly as Hindus.

Yet today we see that not just culturally, but even in terms of mindset and psyche, these two exhibit significantly different patterns.

What could have influenced this sub-evolutionary pattern?

Do we see such a phenomenon anywhere else in the world as well?

Are there trends that emerge? Any similarities between diverse cohorts?
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