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How Modi DOOMED India by jumping in the ME

pakistanis living in a paralel universe or indians??? lol
because for some odd reason i keep hearing you people say that you are some kind of superpower while in fact your just a broke third world country run by hindu fundamentalists who slaughtered its their citizens because of their religion.
Bravo ................ :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:sab tali bajayen in janab ke liye , you were very close to truth an spectacular feat for a dillusioned pakistan like and since i it ismy responsibility to help you find your truth therefore Replace pakistan with india ,india with pakistan and hindus with muslims and there you have your truth hope you liked it because aksar

SACH KARBA HOTA HAI (Truth is bitter) :toast_sign:
Very funny analysis to say the least. Anyways we know what we are doing as our foreign policy or our interests are not directed by others. They always have a program or two on what we are doing and they say India is obsessive where in real sense our media only cover their country when we see terrorism forced by them in our country.

We as a country is open for anyone who is interested in doing business be it UAE, KSA, Europe, USA. Nigeria or Somalia. Our country and our interest comes first for us.

There is no Sharia in Pak.... only Saudi is Muslim state

They even don't have complete Sharia in KSA. Moreover they are not allowed to endorse Sharia in a non muslim country. Muslims on this forum please correct me if I am wrong.
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pakistanis living in a paralel universe or indians??? lol
because for some odd reason i keep hearing you people say that you are some kind of superpower while in fact your just a broke third world country run by hindu fundamentalists who slaughtered its their citizens because of their religion.

Bhaijaan get out of 70's or 80's mentality

1. India is the 7th largest economy by nominal and 3rd largest by GDP PPP

2. India is the 3rd largest producer of electricity, the state like gujarat produce more electricity than whole pakistan

3. India now become 3rd largest consumer of oil overtaking japan

4. India going to overtake japan in 2016 as the 2nd largest producer of steel

5. India road and rail network is one of the biggest in the world

6. India is one of the biggest Software and Pharmaceutical industry in the world

7. India is one of the biggest producer of cement and coal

8. India have one of the largest pool of engineers,doctors,technicians in the world

9. India is one of the biggest soft power in the world

10. India is home to largest film industry in the world

11. India is having the biggest remittance figure in the world

12. India is the top producer of many agricultural products,Milk in the world

13. India is the 4th most powerful military in the world

14. India is home to one of the largest billionaires in the world

15. India is one of the biggest space power

16. India is the top consumer of gold

Bhaijaan let us tell, where your country stand on above parameters ?

Nobody has a right to complain where prime ministers - even enemy ones go to travel. He has his own diplomatic agenda, we have ours. UAE and india are trading partners afterall and 3 million indians live in UAE, mostly cheap laborers.

All we need to do is safeguard our interests and go on diplomatic offensives of our own. That's what countries do.

india is a hostile nation, we just need to counter and unravel whatever tricks they have up their sleeve. As i said in that other thread regarding same subject - UAE may be fairly neutral vis a vis Pakistan vs. indian though they still do adhere to our perspective on Kashmir. That in and of itself is no victory for india. Hell - Dawood Ibrahim probably lives in Dubai, is on a first name basis with princes in Dubai and A.D. and has huge financial interests there. He wasnt even brought up on the "56-inch" agenda :meeting:

Hope UAE funds more freedom fighters in the land of pure

many retired members of the Pakistani intelligence community - civilian and military (including a recently retired DG-ISI) are contracted to work for UAE's internal security service. My best advice to you would be to keep hoping till the holy cows come flying home.
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pakistanis living in a paralel universe or indians??? lol
because for some odd reason i keep hearing you people say that you are some kind of superpower while in fact your just a broke third world country run by hindu fundamentalists who slaughtered its their citizens because of their religion.
No you guys are trapped in 5th dimension...your post is evidence of that!!!:coffee:
Hope UAE funds more freedom fighters in the land of pure
They've scaled back. I guess the funding isn't enough?

Hell - Dawood Ibrahim probably lives in Dubai, is on a first name basis with princes in Dubai and A.D. and has huge financial interests there. He wasnt even brought up on the "56-inch" agenda :meeting:

many retired members of the Pakistani intelligence community - civilian and military (including a recently retired DG-ISI) are contracted to work for UAE's internal security service. My best advice to you would be to keep hoping till the holy cows come flying home.

The said princes will never give up Dawood.

As someone living in the UAE, I can say from experience that Pak-Emirati relationship isn't going to fall over for a few dollars that may never come.
what pakistan has achieved after long relationship with middle east.. let India share its taste as well.. Pakistan can't be any worst situation than it is today.. nothing to worry about Mr. Dr. Shaihd Masood!
Nobody has a right to complain where prime ministers - even enemy ones go to travel.

So true!!! Nothing irks me as much this bit that we wud object to anyone travelling anywhere etc etc, not that i have any any bit of care for modi todi but what angers me that our politicians dont grow a spine and do what is required to be done,enhance ur own relations, handle the threats effectively whether they are from any friendly or non friendly nation.

Pakistan stands alone ,she has to see what she should do ,what goes best in her interests.

And one more thing ,any country no matter how friendly with pakistan will never ruin her relationship with india or any othe state cuz of pakistan. No one.
Hope UAE funds more freedom fighters in the land of pure

Judging from your posts you seem to be in need of that "funding" more than anyone else here. You've got so many more enemies to fight in India dear chap. The land of the "pure" is just fine.
people like this doctor prpogannda are mainli responsible as to whay most pakistani yourth is living in a parellel universe and has lost the plot :coffee:

Right. Are you sure its Pakistanis, because all the evidence points towards Bhartis living in an alternate universe, where they believe that their "vedic" technology enabled them fly starships powered by methane fart technology, yet can not make a modern jet fighter even after 30 years, which by the way took technical help from all over the world. But no no, its always the other people who are at fault.
Bobby Jindal would be the president of USA.. hahahahaha:omghaha::omghaha:, and that poor guy kept on saying he isnt an Indian, but no Bhartis wanted him to be an Indian.
what pakistan has achieved after long relationship with middle east.. let India share its taste as well.. Pakistan can't be any worst situation than it is today.. nothing to worry about Mr. Dr. Shaihd Masood!

We are actually much better off now than we were under the disastrous years of PPP and Zardrari-"bhutto" nonsense 2008-2013.....most testing years of Pakistan. I was and am a critic of current govt. but at least they're delivering on some fronts.

Middle East - quite frankly, 85% of it is in turmoil save for the Persian Gulf countries. In terms of governance, our system is messy but more functional than most of those states.

WE he one role model in the Muslim world...two actually.....Turkiye and Malaysia. Both very invaluable allies.
many retired members of the Pakistani intelligence community - civilian and military (including a recently retired DG-ISI) are contracted to work for UAE's internal security service. My best advice to you would be to keep hoping till the holy cows come flying home.
I have across expats from Pakistan working as taxi drivers and watchmen in Dubai. What difference does it make?
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